View Full Version : Favourite Weapon loadout
05-18-2013, 05:37 AM
So whats your general weapon loadout, no spoilers please as i am at the catacombs level so far.
so mine at the moment is...
Semi auto pistol wth long barrel
Ak74 silenced with laser sight
Sagi shotgun with laser sight and extended mag
Post your general favourites :D
The Gusten
05-18-2013, 06:10 AM
I usually use an assault rifle, a shotgun and a pneumatic weapon for stealth. But now that I'm playing on Ranger Hardcore I can only have two weapons so instead of the pneumatic I use silencer on my assault rifle :)
Uhm, how can you carry 3 weapons? I can only carry two. Is it perhaps bound to the difficulty? I'm playing at Ranger mode.
Chimera Knight
05-18-2013, 10:01 AM
Yeah, on the Ranger difficulties you can only have 2. The others allow you 3, but I think one has to be a pistol.
05-18-2013, 10:17 AM
Uhm, how can you carry 3 weapons? I can only carry two. Is it perhaps bound to the difficulty? I'm playing at Ranger mode.
Yeah, you can have 3 in normal mode.
Komodo Saurian
05-18-2013, 10:18 AM
1. Bastard
2. Shambler
05-18-2013, 10:30 AM
Tihar /w nightvision sight and gas mods, and the automatic shotgun /w lasersight
05-18-2013, 10:30 AM
1, AKS74U Wth Extended mag silencer and IR scope
2, Quad barreled shotgun with ergonamic stock
if not on ranger a saiga base
Yeah, you can have 3 in normal mode.
Crap :/
Anyways, good to know!
Stannis Baratheon
05-18-2013, 11:10 AM
1. Kalash with extended mag. I just really like the look and feel of the rifle, especially in metro, it just fits and helps me get into character.
2. The valve with extended mag, laser sight, and reflex sights. Another fav of mine, i have beat the game once and long range weapons were not really needed, hence the reflex sights. This gun makes, imo a great mid-range killing machine. Also the reload animation kicks so much ass.
I wish i could also carry a pistol in ranger mode as a third weapon as opposed to no 3rd at all, but it is what it is. Perhaps mods to the rescue?
05-18-2013, 07:47 PM
Right now I'm rolling with:
Silenced VSV with lazer(no scopes) + Saiga with lazer and drum magazine+ Valve with lazer andextended mag.
I like my iron sights.
I loved the new shambler until I got the Saiga.
Loved the new feel of the bastard but got a VSV, its just so much sexier.
Loving the Valve! Very powerful!:p
05-19-2013, 12:28 AM
Somewhat boring for me;
AKSU with silencer and iron sight.
Then call me old fashioned with my Duplet double-barreled shotgun!
Right now I'm rolling with:
Silenced VSV with lazer(no scopes) + Saiga with lazer and drum magazine+ Valve with lazer andextended mag.
I like my iron sights.
I loved the new shambler until I got the Saiga.
Loved the new feel of the bastard but got a VSV, its just so much sexier.
Loving the Valve! Very powerful!:p
No knife? :twitch:
05-19-2013, 12:39 AM
Hey same loadout brother! :)
05-19-2013, 01:09 AM
Ypa! You know what they say, Great minds think alike or something along those lines.
05-19-2013, 01:16 AM
Ypa! You know what they say, Great minds think alike or something along those lines.
if you have finished the game tried beating mama watcher with the knife in the gardens :mad:
05-19-2013, 01:32 AM
if you have finished the game tried beating mama watcher with the knife in the gardens :mad:
:lol: I haven't so I'll have to get back to you on that one chief.
05-19-2013, 02:29 AM
:lol: I haven't so I'll have to get back to you on that one chief.
