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![]() As promised in my "Questions" post (https://lastlightforum.com/showthread.php?t=593), I am happy to deliver here select answers to those burning questions you have regarding the impending release of Metro: Last Light. A few things to remember / remind you about regarding these posts: 1. PLEASE DO NOT POST RESPONSES IN THIS THREAD. This is to ensure that the conversation is easily digestible and that a new member can easily navigate to find answers to questions they are seeking. Begin a new post to engage in conversation. 2. DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS IN THIS THREAD. Please refer to the following thread to post questions regarding the game / franchise: https://lastlightforum.com/showthread.php?t=593. I will not submit any questions posted in this thread. 3. I will not be able to post an answer to every question asked, but I will do my best to offer some insights and shed light on the darkness. Like any other company releasing a new product, some information will be under tight wraps until a specific date. At least we are more open and communicative than Apple when they are releasing a new iPhone ... ![]() I am going to attempt to post some answers every Tuesday for the foreseeable future. As always, I reserve the right to amend anything I say for any reason at any time ... Enjoy the info and share with your friends! Joe @ THQ
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Pip314
Q: Is the combat knife a selectable slot this time around, or a button-press action? A: We currently have the knife assigned to a context sensitive 'melee' button – a significant change from Metro 2033! Context sensitive attacks include basic melee, a stealth execute (as shown in our E3 2011 demo), and we are also experimenting with a stealth 'knock out' (although this is still a WIP feature that may not make the final cut). Member: aaronpoitras Q: When will 4A release another demo or trailer highlighting the game and new features? What about some new screenshots? A: There's a minor trade show on the horizon you Westerners call 'E3'. There's a distinct possibility you may see and hear a lot more about Metro around this time ... maybe even a little before. Member: Von Streff Q: Will there be a Ranger Hardcore mode? If so, will the difficulty remain as high (and as good) as it was in Metro 2033? A: We are definitely planning to have some kind of Ranger Hardcore mode, as we know how much you loved it in Metro 2033. We're still tweaking the specifics – we want it to be better than ever. More details to follow in the next few months. Member: Vlad Q1: In the demo there is destructible environment. Will this destructible environment be advanced (such as in the Bad Company franchise) or more like normal physics in most games (i.e. shooting through thin walls, destroying thin structures, shooting through other destructible items)? A1: Destruction is not structural, but designed to enhance strategic decision making when approaching certain situations. In the E3 Demo last year (2011), you saw walls and other surfaces crumbling from bullet fire to reveal the re-bar structure within. Destruction in Metro: Last Light is consistent with this across all destructible materials considered part of the structure of the environment (i.e. walls, barriers, etc). There are standalone items in the environment that can be fully destroyed. For example the shelving with boxes you saw in the demo. There are also materials that bullets will pass through, and some flammable materials. Q2: The option interface for graphics in Metro 2033 was not that user friendly. Will the player be able to modify / customize this in Metro: Last Light? A2: We have been hard at work to redesign the user interface, HUD, and controls. We recognized this as one of our flaws last time around and it is definitely an area we are putting a lot of focus on. Member: Mediaprobe Q: The Metro 2033 graphics were lovely to me; but, other people thought they were bad compared to other games. Is there going to be a graphical overhaul? If so, any changes apart from some odd texture detail that was seen in the gameplay playthrough / walkthrough? A: The 4A Engine has been updated with numerous features, optimizations and improvements that you’ll see manifest in both PC and console versions. Our goal is to make one of the best-looking games on whatever system you play it on. We'll be talking about the technology in a lot more detail later in the PR campaign. Member: Majnu Q1: Will there be any Easter Eggs? Metro 2033 didn't have many (except the prostitute). A1: Oh, so you didn't find the (text redacted). You'll just have to wait and see – they wouldn't be Easter Eggs if we told you now, would they? Q2: Will the bullet currency be improved? If so, can you describe? A2: The fundamental gameplay mechanic is mostly unchanged – instead, we're focusing on explaining how the dual ammo economy works better to the player, and improving the interface (both HUD and trading interface) so the mechanic is more intuitive to use. More details to follow on this closer to game release.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Over 1,600+ views on the "Answer" thread in over a week, not a bad turn out Metro dwellers!
