Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 12-16-2014, 09:12 PM
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It's been moderate. Companies are probably pushing their spambot limits to try to advertise their products before the holiday season is over. Edit: There's also a lot of spambot, but they don't seem to be doing anything. They just create accounts and that's it.
Has anyone ever played the terminator arcade games before?
I've played the original one, along with the modern one, and the original blows the new one, out of the water. The original is soooo cool and you get to fight through Judgement Day. The new one (ehh) depicts the events of Terminator Salvation.

Old arcade:

New Arcade:

I only got to try the original in arcade form, once, when I was young; but I was able to find it, years later, on an online arcade emulator, in which you could download, that allowed you to play a bunch of old arcade games (I think it was called Mame). Anyway, the arcade game is probably way better than the Terminator Genesis junk.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Last edited by NuclearWastE3; 12-16-2014 at 11:39 PM.
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Old 12-17-2014, 06:52 AM
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I think what salvation did have was a pretty good cast even though the story wasn't great with Bale, Worthington and Helena Bonham Carter but this film has kind of lost that and is also messing around with the first terminator
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Old 12-17-2014, 10:55 AM
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I still haven't seen Salvation, but I'd really like to someday. I don't have high hopes - I just feel that I have to watch it since I watched the previous three films.
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Old 12-17-2014, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
I still haven't seen Salvation, but I'd really like to someday. I don't have high hopes - I just feel that I have to watch it since I watched the previous three films.
3 and 4 are nothing close to 1 and 2, but they are... decent. Might as well see them once to get the general idea.
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Old 12-17-2014, 04:30 PM
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Originally Posted by TheDarknessEnvelops View Post
I think what salvation did have was a pretty good cast even though the story wasn't great with Bale, Worthington and Helena Bonham Carter but this film has kind of lost that and is also messing around with the first terminator
I can't remember the story much for Salvation -I guess because it's not as memorable as the first two- but the fight scenes were cool. It got ruined for me, though, once that wanna-be Arnold Schwarzenegger step on screen. That guy was completely CGI (there was no fooling the audience there), and it looks like he make a comeback in this one.
Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
I still haven't seen Salvation, but I'd really like to someday. I don't have high hopes - I just feel that I have to watch it since I watched the previous three films.
I thought it was good. Way better than the 3rd movie, IMO.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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