View Full Version : How to get the best ending

05-16-2013, 02:01 PM
Hey guys, i sent a PM to Professor Pew earlier but he's busy probably.
How can i get the best ending? On google there are only tips, nothing official...

05-16-2013, 03:31 PM
Do good things and good things will happen to you.

There's no official word on it, but that's what Prof Pew told me.

05-16-2013, 03:39 PM
Hey guys, i sent a PM to Professor Pew earlier but he's busy probably.
How can i get the best ending? On google there are only tips, nothing official...

PP started a thread, in that is a link to the moral or karma system as it is better known on how to get good moral points. Look at the 2033 Wiki

It involves doing good deeds, giving bullets, listening in to conversations, accessing hidden areas and avoid doing the wrong thing. So listen to conversations which will often give hints.

4A developed the Karma system so it cannot be purposely figured out as you get in some games. Like in the Walking Dead how you play will determine the ending.


05-16-2013, 03:42 PM
Did you rush to finish the game?

You should take your time and get as many enlightened achievements as possible. I myself spent hours just to get enlightened achievement from watching two guards talking.

There are also places where you can get the enlightened achievements. Mostly hidden places in the surface and in metro in which many resist to get in because the "ghosts" control it and you're unable to use flashlight or night-vision or you're too damn scared to get in.

You should also stay and listen to the people that will speak to you while you're just minding your own business. This will give you an enlightened achievement most of the times.


Also once you travel with the little dark one, show and prove him that you've changed, do not kill Pavel. Do not kill the beast that is supposedly protecting it's children. Let the mutants assist you and damage it but once the beast is down and the other small mutants are eating it shoot at them and free the beast. It will leave and you will get your enlightened achievement.

Do the above and you'll get the good ending. :)

Also it's she, Professor pew is a female.

05-16-2013, 04:15 PM
I didn't know the professor was a female.
Anyway i read somewhere that i must tr not to kill anyone, is it true?

05-16-2013, 04:22 PM
I didn't know the professor was a female.
Anyway i read somewhere that i must tr not to kill anyone, is it true?

Not true. I did not show mercy for Nazis nor for the Reds. Only saved some who seemed to be talking about this awesome "ranger" exterminating whole squads, haha.

05-16-2013, 04:45 PM
Maurice tanner does not sound like a female name. :P

05-16-2013, 04:46 PM
Not true. I did not show mercy for Nazis nor for the Reds. Only saved some who seemed to be talking about this awesome "ranger" exterminating whole squads, haha.

Lol i remember thoseand i laughed when they said that Artyom wasn't a normal guy

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-17-2013, 09:03 PM
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I stalked Maurice to his facebook-page, he's a male ;)

05-18-2013, 02:27 AM
Sorry to disappoint you guys, but I stalked Maurice to his facebook-page, he's a male ;)

Question. Who's Maurice? Professor pew?

05-18-2013, 03:39 AM
Question. Who's Maurice? Professor pew?


05-18-2013, 01:05 PM
Hmm...be a nice, angelic knight in shining armor to anything, and I mean ANYTHING...that has a uterus :P

05-18-2013, 01:31 PM
Maurice is not male, he is female and recently got engaged to a female.

Yes she is a lesbian :twitch: :lol:

Right I've finished the game, no idea if I got the good ending or bad ending. How do you tell which is which?

For me this is how the game finished, so only read if you finished the game

Baby Dark One left to save his family whilst in the metro-rail (At that point I thought I messed up the good ending.)

At the end of the battle Arytom blew up the tunnels and wiped out the entire Red army. I had no idea what I had to do before when Baby Dark One entered the mind of the RED Leader (who killed his brother). I was just walking around openeing doors and listening in, so what that the right thing to do?

The game ended with Anna telling the story of his Father (Arytom) which was unexpected and nice, since Arytom was seduced by Anna early in the game lol

The Dark Ones also left (I guess Baby Dark One woke them up). But they promised to be back. Although why would they want to? As they proved mankind was savaged and only Arytom had a connection since he was adopted and now he is dead. I want to cry. Someone give me a tissue and Ranger HC if you're generous.

