Metro: Last Light Forums
Old Today, 12:20 PM
Skaara Dreadlocks's Avatar
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What long post? I can't see any long post? ... That is a short post, my friend. You wanna see a long post, you'll find plenty of them in the old Last Light RP threads. Here's one example. You don't need to read it, but just gaze, and be amazed!

And that, my friend, is a long post

Back to the roleplay:

I dunked my teacup carefully down at the table in conclusion just as I got up, almost like a judge would bang his hammer. I bowed to the man, saying "See you soon at the western gate", before I left the bar. Polina would have to know that I was going to leave. At this time of the day, she would usually be all over everywhere around in Polis. But I knew where to look for her. Quickly I made my way to another bar. More so, a cafe. She was lucky and got a well-paid job as a waitress there. Upon entering the cafe, the first thing that struck my eyes was the worn man in his thirties, sitting on a stool by the desk, so drunk that his eyes rolled around in every direction, but they were mainly following Polina as she walked around in the cafe and served the people sitting around. Chatter and the smell of food and drink filled the cafe.

"When are you going to serve me, girl?", the man asked her sleazily. "Have you ordered anything?", she asked politely in return. "Oh you would like to know, wouldn't you, dearie?", he asked with a cheeky smile, sliding ever so slowly to his left, more and more off the chair as he reached his hand towards her. "Come here and I'll show you what I waaaaaa-", his words were interrupted as I walked over and calmly puffed him carefully off of his stool. He landed on the floor, and he stayed there, half asleep. Polina dropped her jaw at me as she said "Ben!!", with a face expression that meant 'I can't believe you did that, oh my god why did you do that?!'. But her face expression soon changed as she looked closer at me. "You're wearing all your gear? You're wearing all your gear!", she said twice, first as a question and then as a confirmation. She didn't sound too happy.

"Listen, I am going to leave for a while. I don't know how long I will be, but I will come back", I said without prolonging the conversation. "I'm going to the Kremlin with some new acquaintances, recovering some lost items". She didn't seem very surprised. "Back to your old treasure hunts, uncle Benji? Nt nt nt", she said jokingly as she wiped the counter with a rag. "You're not going back to D-6.... are you?", she asked worriedly. "No... Well, not entirely. We will just be passing through it, all right?", I replied. She was a clever girl, she knew the routes from Polis to almost anywhere. I was sure she would be able to even walk around the entire metro without a map, and know exactly where she was at any given time. "You know that place is Toxic, you can't go back there after you released that Toxin!", she told me strictly. "Shhh, shh shh", I lowered my head and shushed her down. "It will only be for as long as our filters will hold us safe from the toxin. Now, I need to get going", I finished. "Yeah, I've gotta get back to work. I'm gonna miss you, Benjamin", she said as she hugged me quickly. I hugged her back and replied the same.

"And Polina... try not to lose your job while I am gone, eh?", I asked her. "No, Uncle...", she replied slightly annoyed, but in a good way. Then I left for the western gate.

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.
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Old Today, 05:40 PM
Level 7 New Recruit
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"do svidaniya.." I announced, draining my cup of the last few drops and rising to my feet. I nodded to Lana, the this Benjamin fellow, and left, walking home to my shack, a long one at that. the metro may be a small place, but the crowds ensure you get no where quickly.
When I entered my home I looked towards the bed, Nikita wasn't there now, must have headed out to the market. I proceeded to gather my gear together
Gas mask, check, coat, check, helmet, fuck, where is it, oh wait, right here.
I finished getting my gear together and decided i should get an hours sleep, no telling when else I would have the opportunity over the next couple of days.
When I awoke I sensed someone else was present, and looked to my right. it was just Nikita.
"hey, Tikki! You're back now..."
"da, I, uh, heard you were going to be gone for a while?"
"yeah, I, sorry I didn't say before, I might be gone a while, but you'll be fine."
and with that I grabbed my gear, gave him a friendly hug, and left damn, I hope he will be OK.
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Old Today, 06:05 PM
Svetlana Pretrenko's Avatar
Level 17 Novice Ranger
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After some time alone with my girl I walk to polis west gate to wait on the others I was now packing my fathers SVU instead of his SVD and my sawed off revolver shotgun with my Ak-74u surpressed on my back as well the SVU was also surpressed and I was was wearing a pink bow tied to my helmets flashlight due to my lady I sigh remove my helmet and hold it sitting down with my back on a crate to wait lighting up a cigarette.

But the shotgun is sawed off and a 20 gauge instead of a 12 like the sagia she carrys it like a revolver pistol but it spits out 20 gauge shells every second one is insendiary

Last edited by Svetlana Pretrenko; Today at 10:07 PM.
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