Yeah, see what I mean?

It's because it varies depending on the sentence and its meanings (I'm pretty sure most of the Slavic languages have similar things too). Here are a few examples:
Two guys were walking down the street.
Dwaj faceci szli ulicą.
Two girls were walking down the street.
Dwie dziewczyny szły ulicą.
Two airplanes flew over the airport.
Dwa samoloty przeleciały nad lotniskiem.
English: It's still a long way to those
two statues.
Polish: Jeszcze kawał drogi do tamtych
dwóch posągów.
There's tons more I could mention, but I can't be arsed to think of them - you'll get what I mean with those four.

Sorry for the weird examples, they were just first ones that came to mind.
EDIT: Just realized I'm continuing this off-topic madness. Sorry!

I guess we could start a thread with random facts about languages.