More answers coming tomorrow Tuesday 4/17/2012...make sure to post your questions for submission to the development team here: https://lastlightforum.com/showthread.php?t=593 Cheers and happy Tax Day to my fellow U.S. citizens. Now go pay your bills! Joe @ THQ
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Majnu
Q1: Are you introducing any female rangers? Russian females kick ass! A1: We're keeping a lot of the plot and characters under wraps for now, but you'll see a major new character next time we show the game. Is it a he or a she though? We can't say just yet... Q2: In the E3 demo, the AI looked pretty "dumbed" down. Was that intentional? Can you provide any insights on how the AI will work in Metro: Last Light? A2: What you saw in the E3 demo from 2011 was a work in progress and should not be considered final. It was designed to showcase our improved gun-play rather than AI. That level plays very differently in the final version just FYI. Q3: Will Metro: Last Light feature linear gameplay similar to Metro 2033 or will RPG / sandbox elements be incorporated into the storyline to encourage greater exploration of the world? A3: Metro: Last Light's campaign will progress in a linear fashion similar to Metro 2033. However, a number of levels have been designed specifically to encourage exploration / player choice and have multiple routes through them (similar to Black, Outpost and Frontline from the first game). Some levels are very open and require the player to explore their way through to find a way to continue. Many levels can be completed without having to engage the enemy by utilizing your stealth skills. Member: SwordBreaker Q: Will there be a level editor to create maps / missions by fans and share them with other gamers? A: It's a great idea and something we'd love to do, but just to manage expectations: this is very unlikely for a variety of complex reasons. But we'll keep you posted if things change. Member: Keegan83 Q: Are the PC system requirements going to be the same as Metro 2033? If not, can you provide the new specifications? A: When we get closer to the game's release date and all our features have been completed and optimized, the game will go through extensive performance testing across a wide range of PC hardware so we can ensure our requirements and recommended specs are accurate. However, 4A has always taken care to make sure the 4A Engine will work on the widest range of hardware possible and we will continue to further optimize up to and past the game release. Metro 2033 ran well on reasonably average hardware, but also was able to take full advantage of the highest end technology available. Of course, by the time Last Light ships the cutting edge in graphics cards will be further ahead again and we are determined to make sure that early adopters of new cards get a game that really flexes their hardware! At the same time, optimizations to the game engine should make Last Light run better on more modest hardware than Metro 2033 did.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Majnu
Q1: The moral system in 2033 was something of an unknown discovery for many. Will "Moral Points" be better explained in Last Light or will they remain vague with a psychotic flash-only system? A1: We deliberately kept all aspects of the "morality system" as you called it (internally, we refer to it as something else) very subtle in Metro 2033 and, although we are expanding this mechanic, we intend to follow the same philosophy for Last Light. It is really important that the mechanics behind how the system works remain a mystery to avoid players trying to "game" or "cheat" the system. It's only when players are ignorant of the consequences of their actions can they truly make a free choice. Just like classic controlled psychology experiments, if the subjects knew what was being tested that knowledge would affect their decision making process. Our system is far removed from typical RPG conventions whereby the player is presented clear cut "good" and "evil" choices, that is why we do not refer to it as a "morality" system. It is much more sophisticated and much more nuanced. The choices and outcome of Metro 2033 continue to inspire some great debate and critical writing online and we hope Metro: Last Light will continue this tradition. Q2: Will Last Light on PC support Xbox 360 controller? A2: Yes! Just like with Metro 2033, if you plug a Xbox 360 controller into your PC you will be able to use it just like console players. Additionally, we're doing a lot of work to improve the controller schemes for both console and PC. Member: BORIS13 Q1: Where will the campaign be based? In what stations and what factions will be involved? A1: We want to keep most of the campaign details (plot, characters, and locations) under wraps for now. You'll discover more between now and game release, but it's important you go into the game not knowing what to expect! Q2: Is the campaign expected to be longer or shorter than the campaign of 2033? A2: We expect the campaign to be at least as long as Metro 2033. We're also working hard to ensure there are more reasons to replay the campaign (yup, this is a bona fide hint! As to what we are hinting at you will just need to wait for more details). Q3: Will Metro: Last Light follow a linear storyline or will they approach it with more RPG elements? A3: The storyline is linear in the same way Metro 2033 was, meaning there are no "hub and spoke" missions or "fetch" quests.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Majnu
