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Old 01-02-2015, 08:49 PM
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This is pretty nice, thanks for sharing. It's for new accounts so I can't use it personally, but maybe others will.
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Old 01-14-2015, 09:54 AM
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I just wanted to say that, at least from my experience, the English-speaking admins of Survarium are assholes. One of them flames users on the forum and is generally unhelpful, the other seems ok on the forums but I was once in a match with him and he left his team mid-game after complaining about how badly they were doing... this might seem like no big deal, but it's a dick move in Survarium because there is no way for players to join mid-game (so if someone leaves during a match, the team is stuck with one person less for the whole 15 minutes), and I don't see how admins - people who are supposed to be an example to others - can act like this. It's another example of Vostok Games not really communicating with their non-Russian-speaking fans well. Even though the admins don't work for them, they are selected by them so they should know who they're picking.
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Old 02-04-2015, 05:25 PM
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If anyone who hasn't yet played the game yet registers using , they will get 100 gold in-game and premium account status for 14 days. This might also net me some bonuses in the long run, but I'm not really sure how it works on my end anyway.
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Old Today, 12:54 PM
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First details about the Freeplay. Sound very very interesting.
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Old Today, 01:01 PM
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That does sound very interesting, though hopefully it's well implemented. I hope there are plenty of exit points and that the map is large enough or else everyone will likely just camp around them with sniper rifles.
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Old Today, 02:47 PM
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The Survarium servers don't support my OP-system, which is Windows XP. I'm going to have to upgrade soon, considering that all the games will now be made to run on Windows Vista or Windows 7 and up. Stupid Windows -__-
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

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Old Today, 06:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Autumnal Wanderer View Post
First details about the Freeplay. Sound very very interesting.
Now we're talking, about time they posted some news on that! This is shaping up to be quite awesome, assuming they'll actually put all of this in the game. The idea of karma is great as it seems kinda necessary for these open world survival multiplayer games. Also, I hope by telling us that we will be able to contact other players they mean that they will implement some sort of proximity voice chat. Hopefully they won't completely separate the Russian-speaking players from the rest of European gamers, as the misunderstandings could result in interesting gameplay scenarios... and I'd love to practice my spoken Russian a bit (or just get laughed at).
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