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Old 12-16-2014, 09:16 PM
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I do think game companies should be like this though. Not entirely in the violence aspect, but I mean by not being afraid to release certain material because of all the controversies it may receive upon its release.
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Old 12-16-2014, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
All I'm saying is kurewstwo trzeba tępić. It's just another reason why this dev should be criticised.
I just found out it was removed from greenlight. That's what I meant by "dealing with this kurewstwo" as opposed to people being drama queens like... well, most of the commenters pretty much anywhere
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Old 12-17-2014, 11:05 AM
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Apparently the CEO of the company responded to the allegations of being a Neo-Nazi as being, "Fucking Ridiculous." Details in the article.

As for the game, it honestly doesn't look like it's much fun beyond its novelty, but it's kinda BS that Steam set up this whole system to avoid the burden of moderation, and then suddenly cripples some indie dev's ability to circulate their game. This is all in spite of already carrying some of the most controversial violent titles of all time, like GTA, Manhunt, and of course all three Postal games. Seems like an odd decision, since Steam isn't generally known for being some kind of family retailer, and the attention around the game would have surely generated some good revenue.
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Old 12-17-2014, 11:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Potarto View Post
Apparently the CEO of the company responded to the allegations of being a Neo-Nazi as being, "Fucking Ridiculous." Details in the article.
Well, like I said earlier: the article I linked to which accuses them of being neo-Nazis is slightly incorrect. It's obvious that their views are far right, nationalist, racist, homophobic and some of them very well may be fascist and the one who is a tattoo artist very well could be a neo-Nazi. And yes, the hobbyist nature of indie development and the small number of devs that make up the studio makes it very probable that they all have similar views, but we can't really say anything other than assumptions about the other half of the team who haven't been put in this situation.

Nevertheless, the CEO's reply is a smart one, because it addresses only the accusation against his liking of the Islamophobic page. Saying that someone is a neo-Nazi because they like a nationalist page on facebook is indeed "fucking ridiculous". That said, Zieliński's reply doesn't address the Żołnierze Wyklęci t-shirt worn by his gameplay designer (a complicated matter itself), the nationalist and some fascist likes of his other colleagues, or the neo-Nazi symbols that his level designer and lightning artist engraves on people's skin as his other job.

Ok, let's go on Zieliński's public facebook page and see what else he likes... "German Army on the fronts of World War II" and Przemysław Wipler from KNP? Right, I see we're ticking all the boxes (has far right views, is racist, likes the Wehrmacht, and seemingly supports a New Right politician who babbles on about small business owners?). It doesn't really matter if this guy is a neo-Nazi, because there are many other types of deplorable politics that aren't Nazi.

Originally Posted by Potarto View Post
As for the game, it honestly doesn't look like it's much fun beyond its novelty, but it's kinda BS that Steam set up this whole system to avoid the burden of moderation, and then suddenly cripples some indie dev's ability to circulate their game. This is all in spite of already carrying some of the most controversial violent titles of all time, like GTA, Manhunt, and of course all three Postal games. Seems like an odd decision, since Steam isn't generally known for being some kind of family retailer, and the attention around the game would have surely generated some good revenue.
Indeed, I agree. Though I'd personally put more focus on actually unfinished games that don't even go through Greenlight yet are still released through Steam and their developers earn money from this. It's like selling a car with one wheel and getting away with it.


By the way, Valve have actually put Hatred back on Greenlight. This is ridiculous. They made themselves look like idiots by removing it whilst keeping all that other shit, but now they look even sillier by not sticking to their decision and putting the game back on there. It's like they actually wanted to give this crappy game a free publicity stunt.

Last edited by Bamul; 12-17-2014 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 12-17-2014, 03:17 PM
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Old 12-17-2014, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
By the way, Valve have actually put Hatred back on Greenlight. This is ridiculous.
Maybe they wanted players to decide what to do with it, like with every other game.
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Old 12-18-2014, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Komodo Saurian View Post
Maybe they wanted players to decide what to do with it, like with every other game.
More like: they clearly didn't want players to decide what do with it, unlike with every other game (that's why they initially pulled it off, the hypocrites)... but they were scared of the backlash, so they put it back on there.
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