View Full Version : Kalash (AK-74M) vs. Kalash 2012
Teddy Picker
05-18-2012, 09:35 AM
So, what's the consensus? Who likes what? I prefer the standard Kalash because it has much higher damage per shot.
05-18-2012, 10:19 AM
I voted for the standard Kalsash just because I the standard AK look more then I like the 2012.
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2012, 01:32 PM
Out of the two I'd prefer AK-74M over the AK-2012 (Never used either of them in Metro though).
Out of all weapons I would still pick Bastard over anything else.
05-18-2012, 01:53 PM
The AK-74M was the best-looking AK I've ever seen in a game, only neared by the one from FarCry 2. I just couldn't relate to the Kalash 2012, it was not a "weapon of the metro" to me. It looked like some special force weapon, not a dirty, powerful and unrelenting rifle of the metro, like the standard AK... Damn, do I love that gun :p
05-18-2012, 02:03 PM
AK 47 and AK 74M, nuff said :D
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2012, 02:39 PM
The AK-74M was the best-looking AK I've ever seen in a game, only neared by the one from FarCry 2. I just couldn't relate to the Kalash 2012, it was not a "weapon of the metro"
HD version ()
HD version ()
05-18-2012, 02:56 PM
HD version ()
HD version ()
I have taken that one into account. Still, I think the Metro AK is sweeter.
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2012, 03:05 PM
I have taken that one into account. Still, I think the Metro AK is sweeter.
I assumed we talked about the most accurate depiction from a non-subjective viewpoint for some reason.
05-18-2012, 03:17 PM
What about the AN-94? Russian paratroopers assault rifle. PROS: It cool because it has an insanely accurate 2 burst fire mode and hold a grenade launcher and a bayonet at the same time.
CONS: expensive, uncomfortable to operate, very complex mechanism (jams easily)
And also I hate the bf3 version because you can easily hear both shots (almost impossible to hear in real life) and the real versions magazine's leans to the right 7 degrees ( not visible in the game ) :(
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2012, 03:19 PM
What about the AN-94? Russian paratroopers assault rifle. PROS: It cool because it has an insanely accurate 2 burst fire mode and hold a grenade launcher and a bayonet at the same time.
CONS: expensive, uncomfortable to operate, very complex mechanism (jams easily)
And also I hate the bf3 version because you can easily hear both shots (almost impossible to hear in real life) and the real versions magazine's leans to the right 7 degrees ( not visible in the game ) :(
Well, we are supposed to be talking about Metro 2033 here, so let's not derail the thread any further. The RPM of AN-94 burst was also fixed in the latest patch.
05-18-2012, 03:31 PM
I voted for the 2012 because I always used it due to it's bigger mag and the fact that it is depicted as better I assumed it was.
Teddy Picker
05-18-2012, 04:32 PM
I voted for the 2012 because I always used it due to it's bigger mag and the fact that it is depicted as better I assumed it was.
It depends on personal opinion. The Kalash 2012 has a HUGE rate of fire, even faster than the Bastard, but it's damage per shot is, well, "meh" to say the least. The standard Kalash, on the other hand, is amazing in terms of damage per bullet, especially when using MGR - it's unrivaled. But like Komodo has previously said, I usually don't buy weapons or pick any up because I've played the game so many times. Gotta make the game interesting somehow, right?
05-18-2012, 05:52 PM
The Standard 'Kalash' as they put it for me
The Ak-2012 ingame should be redone to match the real Ak-2012 (Ak-12) in RL
Would be sweet, but would lack any major diff for the non-Realism guys due it it being just a re-modeled Ak.74 with all the Rails and whatnot built in and a bit more boxy
But An-94 would be sweet, would love to see the game open to modders so we can have more varaitaion with An-94's, Bisons, Saiga's making it into the game
05-18-2012, 06:13 PM
I must go with the Kalash 2012. Mostly because it represents finnish P90 and i really like that gun (thank you Stargate Gate) and mostly because it has epic megazine saze ( 50 rounds) and in the real life it is really great because you can see how meny ammo you have in your mag (well until we get some epic RIG that would help monitoring your bullets :D) , but if i were a metro cityzen i would go with regular Kalsh, becaue as i see it it is a lot simple to maintain then the Kalash 2012. The mane reason AK47 (or newier versions) are so popular is that it is very easy to maintain them in diferrent conditions so it can go throught allot without jamming and it is impotant in metro where you have only limited resourches. This is only my opinions so dont be hash on me :)
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2012, 06:25 PM
Hey Teddy, don't forget to add these two to the first post:
Teddy Picker
05-18-2012, 07:18 PM
Hey Teddy, don't forget to add these two to the first post.
Thanks Komodo, done and done.