:) spoiler warning (again) D6 with only throwing knifes challange acepted :sad:
05-19-2013, 02:46 AM
Early in the game:
Revolver (+ Silencer)
Duplet (+ Extended Barrels)
RPK-74 (+ Extended Magazine)
Midway through the game:
Lolife (+ Silencer, Laser Sight, Night Scope, Stock)
Shambler (+ Silencer)
AK-74 (+ Extended Magazine)
Later in the game:
Saiga-12 (+ Silencer, Laser Sight, Extended Magazine)
VSV (+ Silencer, Laser Sight)
Valve (+ Scope, Flash Hider, Extended Magazine)
05-19-2013, 06:03 PM
Playing on normal difficulty (IDK if the PS3 version even has Ranger, didn't finish my 1st playthrough yet), so 3 weapon slots.
On "Sundown" level, currently have:
Valve with IR scope and flash hider - great for sniping unsuspecting bastards. (IR scope, mounted on anything, is also great for scouting in general - I can see you, you can't see me...)
4-barrel shotgun with spring-loaded stock - for getting up close & personal.
Automatic shotgun with laser and extended stock - for midrange mayhem.
This keeps the ammo pile down to only 2 types (sniper shells & shot shells), and the long-distance aspect of the Valve pretty much eliminates the need for silent weapons like the Tihar (and their 3rd type of ammo).
05-19-2013, 07:22 PM
Early Game
1. Revolver with stock, silencer, and reflex sight.
2. Duplet with extended barrel.
3. Bastard with suppressor.
Mid Game
1. Lolife with suppressor, stock, and reflex sight.
2. Shambler with extended barrel and laser light.
3. Bastard with IR scope, laser light and suppressor.
End Game
1. Lolife with stock, suppressor, laser light, reflex sight, and extended mag.
2. Saiga-12 with reflex sight and drum mag.
3. Bastard with reinforced stock, IR scope, laser light and suppressor.
Bastard run was one of the last things I did in 2033 (couple with my first Hardcore Ranger run... eek). I just fell in love with the thing. Next thing I do is going to be a Ranger Normal, no-kill run. So basically all I'm going to use is a silenced assault rifle of some sort and a shotgun for ze mutants.
Quick question, what exactly does the reinforced barrel/cooling jacket on the bastard do? I'm thinking it reduces overheating, but I don't want to waste the ammo to test it out. Yes, I know I can just reload... but wasting so much ammo seems to go against the spirit of the setting :P
05-21-2013, 02:35 AM
I got fairly attached to my Bastard in the first game, so I chose that from the start with a suppressor and just added more attachments to it as I went.
Took a base revolver as well but during the chapter Separation, I swapped it out to try the silenced Ashot and found that watching people go flying across the room was so entertaining that I never looked back.
Didn't have a third slot as I was on Ranger but towards the end I dropped my Ashot for an unscoped Preved that I found, which was handy because minutes later I found myself facing off against mother bear with an elephant gun. It was like Cabela's Big-Game Hunter on steroids, and I'm now convinced that someone should make a hunting game set in the Metro universe.
05-21-2013, 02:39 AM
I dropped my Ashot for an unscoped Preved that I found, which was handy because
Where did you find the Preved?? I havent seen a single one untill the last level.
05-21-2013, 02:55 AM
Where did you find the Preved?? I havent seen a single one untill the last level.
I actually have no idea, I'm pretty sure it was somewhere towards the start of the chapter where you fight mama bear. I think it's either near a dead body marked with an orange flag that gives you a positive moral flash, inside a store just before where the Demon is minding it's own business, or behind the territorial group of watchmen after you head through the creek. I would go back and check but unfortunately I made the mistake of starting a new game rather than replaying parts from the chapter menu so I've lost all my progress. :(
05-21-2013, 04:26 AM
I like the RPK. The other slot(s), i'll use whatever I want or think would be appropriate.
Extreme Scotsman
05-21-2013, 06:52 AM
Where did you find the Preved?? I havent seen a single one untill the last level.
You can get one when first encounter the merchents during the Depot Chapter. Click on the spoiler for a screenshot.
05-21-2013, 09:52 AM
Where did you find the Preved?? I havent seen a single one untill the last level.
Found it, in the chapter 'The Dead City'.
When you get to an area that looks like this: (
You'll know it because there'll be a pharmacy sign on the right and LDO will say something like "Hard to see... I see shadows better."