Anyway if all the above is the good or bad ending can someone confirm it? (In Spoilers).


Stannis Baratheon
05-18-2013, 01:37 PM
Maurice is not male, he is female and recently got engaged to a female.

Yes she is a lesbian :twitch: :lol:

Right I've finished the game, no idea if I got the good ending or bad ending. How do you tell which is which?

For me this is how the game finished, so only read if you finished the game

Baby Dark One left to save his family whilst in the metro-rail (At that point I thought I messed up the good ending.)

At the end of the battle Arytom blew up the tunnels and wiped out the entire Red army. I had no idea what I had to do before when Baby Dark One entered the mind of the RED Leader (who killed his brother). I was just walking around openeing doors and listening in, so what that the right thing to do?

The game ended with Anna telling the story of his Father (Arytom) which was unexpected and nice, since Arytom was seduced by Anna early in the game lol

The Dark Ones also left (I guess Baby Dark One woke them up). But they promised to be back. Although why would they want to? As they proved mankind was savaged and only Arytom had a connection since he was adopted and now he is dead. I want to cry. Someone give me a tissue and Ranger HC if you're generous.

Anyway if all the above is the good or bad ending can someone confirm it? (In Spoilers).


That is the Bad ending

The other one is on youtube.

05-18-2013, 11:40 PM
So because I neglected to save the monster at the end I got the bad ending? I did everything else "right." What bullshit.

05-19-2013, 12:08 AM
You must be morally pure to have a chance at getting the good ending rerember to live in shame can be more punishing than death

05-19-2013, 01:31 AM
So because I neglected to save the monster at the end I got the bad ending? I did everything else "right." What bullshit.

Professor pew sent me this link via PM:
Anyway he told me that he killed some bandits and still he got the good ending.

05-19-2013, 12:30 PM
So because I neglected to save the monster at the end I got the bad ending? I did everything else "right." What bullshit.

I'm prrrretty sure you must have missed more than that.

05-19-2013, 03:28 PM
Maurice is not male, he is female and recently got engaged to a female.

Yes she is a lesbian :twitch: :lol:

Right I've finished the game, no idea if I got the good ending or bad ending. How do you tell which is which?

For me this is how the game finished, so only read if you finished the game

Baby Dark One left to save his family whilst in the metro-rail (At that point I thought I messed up the good ending.)

At the end of the battle Arytom blew up the tunnels and wiped out the entire Red army. I had no idea what I had to do before when Baby Dark One entered the mind of the RED Leader (who killed his brother). I was just walking around openeing doors and listening in, so what that the right thing to do?

The game ended with Anna telling the story of his Father (Arytom) which was unexpected and nice, since Arytom was seduced by Anna early in the game lol

The Dark Ones also left (I guess Baby Dark One woke them up). But they promised to be back. Although why would they want to? As they proved mankind was savaged and only Arytom had a connection since he was adopted and now he is dead. I want to cry. Someone give me a tissue and Ranger HC if you're generous.

Anyway if all the above is the good or bad ending can someone confirm it? (In Spoilers).


Good Day, Everyone!

majnu, I got the same ending the first time around.
It brought such a tear to my eye. :cry:

Besides the moral points, Which in it self.
I think their may be a few key trigger points in the game that help really choose the ending.
Maybe not, It might take more then this.

Near the end, before the Garden. The big face off at the end of Red square.
You have to choose to save/leave Pavel from/with the Dead.
The first time around, I left him with the Dead.

The Second time around, I saved him.
And after the cut scene. You place a filter into his Gas Mask.

In both, The Little Dark one "A.K.A. Fred My name for him"
He say's something like, I will remember this.
But then something is added, when you save Pavel.
Is this what you call forgiveness, For ones past sins, I understand now,
and I will remember this!

"Not a direct quote" But you get the idea.
Then I got the other ending.

I still have to play the game around a few times to find a few missing things.
Like, I almost found all Artyom's notes. I can't seem to find a few.

With Two endings, It brings up a question.

If Artyom is saved at the end.
Is Anna still Knock-Up? LOL

Which brings up another question. Which I will try on another play through.

What happens when you choose to not remove your Gas Mask in Contagion or Choose not to remove the Gas Mask and take the shot.