Teddy Picker
05-19-2012, 04:47 PM
The Standard 'Kalash' as they put it for me
The Ak-2012 ingame should be redone to match the real Ak-2012 (Ak-12) in RL
Would be sweet, but would lack any major diff for the non-Realism guys due it it being just a re-modeled Ak.74 with all the Rails and whatnot built in and a bit more boxy
But An-94 would be sweet, would love to see the game open to modders so we can have more varaitaion with An-94's, Bisons, Saiga's making it into the game
It'd be cool to see AN-94's but let's be real here: the AK series has always been the most durable assault rifle in the world. My brother, a veteran of Afghanistan, would seize caches of AK-47s in boxes, loaded with dirt and dust, and they would still be able to fire. The AN-94 on the other hand is extremely fragile, basically like the first model of the American M16 issued in Vietnam. Prone to jamming, requiring constant cleaning, etc. In conclusion, the only assault rifle that would realistically be able to survive twenty years of post-apocalyptia is the AK and it's variants. In regards to the Saiga-12, it is based on the Kalashnikov action so it's definitely feasible that it could survive for that long.
Sorry for the long post :D
05-19-2012, 04:56 PM
But im still have of a logical problem: how metro citezens was able to bring so meny guns and ammo to the metro in the first palce... Yes yes im avere of russian mafia and that every russian have mokorov in his pocked ( jk jk ). And knowing that the few that know how to enter D6 was killed by radiation or mutants i dont see how they could have hold of so meny military grade weapons.. maybe it is only mine bad knowleage about Mascow, i hardly can remember my last visit there...
Komodo Saurian
05-19-2012, 05:03 PM
But im still have of a logical problem: how metro citezens was able to bring so meny guns and ammo to the metro in the first palce... Yes yes im avere of russian mafia and that every russian have mokorov in his pocked ( jk jk ). And knowing that the few that know how to enter D6 was killed by radiation or mutants i dont see how they could have hold of so meny military grade weapons.. maybe it is only mine bad knowleage about Mascow, i hardly can remember my last visit there...
Limited production still goes on on stations like "Kuznetsky most" (Armory). They are making new guns such as Revolvers, Bastard ARs, Uboinik and Duplet shotguns, as well as small numbers of Rail Guns and Heavy Automatic shotguns. Supposedly they also produce AK-74Ms and VSK-94 rifles.
They also re-load ( bullets, thus the dirty ammo is abundant.
Smithy at the Armory station:
Chemical lab:
Teddy Picker
05-19-2012, 05:10 PM
But im still have of a logical problem: how metro citezens was able to bring so meny guns and ammo to the metro in the first palce... Yes yes im avere of russian mafia and that every russian have mokorov in his pocked ( jk jk ). And knowing that the few that know how to enter D6 was killed by radiation or mutants i dont see how they could have hold of so meny military grade weapons.. maybe it is only mine bad knowleage about Mascow, i hardly can remember my last visit there...
You raise a valid point, but imagine the situation. Nuclear war is about to come, so what's that mean? All nation's military's are on their highest alert status. What does that mean? All units are armed and they're all ready to ship off to God knows where at any time. Even police officers and national guard units would be armed to the teeth. So, I assume there were at least some AKs in the Metro. Plus, Armory Station was located above -take a guess? - an Armory, so old workers were probably able to bring down weapons and they probably made a few as well. In the book, however, high end weapons are far more rare (I think).
Von Streff
05-20-2012, 06:18 PM
Okay, this thread has been split in two from this point.This part is about the kalash.
The second part is about nazis in the metro:
And I'll just say it here: try to keep the threads on topic, try to understand other points of view (especially if it doesn't really matter). And have a good time! :)
Teddy Picker
05-20-2012, 07:17 PM
Okay, this thread has been split in two from this point.This part is about the kalash.
The second part is about nazis in the metro:
And I'll just say it here: try to keep the threads on topic, try to understand other points of view (especially if it doesn't really matter). And have a good time! :)
Sorry Streff. My thread, my bad; I should have kept everyone on topic. Loving the blue font by the way, it looks dynamite.
On a more related note, does anyone use the scope on the standard kalash? I find it too annoying and usually stick with the good ol' iron sights.
Komodo Saurian
05-20-2012, 07:59 PM
No. There are only two levels in the game big enough for long-distance sniping, glares and oily thumbprints on the optics obstruct vision in the dark and the zoom is excessive for even medium-ranged combat.
Teddy Picker
05-20-2012, 10:15 PM
No. There are only two levels in the game big enough for long-distance sniping, glares and oily thumbprints on the optics obstruct vision in the dark and the zoom is excessive for even medium-ranged combat.