Q: Will Metro: Last Light on PC support Xbox 360 controller? A: Yes, Metro: Last Light on PC will support the Xbox 360 controller. Just like in Metro 2033, if you plug an Xbox 360 controller into your PC you will be able to use it just like console players. We're also doing a lot of work improving the controller scheme for both console and PC. Member: Boris Q: How will weapon selection be improved? Will it mirror the system in Metro 2033 where a player had to scroll through the weapons cache from the top of the screen or will a different system be utilized? A: Truth be told, we are still fine-tuning the weapons system. For Metro 2033, we actually introduced a new weapon select scheme via an update that moved weapon selection to the "Y" button (consistent with most shooter titles) and utilized a radial weapon-select wheel. We found this much more intuitive for console players than the previous system which required a player to cycle through weapons using the D-Pad. We used this updated system as the starting point for Metro: Last Light, but we think we can improve it further. Metro has a very deep control scheme. Players need to be able perform all the actions you find in more basic shooters, but also manage a host of unique Metro gameplay mechanics including the gas mask, night-vision, map, lighter and more. Our goal is to make the control scheme as intuitive as possible so players can perform any action or instantly select any weapon or piece of equipment, even in the heat of combat. We're pretty close to the final control scheme and we'll share all the details when we are happy with the end product. Member: buffalobill Q: I feel like a major problem in Metro 2033 was the really cheesy voice-overs in the English version of the game. Will these voice-overs be changed to more truly reflect the dark atmosphere of the game world? Also, will the repetition of the ambient voice-overs be cut down? A: We've received a variety of feedback regarding the voice-acting in Metro 2033: many players loved it; some disliked it; but a majority of the time it came down to individual characters and personal preference. For example, "Khan" has always been a fan-favorite. However, we believe reaction to the voice-overs generally speaking is very subjective. We're aware how important both the dialogue and quality of voice-acting is on a story and character driven game like Metro. With THQ's help, we're investing a lot more time into the voice recordings this time around. For now, all we can say is we hope you like the result! Regarding the ambient voices and battle chatter, this aspect of the game world is being completely re-done and will be much more extensive than in Metro 2033. Member: Darkbringer Q: Is the fact that the game release was moved back to Q1 2013 to be seen as a warning sign on the development side or the opposite (that you take your time to make a good, thorough game experience)? Are there any additional reasons the game was pushed back? Honest response please. A: It's a good thing. We'd originally expected to release in 2012, and we were comfortably on track to hit this date. THQ offered us extra development time to polish and fine-tune, and we felt we could deliver a significantly higher quality experience with this extra time. So we took it! Member: Packie7 Q: Is it possible to stealth your way through the entire game without killing any enemies? In other words, is avoiding human enemies entirely throughout the game possible by using stealth? A: It's certainly possible to complete multiple levels without killing anyone. However, for narrative reasons it's not possible to complete the entire game without killing any humans.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Strelok