Does this change things up? Does Anna die? Does Anna die by your shot?
I will have to find out.

Is their another ending or a change up of events.

Miller said something near the end, Right before decontamination.
Their is no one left alive to answer or corroborate our story.

But I thought I knock out the traitor Lesnitsky and saved Pavel.
Did I miss something? I wonder?

Do I face Lesnitsky at the Depot, If I take the shot.

Now that I think about it. I think I saw both Lesnitsky & Pavel holding
Anna at the end of Contagion in differant play through.

Did anyone else notice that as well?
It was late, I may have been seeing things.
But, I'm sure I saw Both of them holding Anna in different play through.

05-19-2013, 04:03 PM
- I explored and found secrete passages
- I gave bullets to beggars
- I saved Pavel
- I saved the end Boss from the Nosalisis
- But I did Kill a flying Demon before then and baby dark one said he isn't glowing red and was only trying to protect his baby
- I did kill bandits
- When there were options in the game to Kill or Knockout People I left them
- I killed mostly all the enemy
- I had a Hookah
- I paid the lapdancers
- I shot L dude when he had Anna instead of listening to him

So why did I get the bad ending?

05-19-2013, 04:14 PM
Majnu, there was also a girl that some bandits were trying to rape, did you rescue her or she got her legs spread?

Chimera Knight
05-19-2013, 04:19 PM
Also, did you let Litsnitsky live?

05-19-2013, 04:33 PM
Majnu, there was also a girl that some bandits were trying to rape, did you rescue her or she got her legs spread?

this, and the children and the other woman further on this level, did you save them? adn the men that was going to be executed? I only managed saved one.

05-19-2013, 04:35 PM
this, and the children and the other woman further on this level, did you save them? adn the men that was going to be executed? I only managed saved one.

I shot the guards.. one guy randomly escaped somewhere, and the other one was still there, I saved him as well.

05-19-2013, 05:11 PM
- I explored and found secrete passages
- I gave bullets to beggars
- I saved Pavel
- I saved the end Boss from the Nosalisis
- But I did Kill a flying Demon before then and baby dark one said he isn't glowing red and was only trying to protect his baby
- I did kill bandits
- When there were options in the game to Kill or Knockout People I left them
- I killed mostly all the enemy
- I had a Hookah
- I paid the lapdancers
- I shot L dude when he had Anna instead of listening to him

So why did I get the bad ending?

Hum?.....I don't know?

Did you stop and Listen to all/most of the side conversations in the game?
Mostly when in a station?
I know when I did, I got a Flash from the screen a sound of like water.
Something to do with the moral points received. I can't seem to tell the different between good ones and Bad ones.

But you must wait and listen to the end. I don't think all of them count.

Quote: But I did Kill a flying Demon before then and baby dark one said he isn't glowing red and was only trying to protect his baby

Where was that? Was that in The Dead City?
Just after climbing up to the roof and almost getting knock off by the demon?
I didn't see any baby Demons.

Heck, The first time through the Bridge. I swear some wear helping.
They didn't attack me beside the Watchmen
It seem like they even took out a few Watchmen.

The second time around, I must had did something different or pissed something off, But I had those things that use ultrasonic screams.
All other the place.
They seem to always be with/near the one mutant. Like in Undercity
and BIG MAMA. I saw the one hang on hear back while she ran after me.
I guess that is one of her Kids. Unless they change as they grow up?

I never killed any demons in the game mostly, I found them to be helpful taking out other Mutants. Then again they were a pain in the butt at times.

The very first play through, Sundown I didn't really have much fire power. I took a shot at one and got it attention, and well it tore me a new one.

I want to find out what happens If you shoot the demon when riding the ZIP line across the Bridge. Does he still cut the ZIP Line?
The little the said something like:
This one is strong but stupid. I will try harder.

Wait! You had a Hookah!!!! :shocked:
Were? You know, I thought I saw one.
I didn't know How to interact with it.

I also had the Dance "or two :D"

I even got the teddy bear back to the child.
I first heard the conversation of the child and the mother.
Then went to the shooting range won all three rounds in a row.
Then got the bear back and took it to them.