Yeah, and the scope is useless on the Kalash 2012 as well since it's fire rate is so quick. It's more of a "spray and pray" kind of deal, rather than the finesse one needs for the standard Kalash.
Jet Odessa
05-25-2012, 07:00 PM
I would go for the 2012, mainly because of the silencer, and also because it functions as a sniper rifle. however, the AK74M has more punch. it really depends on which type of run I'm doing. 2012 for stelath, AK for 'shoot everyone' runs.
Teddy Picker
05-29-2012, 12:11 AM
I would go for the 2012, mainly because of the silencer, and also because it functions as a sniper rifle. however, the AK74M has more punch. it really depends on which type of run I'm doing. 2012 for stelath, AK for 'shoot everyone' runs.
Meh, I never use an assault rifle for stealth kills anyway; that's what throwing knives are for, right? (or your secondary weapon if you use the Hellsing like me) I only pick up the standard Kalash because it's so good against mutants, especially on Defense and when you get closer to D6. The AK2012 just doesn't have the stopping power that I like.
06-12-2012, 08:57 AM
I used a scoped AK-47 (on Ranger Mode) for most of the game, but when it cones time to switch to the Kalash 2012, I take it without hesitation.
Though it eats up ammo like crazy, the Kalash 2012 has a tremendous output of fire, more than making up for it's weaker stopping power. Also, when using it, try to spray as much as you can at a mutant's head. Trust me, it counts. They will, repeat WILL go down quicker.
As I was saying, though the Kalash is an ammo-consuming monster, there is plenty of ammo laying around (if you know where to look). Also, when your company gets taken out at Ostikino Tower, mourn them for a moment, then strip their corpses and the vehicles ammo box for as much ammo as possible. :D
06-15-2012, 12:30 AM
I would have to agree with most of the fellows on here, I prefer the standard Kalash compared to the Kalash 2012. Better damage rate, I like the AK-47 look, and I love having it with a Silencer and Red Dot sight.
I do on the other hand like the name of the Kalash 2012 because it has our current year in the name and it does have a nice modern look, but that's all.
06-15-2012, 03:14 AM
So, what's the consensus? Who likes what? I prefer the standard Kalash because it has much higher damage per shot.
I don't particularly like either to be honest. I much rather use a bastard or VSV.
Teddy Picker
06-15-2012, 08:54 AM
I would have to agree with most of the fellows on here, I prefer the standard Kalash compared to the Kalash 2012. Better damage rate, I like the AK-47 look, and I love having it with a Silencer and Red Dot sight.
I do on the other hand like the name of the Kalash 2012 because it has our current year in the name and it does have a nice modern look, but that's all.
I don't think the standard kalash has a silencer available :3
06-15-2012, 11:11 AM
I don't think the standard kalash has a silencer available :3
My thoughts exactly :)
Jet Odessa
06-15-2012, 11:47 AM
it doesn't, it has scope, but no silencer.
06-15-2012, 04:05 PM
Between the two I prefer the regular 74 Kalash, but out of any of the assault rifles I prefer the unscoped VSV and either Bastard. :wacko:
Plus, the AK-74 is in a ton of games, which is why I prefer the Bastard/VSV
Teddy Picker
06-15-2012, 04:19 PM
Nowadays I stick with the Bastard but back in the day I always picked up Ulman's VSV and would use it for the rest of the game.
06-15-2012, 09:04 PM
Between the two I prefer the regular 74 Kalash, but out of any of the assault rifles I prefer the unscoped VSV and either Bastard. :wacko:
Plus, the AK-74 is in a ton of games, which is why I prefer the Bastard/VSV
This is exactly how I feel as well. Also I LOVE my iron sights in this game and most others, so I don't even touch scoped guns in metro. Popping a cap in the back of a Nazi's neck with silence is epic winning:pop2:.
Von Streff
06-15-2012, 09:26 PM
This is exactly how I feel as well. Also I LOVE my iron sights in this game and most others, so I don't even touch scoped guns in metro. Popping a cap in the back of a Nazi's neck with silence is epic winning:pop2:.
Yeah, iron-sights just feel better, even in reality. Plus, the scopes in Metro were quite dirty and they were difficult to use...
Teddy Picker
06-16-2012, 11:38 AM
Yeah, iron-sights just feel better, even in reality. Plus, the scopes in Metro were quite dirty and they were difficult to use...
There are verrrrry few occasions in which you need a scope. Did anyone else notice that in the gameplay demo at E3 the Bastard had a different look? The barrel looked different. I dunno.
06-17-2012, 01:16 PM
Ya, it looked more well made than the last ones
06-17-2012, 03:30 PM
Kalash 2012. That gun is beautiful. When I used it when you first started I felt like I was well equipped. Then when I found it later in the game I knew I had gotten my hands on something really, really beautiful.
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