Q: Will there be more side quests than in Metro 2033? A: By side quests, we assume you mean secondary objectives (like sending the distress signal in "Outpost"). If so, then there will be about the same amount of secondary objectives in Metro: Last Light as were available in Metro 2033. Member: LandWarrior99 Q: I was wondering what graphical changes / visual changes have been added to Metro: Last Light? Some of the latest screen shots of the game look super awesome and more detailed than in Metro 2033. Can anyone shed some light on Last Light's graphics engine? A: The short answer: We've improved virtually every aspect of the visuals. Some of these changes are subtle, some will be very apparent when you play the game. We're particularly proud of the advances we've made to our outdoor environments, something we hope to show off in the not too distant future... The long answer starts to get a lot more technical, so rather than try and address that here we'll be talking more about the advances we've made to our tech in a lot more detail further down the line. Member: kaijin2k3 Q: Is there any word if PC version is going to keep a checkpoint-only system and not include a Quick Save option again? If so, is it only going to be a single-save slot again? A: Our current plan is to use a check-point save system only. We're aware of the pros of a quick-save system, but this can be open to abuse and potentially break immersion. With the additional polish time afforded to us, we're confident we can implement a fair and robust checkpoint system that does not trap or penalize the player, which are the main concerns directed at this type of save mechanic. Member: Skaara Dreadlocks Q: Will there be new factions of humans in Metro: Last Light? If so, can you give descriptions of what to expect? A: You'll meet the same factions as last time, but the factions play a much bigger role in the storyline and you'll learn a lot more about them. Member: Teddy Picker Q1: How the devil does Artyom get down from Ostankino Tower at the end of Metro 2033? A1: Good question. Send suggestions on a postcard please ![]() (Honest answer: We will get into this part of the storyline deeper into our promotional campaign.) Q2: Will there be more of an emphasis on Metro-made weapons? It seems like the handheld mini-gun could be over doing it. I honestly can't imagine how many mini-guns there are in a Metro system. A2: Almost all our new weapons are 'Metro-made' and regarding the mini-gun, we use this sparingly in the full game. We wanted to showcase it in our E3 demo last year, but it's understandably a very rare piece of hardware. Member: aaronpoitras Q1: I can't help but notice in the E3 2011 trailer that when Artyom is reloading his "AK" he always pulls the charging handle. Shouldn't this only happen if the magazine is empty? Please explain. A1: Really? I'll be sure to talk to the animator about this extremely important issue. There is the possibility that in this section of the game that maybe the gun is messed up and he needs to make sure it still works. Q2: Will we see any weapons breaking or jamming in in Last Light? A2: Some weapons overheat. For example, the "Bastard" is prone to overheating during sustained fire and you'll be able to see a plume of steam venting to warn you that this is about to happen. Keep firing and the gun will jam prompting an emergency field repair and volley of swearing from Artyom ... Guns do not permanently break though.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Thane
Q: Will you be including any "virtual reality" enhancements such as a realistic gun / head movement tied directly to footstep sounds, slower and more realistic walk speed, a little acceleration to the start / stop of movement, etc.? Can we expect anything like this? A: Sorry, we've not made any changes in this area. Member: Von Streff Q1: How long will the single player campaign be in Metro: Last Light? Longer than 2033 or about the same? A1: We expect the campaign to be at least as long as Metro 2033, and we're also working hard to ensure there are more reasons to replay the campaign ... although we know a lot of you have played and re-played the 2033 campaign multiple times already! Q2: Will there be exploding barrels and petrol canisters in the game? Please, and I'm on my knees as I type this, please say NO! The lack of these items was one of the things that made Metro 2033 good, since the "exploding barrel" thing in games is incredibly overused and is plain stupid IMO. A2: One of our design goals has been to avoid FPS clichés ... so no, you will not find exploding barrels on the game. We do have many destructible objects, and in very specific instances some of these can cause damage to a wider area, but these are used judiciously and are appropriate to the environment. Q3: Can we expect to see some of the stations which were mentioned in the books, such as the Kremlin, Park Pobedy, and Satanist stations? A3: You'll discover a number of new stations in Metro: Last Light. However, we're not going to reveal those just yet Member: Vlad Q: Will you be able to customize your own guns rather than picking up or buying customized weapons? A: We're adding some weapon customization options and we'll be talking about this feature in more detail later in the year. Member: Remer Q: I heard that 3D Vision will be making a return in Last Light. Can you confirm this rumor? If it will be returning, can you please release some 3D screenshots for your fans that loved the effect in 2033? A: We can confirm that Metro: Last Light will support 3D Vision. One of the strengths of the 4A Engine is the sheer amount of geometry it pushes ... we model objects down to the smallest detail, whereas other games might 'fake' that detail with textures or clever visual effects. We're not saying that isn't a valid technique, but the reason Metro 2033 looked so good in 3D was because all that geometry and detail popped into 3D when 3D Vision was enabled. We're working closely with NVIDIA again to ensure that Metro maintains its status as the poster-child for 3D gaming. We'll see what we can do about 3D screenshots
