View Full Version : Stupid things you did while playing metro 2033

12-15-2012, 10:08 PM
What were some of the most stupid things you have ever
done while playing Metro 2033?

One of the most stupidest things I have ever done was
when I first met the Nazis I would ask myself what year it was set in.

I Hate Lurkers
12-15-2012, 10:26 PM
Stupid things I do while playing Metro 2033? Waste all the revolver ammo on the Dark One at the end of the game while trying to get the ranger ending. Hearing that empty click made me so mad.

Von Streff
12-16-2012, 12:25 AM
Dumbest thing anyone did? Go with Nikki. :p

I Hate Lurkers
12-16-2012, 01:27 AM
Dumbest thing anyone did? Go with Nikki. :p

While you have fifty MGRs :lol:

12-16-2012, 02:40 AM
Grabbing the Shotgun rounds from the hole in the library wall. We've all done it.

12-16-2012, 09:01 AM
Played on normal instead of Ranger Hardcore for my first playhtrough... thankfully, I corrected that for the next two playthroughs. :lol: And then my fourth one was on easy, just so I could get the Sherlock achievement and get 100% completion. :p

Skaara Dreadlocks
12-16-2012, 09:38 AM
Well, running hopelessly around in circles while constantly being attacked by a librarian in my heels, and at the same time turning around to spray all my ammunition at it, only to turn around again and keep running around in circles while reloading, and repeat the same cycle :p

12-16-2012, 09:44 AM
I just packed their heads with shotgun shells from the Uboinik whenever I had to fight them. Worked wonders. :D

I Hate Lurkers
12-16-2012, 12:00 PM
Am I the only person who though killing librarians was easier than killing lurkers?

Somehow ending up with 752 MGRs at the end of the game and wondering, why the fuck was this walkthrough so hard?

12-16-2012, 12:11 PM
I agree, lurkers were much more annoying and harder to kill than librarians. :lol:

12-16-2012, 01:13 PM
Just wanted to point out, there is a thread exactly the same as this one, right below it.

I Hate Lurkers
12-16-2012, 01:21 PM
Not really. A stupid thing you could do in Metro 2033 is running around making smile faces in the walls. That is not a fail. They are completely different threads, sure some of them might cross over. But still, there is a difference.

12-16-2012, 01:32 PM
I agree with I Hate Lurkers, though nice of you to point that out Crossing. These threads do share some similar content, but are different at the core, like IHL said. :)

12-16-2012, 01:53 PM
Am I the only person who though killing librarians was easier than killing lurkers?

No, I also think this.

Throwing a pipe bomb at an enemy only for them to run towards me and blow me up.

12-16-2012, 02:05 PM
Not really. A stupid thing you could do in Metro 2033 is running around making smile faces in the walls. That is not a fail. They are completely different threads, sure some of them might cross over. But still, there is a difference.

I agree with I Hate Lurkers, though nice of you to point that out Crossing. These threads do share some similar content, but are different at the core, like IHL said. :)

I see your points. Must be the professionalism in me. I don't really screw around in single player games, so in my eyes, the two were the same.

12-16-2012, 02:09 PM
killing a buch of lurkers only to not watch the ground and fall down a lurker hole for one.And for 2 going with nikki

Skaara Dreadlocks
12-17-2012, 02:30 PM
I also think that they're pretty much different enough to stay separated :)

Also, how in the world did you guys find it more difficult to kill the Lurkers than the Librarians?? I simply just looked behind me constantly and very quickly and stealthily, and made sure to keep them in my aim if they ever approached me. They never got the chance to hit me in the back. (Except in my first playthrough, where they pretty much kicked me around like my ass was their football). The Librarians were just running straight at me and kept beating the sh#t out of me. I never really got the chance to run from them because they always ran fast enough to catch up to me, especially as I was reloading. I find it very, very, very strange that you guys think it was easier to kill Librarians than Lurkers.. :p

12-17-2012, 03:09 PM
I think it has something to do with their numbers, librarians were maybe three at max, and lurkers were 6-7 at a time, and more agile than librarians, and more difficult targets.

12-23-2012, 01:55 AM
Trying hard to be friend with librarians. :D

12-23-2012, 06:00 AM
i used the revolver 90% of the game,
since i always "though" i was empty on machine gun ammo when i had switched over to military grade ammo..
well i sucked

12-23-2012, 12:26 PM
I find it very, very, very strange that you guys think it was easier to kill Librarians than Lurkers.. :p

Librarians are bigger, slower and therefore easier to shoot than Lurkers. You also have to deal with fewer of them with no more than 1 at a time if you kill them as they come at you instead of running. They're not even that difficult to kill, especially on Ranger Hardcore where it only takes about 5 shots with the uboyneg, even less for the Hellsing. They're only a problem if they get close but knowing when to shoot, dodge and reload is the trick.

Teddy Picker
12-23-2012, 12:31 PM
First playthrough I didn't really understand the concept of "ammunition money" so I basically shot all of my MGRs and could never buy any cool weapons.

12-23-2012, 01:20 PM
I didn't shoot a single MGR in my first playthrough, until I got stuck at the amoeba part. I then used all of my MGRs on the damn things and got through it fine. Since then, I've also found other ways for dealing with the amoebas even without shooting the ammo. On my other three playthroughs, I always saved all of my military grade ammunition and never used it, sometimes spending it on ammunition and filters.

