What long post? I can't see any long post? ... That is a short post, my friend. You wanna see a long post, you'll find plenty of them in the old Last Light RP threads. Here's one example. You don't need to read it, but just gaze, and be amazed!
At the time, I was not really certain of what I would say. I was not even really sure why I was seeing the man in the first place. As I was walking down the dark, narrow and gloomy corridor with cells on each side, I slowly begun to realize that he would probably dig deep into my past. He would penetrate my mind and dig it out of my heart before he would throw it right back at me like a handfull of mud and dirt. It would cover me like filth only visible to myself and cause a constant smell in my nostrils. This was a bad idea, nothing good was to come out from this. But I did it nevertheless. I don't know why, I simply just did. I was not going to stop in that hallway, turn around and leave. No, i was going to confront the only man who was able to hurt my feelings severely. Perhaps that was why I was going there. I was step by step getting closer and closer to the old large metal door at the end of the hallway.
Before I got there, I untied my dreadlocks and let them fall forward around my head and face before I grabbed the ones covering the front side of my face and whipped them back over my head. I was still wearing my brown cargo pants with my utility-belt with my tranquilizer in it and my black hooded sweater, with the large brown backpack on my back including my weapons. The guard politely opened the door for me and allowed me to enter before he closed it shut behind me, even locking it. I was met by a squared medium-sized empty room containing only a dim glowing lightbulb in the center of the ceiling and a little wooden chair under it. In the chair sat the monster of a beast that I never in my life would call neither a man nor a human being, wearing only a pair of ragged trousers. His whole upper body was covered in scars and wounds, some even fresh. Discluding the blood on his upper body the floor and the chair, he was more red than skin-colored. At this point, I realized that I would be the one that would throw the mud at him.
I just stood there and stared at him silently for a while. Although he was bending forward in pain and exhaustion, I knew that he knew that I was standing there. His hair had grown down to reach his shoulders, and his stubbles had grown as well. It was surprising to see how Polis had treated him. Polis themselves had sunk to the level of torturing. Standing there, I was wishing that I could feel sorry for him, that not even he deserved such agony. But that was impossible for me now. The twenty years in the metro had shaped me too much, and so had he. I could not say that I knew him that well. But I knew him enough to know that he had been nothing more than heartless to me and all the people I had seen him engage with. My friends. My love.
"Come to cut off my other hand, have you?", he broke the silence without looking up at all, the hair covering his head. He was being sarcastic, so to set him straight and make him know that I was being serious, I threateningly answered him "I might do that". He literally straightened up a little and looked up at me with a face that expressed everything oposite of happiness and satisfaction, even honor. This was the first time I had seen him with his head not held high. He was lower ranked than a rat at the moment, and he knew it. It was easily seeable on his face.
"But that is not what I came here for", I concluded. He did not seem surprised. "So why are you here then?", he asked me in a way that revealed how he just wanted me to get done with it so I would leave. He disliked my presence when he was so humiliated. And I only stretched out the time and enjoyed it.
I found myself very slowly walking back and forth in the room right in front of him. Ironically enough, I still was not sure why I was here, so I took my time to try to figure out a decent answer. Byt the time I could do that, he spoke again.
"You should have killed me when you had the chance. Look at all that I have done. I have lead troops upon troops and triumphed in glory as I have killed man after man, woman after woman, child after child..... and you're to blame. Their blood is on your hands", he despisefully said, almost spitting the words out. "No", I answered as I shook my head. "Had I killed you, it would only be one of the other hundreds of soldiers just like you who had done the exact same thing instead of you. You are right about one thing, though; I am the one to blame for -you- in particular being the one who did such monstrous acts. Perhaps that means that I should finish you off right here and now, so I at least have done one thing correctly", I yet again threatened him.
He slightly chuckled. "Please do. I have nothing to live for. I'd rather die than to live the rest of my life painfully in this hole", he told me. I leaned down close to his ear. "And that is the only reason I will not", I loudly whispered to him mockingly. He leaned back in the chair, this time being more self-confident. "Ah, so that's why you're here. To laugh at me. To kick me while I'm down and roll me over in the mud", he stated. "There is a little something called revenge, you see, which I believe to be something you know very well of", I replied. "Too well, I'm afraid", he answered. He was sounding more and more confident each word.
