View Full Version : Metro: Last Light Campaign Discussion

  1. How long should the Metro: Last Light campaign be?
  2. Metro: Last Light - A prequel or a sequel?
  3. Will Artyom be in Metro: Last Light?
  4. Where do you want to go to?
  5. Artyom will be in Metro: Last Light
  6. What new stations would you like to explore in last light?
  7. what weapons do you want?
  8. Surface or Tunnels??
  9. Next metro as an rpg?
  10. What would you want in metro last light?
  11. Should they make players have qoutes in the campaing?
  12. New Interview with 4A
  13. They should make artyom talk
  14. They should make sad and epic music in metro campaing
  15. How many times did u beat metro 2033?
  16. Should the Dark Ones come back in Last Light?
  17. Pneumatic Weapons?
  18. What weapons do u hope to see in last light?
  19. What weapon Mods do you want?
  20. One ending or multiple ones for Last Light?
  21. Who should return to Last Light?
  22. AI teamates?
  23. RailTanks?
  24. Revisiting locations?
  25. Satanist Encounter?
  26. Secondary Quest?
  27. Post- Story Free- Roam?
  28. Artyom's marriage! o_O
  29. Neo-Nazi faction in the Metro universe
  30. New Gameplay - Dark Ones?
  31. Polyarnie Zori
  32. The older FPS clichè
  33. Quickly tap "E" or "X"
  34. Too Many Bullets
  35. Worried
  36. Spoilers do not read if you dont wanna be spoiled!! -_-
  37. Post your LL plot theories.
  38. How should the story be in Last Light?
  39. Collectable Ranger's Dog Tags
  40. The Dark Ones?
  41. BioWare-esque Gameplay?
  42. Should Artyom die in LL
  43. Stealth kills.
  44. Nahh let me guess about story
  45. Weapon Drops
  46. Endings spoiler thread
  47. Minigun
  48. Do you like Last Light more than 2033?
  49. Need help
  50. Ranger Harcore not that hard?
  51. Need help on early level.
  52. Weapons list?
  53. Pavel is stupid (Coding issues)
  54. Home-Made Grenade Launcher
  55. Where are the Glass and Traps?
  56. How to get the best ending
  57. Your Favorite Characters From Last Light
  58. Sundown level Glitch?
  59. How many bullets did you spend at the Sex Shop in Venice?
  60. Which Ending would you prefer to be canon?
  61. Metro: Lite Edition
  62. Favourite Weapon loadout
  63. Locked doors and containers
  64. Did you notice Artyom's face in the ending?(POSSIBLE SPOILER)
  65. M:LL NO KILL RUN - Stuck! (Spoilers)
  66. Anomaly???
  67. Buying filters and mask in chapter Quarantine
  68. Playthrough challenges
  70. Ammo counter
  71. VSK weapon locations?
  72. Woodpecker in venice?
  73. Unused Dialogue
  74. Metro Last Light - Is it still a flawed Masterpiece?
  75. Last Light: Not Gritty Enough
  76. Memorable quotes
  77. I ended up with bad ending
  78. Progression
  79. Scariest Part ?
  80. Trench knife
  81. Bandits
  82. [For Newbies] Metro Last Light Walkthrough
  83. Character Changes From 2033 to LL
  84. Campaign path and unresolved issues
  85. Story
  86. Bad Ending....
  87. Any interesting discoveries/easter eggs?
  88. Hardest Enemy?
  89. Reds previously attempted to enter D6?
  90. Weapon Exchange help
  91. She may not have that long as a result
  92. Probaly a stupid question, but
  93. Need help with Filters on The Crossing
  94. Stuck on old wreck under the bridge. HELP PLEASE
  95. VSV and other weapons
  96. The Bandits nosalis battle, your thoughts?
  97. Your Favorite Moment
  98. Game Freezing @ Garden Level
  99. Ulmans ending
  100. The fate of those knocked out on the surface
  101. Which is your favorite dlc?
  102. Free of radiation or mutants?
  103. [SPOILER] Is XXX dead? :'(
  104. People in D6
  105. Does the metro strip club make sense?
  106. How to use grenades?
  107. ehm I´m a bit confused?!
  108. Change my endingd
  109. Question about the Dark Ones
  110. Do you like the games more than the books?
  111. Do you still play anymore?
  112. Do you have all the achievements?
  113. How did the campaign feel to you?