Maybe someone with better knowledge will chime in.

05-19-2013, 05:34 PM
Majnu, there was also a girl that some bandits were trying to rape, did you rescue her or she got her legs spread?

My first time around. She was D.O.A.

My Second time around. The first Scream, I made a bead Line.
Took the first guy & second guy out with throwing Knives.
She was alive but was crying and never moved from the spot.

Save the guy tide up.

I have yet to save the Mother and Child or have I?.
Every time, They just seem to disappear with no trace.
I enter the room. I get into a struggle and I'm spun around, Take the guy out. Turn around and their gone.

I think I have to do it with out getting notice by the guards on the way to the room. I heard them talking about selling them off as slaves or something.

Q How do the mother & child along with the women get back to the
Caravan? Their a spot in the tunnel that is Toxic.

Komodo Saurian
05-19-2013, 05:50 PM
Majnu, there was also a girl that some bandits were trying to rape, did you rescue her or she got her legs spread?
There is no actual rape. If you don't save her, she just ends up being whacked over the head a bit too hard and the bandits refuse to do it with the corpse.

05-19-2013, 05:51 PM
Hum?.....I don't know?

Did you stop and Listen to all/most of the side conversations in the game?
Mostly when in a station?
I know when I did, I got a Flash from the screen a sound of like water.
Something to do with the moral points received. I can't seem to tell the different between good ones and Bad ones.

Bad ones there is no sound and the screen turns black and white for a sec.

Komodo Saurian
05-19-2013, 05:53 PM
I got the good one on the first try, just like in the first game. What am I doing wrong?

Anyhow, I'm doing a walkthrough (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy5Wzi7iwLbuJ4A_HR9IvbBHgqC6aWged) since the stream didn't work out (As Majnu knows all too well, sorry again), so you can check these for tips on the good ending.

05-19-2013, 06:01 PM
I got the good one on the first try, just like in the first game. What am I doing wrong?

I got it the first time too. Mainly by trying to be a nice guy;)

05-19-2013, 06:04 PM
Bad ones there is no sound and the screen turns black and white for a sec.

So, With the good ones.
The screen turns like a white light flash, with what sounds like water in the background?

Thanks for the tip! :)

05-19-2013, 06:08 PM
aaaand if you steal MGRs from a sleeping guy in a boat, preetty big chance that is a bad thing.

Komodo Saurian
05-19-2013, 06:18 PM
I got it the first time too. Mainly by trying to be a nice guy;)

aaaand if you steal MGRs from a sleeping guy in a boat, preetty big chance that is a bad thing.

I killed everyone I met and stole the money. I still got the good one.

05-19-2013, 06:22 PM
I killed everyone I met and stole the money. I still got the good one.

you broke the game! :twitch::eek:

05-19-2013, 06:38 PM
I'll answer properly tomorrow but look 5:15 in when he kills that guy he gets a negative karma flash, I never got any of them


Komodo Saurian
05-19-2013, 06:53 PM
I'll answer properly tomorrow but look 5:15 in when he kills that guy he gets a negative karma flash, I never got any of them


That's because he killed an unarmed character that gives up. Some soldiers will drop their weapons and put their hands up, killing them is no longer self-defence.

05-19-2013, 07:21 PM

I got the bad ending at first

Artyom dies when he sacrificed him self and blew up D6.
Anna tells the story to their son years later, How he saved the Metro.

Again, It was touching for me. :cry:

The only thing I really change in the second go around.
& got the good ending

I saved Pavel from the dead

Then at the end. The Little one returns and stops me from
taking out the Reds and D6. The Dark ones lay a smack down on the Reds

Did you shoot at the Little one at all at the beginning?

05-19-2013, 07:59 PM
So that's how the bad ending is? not bad... not bad. I wouldn't mind getting that instead of the elightened ending.

05-20-2013, 08:01 PM
Doing a 2nd play through this weekend to get the good ending...this game it too much fun!

05-21-2013, 10:20 AM
When the credits hit I was freaking stalking it until I saw Maurice Tan. I yelled "I've talked to that guy".