"So how does it feel to have betrayed the Reich?", I asked mockingly. "I have never betrayed the Reich", he answered me almost nervously. "Oh, yes, you have. Your betrayful tongue have slipped the words that let Polis know of the Toxin. You did it only to save yourself; to make your torturers stop torturing you. Yet they did not. How does that feel?", I asked him. "Yes, it's true. I did it for my own, but I knew that there's nothing Polis could do to stop the process. No one in the whole Metro has the capability, manpower or skill to infiltrate the Reich and destroy the Toxin. Not even Polis", he said arrogantly. "That is where you are wrong", I answered him. He now sat there, waiting for me to continue. "Just like you believed that no one could take down your whole Nazi-caravan on the surface a while back and then bring you here, you also believe that no one can infiltrate the Reich and destroy the Toxin. But someone did kill your whole caravan on the surface, did they not? And someone did bring you down here and captured you, did they not? Just like that, someone did break into D-6 and destroy the Toxin. They even got out alive and made it here to tell you this story", I said. Whilst speaking, I found myself moving my head closer and closer to his, bending my back more and more.
"YYYOOOUUUUU!!!", he groaned out in complete rage as he threw his head forward towards mine in order to hit me, literally face to face. Despite his efforts in doing so, my head was just far enough away for his head to stop right in front of mine, as the chair held him back. I slowly straightened up, looking at him with an almost evil smile while he twirled in anger with a blood-red face. He took some time to calm down as he leaned back and gasped for air, moaning inbetween each breath. "That is correct. They might not be the same people, but they are still the same group that captured you a while back. And I am the same man", I told him. "You're bluffing", he said beneath his heavy breath. I smiled. "You would like to believe that, would you not? But I can see on your face how you do not believe that. I must admit that I do not have proof at this very moment that it was done, nor do I have proof that it was I that did it. But in time, you will hear the rumors and news of how a single ranger-squad defeated the greatest threat of the Metro", I proudly announced.
He suddenly smiled a little. "You're not doing this only because I am who I am, are you? You are still stuck on that day twenty years ago when I joyfully slaughtered your friend, even your pretty girl, like they were two pigs at the slaughte-", he could not finish his sentence before I interrupted him by yelling out "Enough!". Now he smiled more and even chuckled a little, while I was now the one who seemed angry. When I think back to that moment, it is strange how he and I just switched roles like that so easily even by a few words. "How can you not have moved on from that? It was twenty bloody years ago, dammit!", he laughed at me. I was talking like he was the greatest enemy in my life, which he was, and he talked to me like we were old aquaintances, as if he was an old man and I just a little boy who had so much to learn. "You do not know what real companionship is. You do not know what love is. I suspect you do not even know what fear is. All you know is selfishness, and nothing more. That is what you have become", I told him dramatically.
"Oh, please, cut the crap already with all this dignity and honor of yours. There's nothing like that down here in the Metro. One has to take care of oneself and that's it. Honor and dignity does not exist anymore", he told me. "Perhaps in your world it does not. But my life is based on it and surrounded by it, and there is nothing you can do to change that", I answered him seriously. After a moment of silence, I smiled a little. "In fact, there is nothing you can do about anything. You can not even end your own life as much as you want to. All you can do is sit here and rot, and take the pain and misery that is being served to you so cold", I mocked him again. "There's nothing that you are going to change either by coming here, so I suggest you just get the heck out of here", he answered me crankily. "I just wanted you to know that this is what you have deserved. This is the result of the life you have lived. The reason I want you to know this, is not to make you ponder over it and regret it. But to taunt you and make you aware of it. To remind you that you lost, and I won. To make you have to live with it until you die of age", I told him despisefully.
