View Full Version : Metro 2033 Forums

  1. Which monster creeped you out the most?
  2. What was your greatest metro moment?
  3. What needed to be fixed in Metro 2033?
  4. Metro 2033 underrated
  5. Metro 2033 Soundtracks
  6. What Was Your Play Style in Metro 2033
  7. Favorite Character?
  8. favorite place
  9. The Dark Ones
  10. Metro Quiz!
  11. The Book
  12. What rating is best?
  13. How many times have you played Metro 2033?
  14. Two Headed Mutant?
  15. Enlightened Ending
  16. Easter Eggs
  17. Omg!!!the best video for metro
  18. Metro 2033 the reason of bad ending
  19. Invisible Watchers?
  20. Why they should've put the good ending instead of the bad endng
  21. Khan
  22. Uncle Bourbon
  23. saddest part?
  24. How many achievements do you have in metro 2033
  25. Your Favorite Weapon?
  26. Metro 2034
  27. Dark Ones have a soul... ?
  28. Metro Achievement Guides
  29. 2nd ending in metro 2033 how?
  30. Holy Shit, This Game is Amazing
  31. Ranger Mode Hardcore!
  32. metro 2034
  33. In 2033, will you play Metro 2033?
  34. IGNs review
  35. Did not know you could sneak through Dry Station
  36. Any way to get to the top side of the bridge on frontlines without...
  37. Metro 2033 Universe
  38. Metro map
  39. Metro in 3D
  40. Metro 2033 on PS3?
  41. My first playthrough- questions!
  42. Graphics settings
  43. THQ Sale Metro 2033 - £3.74
  44. Gun Animations
  45. Has anybody read Towards the Light by Andrey Diakov?
  46. Metro 2033 In 3D
  47. How Did Khan survive?
  48. The Epic but idiot endings!!!
  49. Post your Metro Screenshots
  50. Kalash (AK-74M) vs. Kalash 2012
  51. Duplet vs. Uboinik vs. Heavy Auto Shotgun
  52. Favorite companion?
  53. Metro 2033 for only 2.49 euro!(steam)
  54. Metro 2033 £2 at Gamestop (PC Download)
  55. How did you clear out Black Station?
  56. What Hardware & Gfx settings you used to beat the game M2033?
  57. Who is the Artyom voice actor
  58. What do you play Metro 2033 on?
  59. Circular Inventory
  60. Esc key not working
  61. Finished
  62. On chase, did anyone see....(sort of spoiler)
  63. Favourite NPC lines/quotes?
  64. Favourite thing about Metro 2033....?
  65. Is there anything scarier than an invincible Nosalise......?
  66. Is it just me or do all the kids have New York accents?
  67. Who thinks Khan is unusual but a good ranger?
  68. Problem with 2033 promotion on Amazon.com
  69. Big meet on Xbox 360 Idea while playing Metro 2033
  70. weapons from the book
  71. Games similar to Metro 2033
  72. A strange teory
  73. Metro 2033 Ironman
  74. Ive see a thing that i never noticed in several months
  75. if you were to live in the metro...
  76. New Easter Egg?
  77. A tribute to Metro
  78. Stealth is easy!
  79. Valves on Archives.
  80. Ever played Metro under the influence?
  81. Why do you pass out on Chase?
  82. Best thing you've seen on the surface?
  83. Metro 2033 Synopsis
  84. Moscow's air
  85. Where to buy the Metro 2033 Special Edition?
  86. Xbox 360 Meetup
  87. Prisoners in "Khan"
  88. Metro 2033 Music..
  89. Which was the best part in metro 2033?
  90. What do you think happend to Hunetr when he didn't return?
  91. Who remembers the child that said Bourbon does not smell good ;)
  92. Sasha's gun
  93. My Modded Metro 2033 Pics
  94. METRO2033 Epic Fails..!
  95. Gas mask swap
  96. What difficulty do you play Metro on?
  97. Metro 2033 Review
  98. К свету
  99. you know you have played too much metro 2033 when
  100. Filters
  101. FREE Metro 2033
  102. Sad that such a great game, has brightness problems
  103. Stupid things you did while playing metro 2033
  104. Metro 2033 Board Game
  105. METRO 2033 Playthrough (HD)
  106. Game keeps crashing/how to change graphic settings or user.cfg
  107. Metro 2033 Library tecniques
  108. Metro2033 Better Than Far Cry 3
  109. Metro 2033 voice acting
  110. Let's play Metro 2033
  111. Out of the kindness of your heart....
  112. Night Vision Goggles
  113. How to Extract .vfs files?
  114. In Anticipation of Metro:Last Light I am LP'ing Metro 2033 (for the first time!)
  115. What do we have here?
  116. How did I end up here...?
  117. I Dubbed New Music Over the Launch Trailer... it's Epic.
  118. Metro 2033 inaccessible & hidden places
  119. What is the best gun in Metro 2033?
  120. HELP NEEDED - Matching Soundtrack Songs With Names
  121. What's your favorite chapter on Metro 2033?
  122. Sprinting
  123. Retrospective
  124. Anyone with Nvidia 670/680?
  125. Favorite Metro OST Track?
  126. Our Own Achievement List?
  127. New mutant ideas/suggestions
  128. Metro 2033 Artistic Tribute Wallpapers
  129. Constructive Criticizm!
  130. If you were in place of artyom
  131. FOV question
  132. Subtle Differences
  133. How many of you are playing Metro 2033 right now
  134. Do you need internet to install or play the metro 2033 pc game?
  135. Stuck after Depot
  136. Metro 2033 LL FPS drop
  137. Is the volt driver the best weapon in the game?
  138. Pneumatic weapons - full charge = greter damage PER shot?
  139. FOV too high?
  140. My Let's Play Metro 2033 series
  141. [For Newbies] Metro 2033 Walkthrough
  142. Norwegian Translation!
  143. Metro 2033 - Game Walk Trough
  144. Where can i buy the german special edition of the PC game Metro 2033.?
  145. Anton and the RVA
  146. Novel related question about Lenin
  147. Spooky screenshot
  148. True honest to goodness solution to Metro 2033 stuttering
  149. This section won't move forward - bugged?
  150. NexVidGaming Let's Play Of Metro 2033
  151. A Metro Thread on Facepunch
  152. [SPOILERS] Metro 2033 Redux Walkthrough
  153. Metro Redux 2033 & Last Light PC Graphics Comparison
  154. Awful screen tearing and blurry AK?
  155. Awful screen tearing and blurry AK?
  156. Metro 2033 xbox one dead zones
  157. Hello, can anybody help?
  158. Metro 2033 - Pre Alpha
  159. How do I make sure Im on Ranger difficulty? also hi!
  160. Songs sung by the Metro dwellers?
  161. Metro 2033 redux don't start on PC
  162. [VIDEO] I was playing Metro Redux, when suddenly.. this happened.
  163. End Of The World - Metro Cosplay
  164. Total hours played
  165. Frist chapter "Chase" won't start... downloading content?
  166. Whats are your thoughts?
  167. How can i open a .vfs file?
  168. Xbox 1 Metro 2033 controls
  169. How to use secondary melee attack on Volt Drive/Hellbreath?
  170. Making a full song from the Metro main theme
  171. The first time I played Metro 2033...