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: gaiusimperator
Q: Will you be taking more of the "freaky" moments from the Metro book series (like the demon of Nagornaya and "living tunnels") and put those into the game? I'm wondering because there were some moments in Metro 2033 that seemed to want to be scarier, "Hole Station" and the "Depot" come to mind. I really would love to see more of the creepy, supernatural stuff that happens in the book that we only got to have glimpses of in the game. A: So the short answer is – yes! As for the long answer... The post-apocalyptic world of Metro is very distinct from more traditional Western interpretations thanks to a blend of gritty post-Soviet realism and layers of Eastern folklore and mysticism. So on the one hand, there's a huge level of attention to detail in how things mechanically work – for example, the weapons you use, and the tool and machinery the citizens of the Metro have constructed in their struggle to survive. There's no sci-fi or any futuristic tech – everything has to feel real, hand-made. But we juxtapose that very pragmatic approach to science and technology with lashing of inexplicable phenomena – ghosts, demons, spirits – things that have no business in the everyday world we know today. This supernatural aspect ran as an undercurrent throughout Metro 2033, but we tried to bring it to the forefront in levels like "Ghosts" – which turned out to be a favorite amongst fans of the first game. So you can absolutely expect to see this supernatural element return in Metro: Last Light – it's a constant theme throughout the game, and it will be dramatically manifest in more than one level. If you liked "Ghosts" then you're in for a treat! Member: majnu Q: During last year's E3 game play, I noticed that a light bulb could be unscrewed from its socket. Will this animation be carried forward in the final release of Metro: Last Light? Will other animations be implemented to extinguish light sources such as from lanterns, which were in abundance in Metro 2033? A: Yes, we are working to integrate as many of these types of animations tied to player action that we can. We feel it really boosts player immersion. It has to be consistent throughout the game, though, and we won't sacrifice game play to make a nice visual effect work. But in an ideal world, everything you interact with in the game would have a bespoke animation to support it – you'll have to wait for the final version to see how close we could get to that ideal. Member: aaronpoitras Q: Will you be able to completely lie down in Metro: Last Light (i.e. prone position on your stomach)? A: No. We didn't feel this would add to the game play in any meaningful way – our combat model is already bursting with strategic options and adding a prone position wouldn't really affect this. There are some scripted sequences where you will crawl through tunnels, but it's not a player controlled action.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
Member: Wolve_NZ
Q: Could you give us an explanation as to the Shotgun pistol seen in the various gameplay videos you have released? Does this replace the normal Revolver or is this another option available to pick up during the game? I hope we will still have the Revolver! A: The Revolver is definitely still there. The Shotgun Pistol is one of the new side-arms introduced in Metro: Last Light. Are there any others? Wait and see ![]() Member: Shade Q: Will an actual sniper rifle make his appearance? It could be very useful during stealth play-through to have a silencer. A: You're right, a sniper rifle would come in real handy ... especially when ... AH! You almost got us there! More weapon reveals coming soon. Member: поражение Q: I enjoyed the variety of weapons in Metro 2033 and was wondering how many of the weapons seen in 2033 will return for Metro: Last Light? How many will be completely new (rough estimate)? A: Virtually all the weapons from Metro 2033 will return although we've made a few tweaks to most of them, and increased the number and variety of attachments and added under-barrel mounts to many weapons. In terms of new weapons, we've shown the shotgun pistol, bolt-action rifle and Gatling gun. We have quite a few more that are still under wraps, and you can expect to see an in-depth look at the Metro weapon set in the near future.
METRO: LAST LIGHT ... fight to survive with every last bullet, breath and flicker of light ... http://www.EnterTheMetro.com/ |
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