"GET OOUUUT!", he yelled in rage. I walked to the door before I stopped and turned towards him. "Your faction of nazis had so much. They had the greatest power in the whole metro. They had D-6 and the Toxin and it was going wonderfully. Soon, they would have flooded Polis with the Toxin and taken it over, then have you released so you could have triumphed on in glory and lived the rest of your life in comfort and luxury. But instead, you gave Polis the information which, in the end, is what made it possible for us to crush all of that hope. We killed a motherload of nazis, most likely a lot of people that you knew. We forced them to leave D-6 behind and we destroyed the Toxin", I said before I pulled an ID-badge out of my pocket and threw it onto the floor in front of him. He looked down at the ID-badge before he slowly lifted his face towards me with the most fierce face expression you could ever imagine. "What happened to him?", he asked me slowly with a rusty and fierceful voice. All he was missing was glowing eyes and two voices instead of one, and he would seem like a Demon.
"So you knew him? Good. The explosives that blew up the Toxin, reached him. The fire and the heat from the explosion burned onto him and peeled the skin right off him. He twirled and twisted and screamed in agony and pain unlike any other. The whole front side of him was red and black, and I could easily see the figures of his skull and his chest-bones inbetween all the exposed flesh. He was suffering a thousand times more than you are suffering. I forced him to answer my questions, and his efforts to answer me could only have hurt him even more. I promised in return to end his life..... but I let him live", I said dramatically. The officer had let his face drop down to look at the ID-badge while I was speaking, and when I finished, he looked up with tears in his eyes and tears streaming down his cheeks and a face expression that was unreadable to me. I guess he was filled both with anger and sorrow, although I found it hard to believe that he knew how sorrow felt. He then dropped his head down and began sobbing, crying out loud. He would now not only have to live with the physical pain, but also the emotional pain, however long that would last. My work was done, and I left the room. Polis was far from done with him. They would never be done with him.
And that, my friend, is a long post 
Back to the roleplay:
I dunked my teacup carefully down at the table in conclusion just as I got up, almost like a judge would bang his hammer. I bowed to the man, saying "See you soon at the western gate", before I left the bar. Polina would have to know that I was going to leave. At this time of the day, she would usually be all over everywhere around in Polis. But I knew where to look for her. Quickly I made my way to another bar. More so, a cafe. She was lucky and got a well-paid job as a waitress there. Upon entering the cafe, the first thing that struck my eyes was the worn man in his thirties, sitting on a stool by the desk, so drunk that his eyes rolled around in every direction, but they were mainly following Polina as she walked around in the cafe and served the people sitting around. Chatter and the smell of food and drink filled the cafe.
"When are you going to serve me, girl?", the man asked her sleazily. "Have you ordered anything?", she asked politely in return. "Oh you would like to know, wouldn't you, dearie?", he asked with a cheeky smile, sliding ever so slowly to his left, more and more off the chair as he reached his hand towards her. "Come here and I'll show you what I waaaaaa-", his words were interrupted as I walked over and calmly puffed him carefully off of his stool. He landed on the floor, and he stayed there, half asleep. Polina dropped her jaw at me as she said "Ben!!", with a face expression that meant 'I can't believe you did that, oh my god why did you do that?!'. But her face expression soon changed as she looked closer at me. "You're wearing all your gear? You're wearing all your gear!", she said twice, first as a question and then as a confirmation. She didn't sound too happy.
"Listen, I am going to leave for a while. I don't know how long I will be, but I will come back", I said without prolonging the conversation. "I'm going to the Kremlin with some new acquaintances, recovering some lost items". She didn't seem very surprised. "Back to your old treasure hunts, uncle Benji? Nt nt nt", she said jokingly as she wiped the counter with a rag. "You're not going back to D-6.... are you?", she asked worriedly. "No... Well, not entirely. We will just be passing through it, all right?", I replied. She was a clever girl, she knew the routes from Polis to almost anywhere. I was sure she would be able to even walk around the entire metro without a map, and know exactly where she was at any given time. "You know that place is Toxic, you can't go back there after you released that Toxin!", she told me strictly. "Shhh, shh shh", I lowered my head and shushed her down. "It will only be for as long as our filters will hold us safe from the toxin. Now, I need to get going", I finished. "Yeah, I've gotta get back to work. I'm gonna miss you, Benjamin", she said as she hugged me quickly. I hugged her back and replied the same.
"And Polina... try not to lose your job while I am gone, eh?", I asked her. "No, Uncle...", she replied slightly annoyed, but in a good way. Then I left for the western gate.
Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.