12-25-2012, 02:32 PM
Throwing sticky dynamite at a librarian and then hopelessly running away from it only to blow it up and die as well XD :lol:

rex "alky'' change
02-01-2013, 11:44 PM
when i meet bourbon for the first time :D

Jet Odessa
02-02-2013, 08:10 AM
let's see....

getting lost inside the library, killing the lurkers and then fall into a hole after killing them all, go with nikki! :rolleyes:

Skaara Dreadlocks
02-03-2013, 06:56 AM
Downing a big glass of wine. That was a horrible playthrough :lol:

03-28-2013, 05:24 PM
1st playthrough
1.Did not notice the difference between the dirty rounds and the currency rounds and ended up shooting away half my supply.
2.Did not check more places for supplies.I managed to miss many corpses, even though
I´m one of those players, who search every area for every single thing they could find(Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2 were a goldmine for me).This also meant I missed many gold ammo spots.
3.Did not open any red(ish) lockers in the game, because I thought they were just decoration(even though the first one you see has the revolver, your first gun in it)
4.Getting angry at the fact that throwing knives didn´t kill bodyarmored enemies from the front and trying again for 11 times.
5.Not killing the Librarians.
6.Killing Librarians with bullets(Instead of Helsing arrows)
7.Not destroying the Holes in which the Amoebas spawn from.YEAH, YOU CAN DESTROY THE HOLES, WTF.Well, apparently they also take quite a lot of bullets to kill, but if you scavenged enough, then you should have 300/400 rounds of absolutely everything in the game.
8.Going with Nikki even though I knew something bad was going to happen.I just thought that something like that would never effect gameplay.Usually games are quite forgiving when you fuck up, but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how it was done in this game.I naturally reloaded the checkpoint.
9.Missing morals points, because I did not search places, where I thought it was pointless to search(maybe that was the point they were trying to make?) and did not speak to people, because I thought they were just typical NPCs, who would respond with a automated response.I also did not find the place where I could broadcast the tape, which the Commander in Defense gave me.Usually when a game asks me to do something like that, it´s important to the story and it´s usually done in a safe zone or a cut scene.I did not even think to go to the Outpost roof.

03-30-2013, 07:00 AM
LMAO, playing Metro now and on the Outpost level I thought i'd killed all the demons flying around, stood on the roof of the outpost aiming at a Nazi on guard duty (he doesn't know i'm there), a demon came out of nowhere, hit me and somehow knocked me off the roof and I died :laugh:

03-30-2013, 08:14 AM
Librarians are easy! just stare at them :3

03-30-2013, 09:50 AM
Downing a big glass of wine. That was a horrible playthrough :lol:

Eurgh, wine :puke:... I think mead is the only wine I like, it's wonderful.

03-30-2013, 02:27 PM
Wasting all my filters and not buying any at Riga/Market. I had to do the rest of the game after Polis repeatedly putting the gas mask on, taking it off, waiting 25 seconds to maximise my time, putting the gas mask on, taking it off and so on. I managed to get to D6 with 3 out of 5 minutes of gas time I had left after Polis. Luckily, Miller gave me some spare. Going through the Library, balancing filter time and fighting the Librarians was a nightmare. Luckily I had the Volt Driver and that OWNS the Librarian.

Second Biggest Mistake? Possibly not taking either the Tihar, Volt Driver or Heavy Automatic Shotgun at Armory. Sure, the Uboinik is good, but at the later missions, you need to go full stealth, or prepare for a heavy fight, and the Uboinik isn't good enough.

03-30-2013, 03:54 PM
destroying my keyboard,..............

05-11-2013, 10:05 AM
Probably looking down the lurker holes and falling down few times. Or trying to outrun the timer when blowing the tunnel. I just needed to loot that corpse of explosives after I set the charge, did not work so well. Once I tried to get the Frontline achievement on Ranger Hardcore by killing all soldiers but I forgot the prisoners, pretty fail. That was one hour or so wasted.

Stupid things I do while playing Metro 2033? Waste all the revolver ammo on the Dark One at the end of the game while trying to get the ranger ending. Hearing that empty click made me so mad.

Well you can always walk up to the laser targeting system and knife it, bet you didn't know that :P

Dumbest thing anyone did? Go with Nikki. :p

Yea done that one time without a clue and second time for fun :p

Grabbing the Shotgun rounds from the hole in the library wall. We've all done it.

Always seemed like an odd scene, so aggressive at first and then calmly walking away as he sees you next time.

10-20-2013, 01:38 PM
I wasted all my ammo before getting to the amoebas. It took me an hour to get past them because I didn't know I could destroy the pods. I was running around desperately chasing amoebas trying to kill them before Miller walked into them and got himself killed. Eventually I figured it out but it still sucked using a knife. Miller, why? It was my first play through and I was not as careful with ammo as I should have been and wasn't good at looking for it. Also, not buying tons of filters was... problematic. Second play through on Ranger was awesome though.

10-20-2013, 05:48 PM
Not buying the Helsing for stealth kills until a month ago.

10-20-2013, 08:29 PM
Shooting the librarians while yelling "come at muh brah"

07-29-2014, 06:38 AM
Shooting every librarian I found.

Then, when I finished the game, I discovered that I could avoid them.

11-02-2014, 01:53 PM
I always scavange for far to long..