Instead of heading into the pharmacy, turn left into this door: (
Turn right into the first apartment: (
Then you'll find this poor fellow clutching his anti-aircraft gun in the bath: (
05-21-2013, 03:44 PM
Appreicated very much! I can't belive I missed not 1 but 2 chances of grabbing this bad boy.:lol:
Jet Odessa
05-21-2013, 06:14 PM
on normal difficulty my loadout is long barrel revolver, no attachments; AK with IR scope and silencer (can use it as sniping and stealth weapon); auto shotgun with laser sight and extended barrel, changed later to a saiga with same attachments.
right now doing Ranger Hardcore. Just got to Venice, carrying auto shottie with IR sight and AKS with IR sight and silencer.
05-21-2013, 07:09 PM
I like to use a Tihar, Silenced Kalash, and any type of shotgun (although I like the Shambler). Wish I could find a VSV to replace the Kalash, though.
05-21-2013, 08:34 PM
Wish I could find a VSV to replace the Kalash, though.
Ya the first VSV I found was half way into the game. Not sure of the level name atm.
05-28-2013, 02:56 AM
Depends on Difficulty.
All AR's are good and you need something that takes MGR's for if you run out of normal rounds. An AR is practically essential. Usually one that takes a suppressor.
Next is a shotgun. For some odd reason, you can carry more 12.7mm shotgun shells than almost any other ammo type, and they do fantastic damage. I like the Quadlet for normal difficulty, though I usually instead opt for the Shambler for Ranger. (Saiga is just a bit weak for my taste)
Then it's all up to you. Pistols are largely outclassed by AR's but are still good fun. The Valve is really fun to use, too bad you can't carry much ammo. Tihar is also outclassed by Silenced AR's (and why the hell can I only carry 45 bearings?), and Helsing seems weaker than before.
On Ranger, it's silenced AR and Shambler. No real point using other guns, the ammo cap is ridiculous.
05-28-2013, 04:14 PM
My favourite weapons are the valve, and the VSV.
I just wish there was more ammo available and to carry for the other weapons, and not quite so much shotgun and AR ammo to make ranger mode not basically require a shotgun and AR.
05-28-2013, 04:23 PM
1. Ashot
2. Bastard
3. Valve/Preved
05-28-2013, 11:33 PM
I'll go with the RPK-74M, Helsing, and Azbhat for fun... For practical use, AKS-74u, Saiga, RPK-74M.
05-29-2013, 04:55 AM
Non-Ranger difficulty settings:
1. Revolver - silenced, reflex sights and stock (optional)
2. Kalash / Kalash 2012 - extended mag and reflex sights
3. Saiga-12 - extended mag and reflex sights
Ranger difficulty settings:
1. Kalash / Kalash 2012 - extended mag, reflex sight, silencer and laser sight
2. Shambler - extended barrel, reflex sight and laser sight
Silencing assault rifles (AR) in non-ranger modes is too cheap. I also prefer to keep my main skirmish weapon as powerful as possible. Ranger modes do not give you much other choices than silence AR due to 2 weapons limit.
05-29-2013, 08:09 AM
I prefer "real" weapons.. im not much into the makeshift ones.. even though they are cool ;D
1. RPK - NV scope, drum mag, laser
2. Saiga 12k - drum mag, laser
3. Revovler - silencer, stock, laser
05-29-2013, 12:31 PM
1) Silenced resolver with nightvision scope.
2) silenced dual barrel shotgun (then changed to the quad shotgun)
4) Assault rifle ( I think it was the Kalash) with laser & basic scope.
but then, Im not far into the game myself, just got past Venice.
05-29-2013, 04:28 PM
I ran around with the Kalash (Suppressed, Reflex Sight, Laser), Suppressed automatic pistol (with the stock set and Reflex sight), and the Saiga-12 (extended drum-magazine) for most of the game. Fun set up.
" No can't."
06-04-2013, 12:54 PM
A) Revolver, stocked, silenced, scoped.
B) Helsing
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