Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 02-02-2015, 04:33 PM
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"you shouldn't smoke kid, I don't wan't to sound pessimistic, but that'll be a worse death than one by mutants, believe me." I replied solemnly, she seemed like a good kid, keen too, although I wasn't sure if I was leading her to her death.
"alright I'm gonna cut straight to it, we don't have many options, and we're heading out this evening at 22:00. way I see it we haven't got many options,
first we could go across the surface, but that is going to be dangerous as fuck, we won't be able to look at the Kremlin while moving towards it, I'm sure you know what happens.
second we can go through Arbat confederation territory, to park pobedy, this connects onto metro 2 apparently which we could take right to the Kremlin, problem with this is that we will have to start out early to get there in time.
and third, we could go to D6 possibly and take the metro 2 monorail again.
and before you may suggest it, we cant get to metro 2 by mayakovskaya, as that goes through Reich, and uh, they may have a standing bounty on my life.
So seeing as I rule by democracy we can vote on the best way through, or suggest your own plan, da?"
With that I pulled out my map from my pocket, one some crazy wizard type ave my, he called it a 'Guide'.
"so, thoughts?"
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Old 02-02-2015, 05:00 PM
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"D6....papa was a ranger and besides we got danlia there..he'd get us through if I can't its the safest."I nod."Don't know about quickest but it is the safest."I ignore his comment about me smoking brushing it off I do as I please.
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Old 02-02-2015, 05:20 PM
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"That, and more", I replied to Svetlana's remark about me being able to handle myself.

Nikolai laid out his plans for us, and I listened closely, and then Svetlana suggested the D-6 route. "You are not the only one with a bounty on your head in the Reach's region, Nikolai", I said before I brought out my map, rolled it flat out on the table and leaned over it. "As far as I see, if I have understood correctly, your second option is the same as your third option: Going through Park Pobedy to get to the Metro 2 would take us to D-6. I do not see how else we would be able to get to D-6? Also, just so it is said: D-6 is filled with toxic gasses. We'd best pass through it quickly, if not avoid it at all, if we want to save some of the filters for our gas masks.

If I've misunderstood, please point out here with your finger, where the different options would take us. And I seem to have forgotten, but where exactly on the map lies the Kremlin?", I asked.

One last thing. If we are going through Park Pobedy, there is something you must know. The station is infested with what some call 'savage cannibals'. It could be a dangerous passage, if not done correctly. The group I was with, left there not long ago on a top-secret mission. They should have gotten back by now, but they have not. I fear the worst, but hope for the best".

Just download the map I've uploaded here, then draw the routes in different colors, and name the colors route 1, route 2 and route 3, then re-upload it

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.
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Old 02-03-2015, 03:04 PM
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"wells route 2 and 3 are quite similar, but see we can get right into D-6 if we follow the radial line, see here..." I replied tracing the route along with my finger.
"yes it may be longer but it could be a lot safer, as we will pas through friendly stations, da?"
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Old 02-03-2015, 03:13 PM
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"Da....before we go can I say goodbye to someone?A girl I am sweet on...year younger then me she must be informed I am leaving...and I wish to spend a couple hours with her before we depart."I look him in the eyes and put my cigarette out."Fair?"
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Old 02-03-2015, 03:53 PM
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"fair enough, but are we all decided? I need to know everyone is Ok with this"
I started a pic of us all at the bar
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Old 02-03-2015, 05:41 PM
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I nod and slide my helmet on setting a radio freq on the table."For my helmets radio..I'll have it on."I pull my visor down and look at dreadlock man not planning to get up till he says something but giving them the radio so if they need me."Can meet at exit to wereever we choose but if I am really needed in a moments notice..I'll have that on....da?"

Last edited by Svetlana Pretrenko; 02-03-2015 at 05:44 PM.
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Old 02-03-2015, 05:42 PM
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Nice cept lana is infull gear but nice version of her in just shirt and pants and boots
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Old Yesterday, 12:47 PM
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Wow, that is so damn awesome!! Great drawing, I must say. You've gotta make more of those! One thing I just wander about though, what's that red on Benjamin's head? O.o

"Very well, I agree. We take the Train down to Kievskaya, then follow the Hansan line North before we stop at Belorusskaya, and head back south-east to Mayakovskaya where we head down into D-6, and take the route to the Kremlin. The only thing that might be a bit risky, is the possibility that there might be no entrance to it from below at all. I have never heard of one. In fact, I have heard some rumors the tunnels are collapsed there. Never the less, we will take that route. Let us meet at the western exit of Polis in two hours", I concluded before I finished the last sip of my mushroomtea.

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.
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Old Yesterday, 06:14 PM
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After we all go off to do something else timeskip time :P also sorry for long post.

"Two hours works for me."I then get up nod to the men and go to my little home in polis the walk takes 30 minutes because I stop by the merchents and stock up on ammo and sell the Sagia-12 and its shells when I talk through the door my girl rushes into my arms I hug her tightly as we have been months apart."Hey!"I am interupted by a kiss on the mouth which I return then break to speak."I gotta leave again.....going to the kremlin through the metro helping out a couple of lamebrained hopefully won't take months like my last mission for the rangers did."She looks shocked at me good mood gone but then nods,says."I've heard storys about the kremlin...try not to die yea?"I nod."Yea I'll try not to die."Then smile."So pre-mission cuddles?I got a hour and 15 normally the walk to my place to the gate was 15 minutes she smiles and nods at me.I remove my vest pack trench coat gloves camo shirt and helmet and then boots and pistol holster leaving me in just pants and OD green undershirt then let my hair down and follow her to the sofa that serves as a bed.
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