05-21-2013, 10:23 AM
When the credits hit I was freaking stalking it until I saw Maurice Tan. I yelled "I've talked to that guy".


Jet Odessa
05-21-2013, 06:26 PM
got the bad ending first time round on normal, now I'm on Ranger Hardocre for my second run and going for the good ending. my third run will be what a call 'walk in the park' run, on easy, so I can explore everywhere to my heart content without worrying about ammo, or anything else for that matter, and killing all and sundry. :smokin:

05-27-2013, 06:05 PM
I can tell there are about 6 major things you have to do to get the good ending:

-Listen all conversations
-Save Pavel's from that spider thingie
-Help the kids and woman from the bandits
-Spare Letsnkitsky (not sure if name is well written)
-Spare Pavel
-Save the Bear from the Watchmen

I got the bad ending without saving the Bear, I reloaded and saved it and I got the good ending ;). You can tell if it is good or bad because the "Little One" will say something like "What if everyone loses?" and depending in the end the phrase "I will bring help" for the good one and "I will leave with my people" for the bad one.... Cheers

05-27-2013, 06:30 PM
I can tell there are about 6 major things you have to do to get the good ending:

-Listen all conversations
-Save Pavel's from that spider thingie
-Help the kids and woman from the bandits
-Spare Letsnkitsky (not sure if name is well written)
-Spare Pavel
-Save the Bear from the Watchmen

I got the bad ending without saving the Bear, I reloaded and saved it and I got the good ending ;). You can tell if it is good or bad because the "Little One" will say something like "What if everyone loses?" and depending in the end the phrase "I will bring help" for the good one and "I will leave with my people" for the bad one.... Cheers

I don't think listening to ALL the conversations and exploring helps get the good ending.Save the bear from the watchmen,spare Pavel and Lesnitsky and help the kids and the woman might be a part of the ...erhm,good ending way :D Also if you sneak through the part where Pavel is about to hang :D theer is a guy in the big cold room asking you to spare him-the same guy that was forced to say his mother is a whore. You'll get a moral point if you spare him (or if you do not).
Listening to conversations helps you understand of how thing inside the metro are,but i don't they are the way to get the good ending.

P.S. About Lesnitsky...You don't have to take off your mask right away. You can wait untill he reaches five and then take it off. He'll tell you a thing or two about himself.

05-28-2013, 02:11 AM
Why are we even discussing what to do and what not to do when there is a friggin guide telling EXACTLY what gives positive and negative karma...


and Keegan... alot of conversations DOES give you karma points.

05-28-2013, 02:28 AM
Why are we even discussing what to do and what not to do when there is a friggin guide telling EXACTLY what gives positive and negative karma...


and Keegan... alot of conversations DOES give you karma points.

No s*it,Sherlock.... I know alot of conversations give you karma points,but these do not determine wether you should get the good or the bad ending.

05-28-2013, 02:36 AM
No s*it,Sherlock.... I know alot of conversations give you karma points,but these do not determine wether you should get the good or the bad ending.

And what do they determine, if not the ending?

05-28-2013, 11:29 PM
And what do they determine, if not the ending?

I'm guessing key points through the game determine which ending you should get,just like in the first game. I've beaten the game without listening to a single conversation and still got the good ending.

05-29-2013, 02:21 AM
Well your previous post just made it sound like you thought it didn't mean anything.. which it obviosuly does... that said you dont NEED to listen to the conversations if you get enough poitns by doing other things. God I hate forums.. XD

05-29-2013, 02:28 AM
I'm guessing key points through the game determine which ending you should get,just like in the first game. I've beaten the game without listening to a single conversation and still got the good ending.

Who said anything about conversations? We were talking about moral points. Also, you probably got a number from conversations without realizing it. Often, you just have to be in the general vicinity. The conversation might be barely audible, but you can still get a point for it. And what do you mean about "just like in the first game"? You either gather enough moral points so that you're allowed to choose the ending, or you don't and you get the bad ending. There are no "key points" in 2033.

