Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 02-01-2015, 01:51 PM
Skaara Dreadlocks's Avatar
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I've been wanting for so long to dress up in my proper Metro Cosplay gear with my friend who also has some really nice gear, and just go out in the snow and take some really good Metro Cosplay photos. But the thing is, I really didn't know of any good place to do it... until now.

-Today I was at a southern coast-area here in Norway with some friends, and they knew the place very well, so I got a sort of guided tour around the place. There are actually old basements and bunkers inside the mountains, one with a command center on top and another with a huge cannon on top that you can access. It's all from the second world war, and is now abandoned. It's just standing there, available for anyone to walk in and have a look. Old abandoned dirty dark scary military bunkers, and to top it off, there was snow on the surface. One of the ways out of the bunker went upwards as stairs, so it reeeeally looked like we were coming out of the Metro, onto the cold snowy surface.

At the summer, there's probably a lot of people there, and tourists, but now in the winter when the weather is bad (which is perfect for Metro Cosplay photos), nobody's there. I'm considering not only bringing a camera to take photos, but also my father's GoPro camera, and a helmet that you can attach it to. Then I'm gonna wear that, and my Metro Cosplay clothes, while my friend wears his cosplay clothes, and I'm gonna film it from the top of my head. Maybe we'll even make a short unprofessional fan film out of it. This is great, I can't wait!

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.
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Old 02-01-2015, 03:50 PM
NuclearWastE3's Avatar
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That sounds fantastic and exciting! Wow, very cool. Exploring a place like that sounds like it will be good time, well spent. I'm looking forward to seeing some metro cosplay pics from this place if you ever go back with you gear.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 02-01-2015, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by NuclearWastE3 View Post

That sounds fantastic and exciting! Wow, very cool. Exploring a place like that sounds like it will be good time, well spent. I'm looking forward to seeing some metro cosplay pics from this place if you ever go back with you gear.
Yeah, it really looked amazing. One thing I didn't like were the motherfugn massive gigantic spiders hanging in the ceiling, especially in the low passages where you had to hurl together to get through so they hang just centimeters above your head. But I guess that's just another addition to the metro-feeling, eh?

To get to the command center place, you actually had to walk up some old rusty stairs along a mountain-side, and then walk across the snowy slippery mountain-ridge, from one mountain to another larger mountain. Now, the cannon-place is not owned so it's free to access, but the command center has actually been bought by private people, so it's most likely locked. But, there's probably nobody there anyway, so we'll go and see if we can't find a way in. If not, I think we'll at least be able to get onto the roof of it. There are also some small outposts placed further away on other "mountains" (I really don't know what to call them), but they pretty much consist of just telegraphic radio-transmitters or whatever he called them.

I'll want there to be snow on the ground and trees and the skies to be grey, to give that extra surface-feeling. But at the same time I'd be satisfied if it's not snowing while we're there, so the camera equipment can stay dry. Only problem is, next weekend the snow will probably be gone with the weird temperature-changes we're having here recently. Let's cross our fingers!

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.

Last edited by Skaara Dreadlocks; 02-01-2015 at 04:11 PM.
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Old 02-01-2015, 05:39 PM
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Yeah, that sounds badass - best of luck with the pictures/film.
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Old 02-01-2015, 06:22 PM
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I'd be interesting to see what would happen if some tourists decide to go up to the mountain fortress, thinking nobody would be there in the dead of winter, and encounter you guys all geared up (). And the cobwebs made me think burning them with a lighter or torch.

It snowed, about a week ago, over here, but I didn't take the opportunity to snap some pictures in my outfit (obviously, or else I would have posted them).
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
Roleplay Characters:
Robby Turnbike (Zombie RP)
Borris Melenski (Stalker RP)
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