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-29-2013, 02:39 AM
Who said anything about conversations? We were talking about moral points. Also, you probably got a number from conversations without realizing it. Often, you just have to be in the general vicinity. The conversation might be barely audible, but you can still get a point for it. And what do you mean about "just like in the first game"? You either gather enough moral points so that you're allowed to choose the ending, or you don't and you get the bad ending. There are no "key points" in 2033.

How are you so certain there are no key points?
If he did actually not receive any moral points from the conversations, (Which means he has missed out on a lot of moral points throughout the game) and yet got the good ending, it's highly likely that there's some key points. I mean, why shouldn't there be? Why should saving Pavel's life give you just as much moral as listening to some random conversation?

05-29-2013, 02:50 AM
How are you so certain there are no key points?

Notice I was talking about 2033 when I said that. In any case, he seems to be saying "only these things [key points] matter, moral points don't". That's different from what you're saying, which is that certain actions are worth more points than others.

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-29-2013, 03:05 AM
Notice I was talking about 2033 when I said that. In any case, he seems to be saying "only these things [key points] matter, moral points don't". That's different from what you're saying, which is that certain actions are worth more points than others.

Then apparently one of us misunderstood what he meant. If your interpretation is correct, then I highly agree that Keegan is absolutely wrong.

05-30-2013, 06:53 PM
Well your previous post just made it sound like you thought it didn't mean anything.. which it obviosuly does... that said you dont NEED to listen to the conversations if you get enough poitns by doing other things. God I hate forums.. XD

I said you don't need to listen to ALL of the conversations.

Who said anything about conversations? We were talking about moral points. Also, you probably got a number from conversations without realizing it. Often, you just have to be in the general vicinity. The conversation might be barely audible, but you can still get a point for it. And what do you mean about "just like in the first game"? You either gather enough moral points so that you're allowed to choose the ending, or you don't and you get the bad ending. There are no "key points" in 2033.

Oh,man! We are talking about conversations that give you moral points,right? Not just random conversations? And,no! Most of the times you actually have to listen to the entire conversation to get a moral point. Try getting a moral point for not listening the entire conversation between the bandits about Metro 2. Even if you're "in the vicinity" the conversation won't start until you're pretty damn close to actually hear it!

There are key points in both 2033 and LL. But since you really want to prove me wrong go back and play 2033.Don't take Hunter's postcard, shoot atleast once on the "Ghosts" level,take the cartridges from Sasha's mother,do not broadcast the emergency recording in "Outpost",run from the Dark ones when there are visions,skip Khan's speech in "Church". Then you can tell me which ending you get.

Conversations that give you moral point definately can and may influence the ending you'll get;i never said that they are not important.

05-31-2013, 02:15 AM
This forum need some tacos.


Skaara Dreadlocks
05-31-2013, 02:47 AM
This forum need some tacos.
*Delicious tacos*

Dude, I'm sitting at school and haven't had breakfast and don't have lunch with me! D:

05-31-2013, 03:02 AM
Dude, I'm sitting at school and haven't had breakfast and don't have lunch with me! D:

Eat some Lutefisk or something ;D ewww

05-31-2013, 05:50 AM
Choose paragon only lines, and get all the military strength, and all DLC, and... whoops.. Wrong game.
How? Well... just be the good guy and listen well. Who knows, might help.

06-21-2013, 02:56 AM
Did you rush to finish the game?

You should take your time and get as many enlightened achievements as possible. I myself spent hours just to get enlightened achievement from watching two guards talking.

There are also places where you can get the enlightened achievements. Mostly hidden places in the surface and in metro in which many resist to get in because the "ghosts" control it and you're unable to use led light (http://www.niceledlights.com) or night-vision or you're too damn scared to get in.

You should also stay and listen to the people that will speak to you while you're just minding your own business. This will give you an enlightened achievement most of the times.


Also once you travel with the little dark one, show and prove him that you've changed, do not kill Pavel. Do not kill the beast that is supposedly protecting it's children. Let the mutants assist you and damage it but once the beast is down and the other small mutants are eating it shoot at them and free the beast. It will leave and you will get your enlightened achievement.

Do the above and you'll get the good ending. :)

Also it's she, Professor pew is a female.

Love your way of finishing the game.. It must be as we have achieved some great thing in life.. Boring ending will just spoil entire effort..