Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 07-14-2015, 10:24 PM
Bamul's Avatar
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Exclamation Infection of mobile version

During my absence I had some major issues when trying to access the forum on my phone - I kept getting pop-ups to scam websites quite obviously directed at mobile users. I'm not very tech-savvy when it comes to phones so I didn't use any apps to check the forum other than just my browser, but no other websites had this problem so I was worried the mobile version of our forum is infected or something. This is most probably the case since I tried it on 3 or 4 different wi-fi connections and it was the same. Posting was impossible due to this.

Perhaps this was only a temporary attack, but now that I am at home and using my PC I do not wish to risk getting any viruses or losing data. Temporary or not, I think all users and guests alike should be careful when browsing the forum using a mobile phone.
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Last edited by Bamul; 08-04-2015 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 07-30-2015, 04:44 PM
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UPDATE: Harley has been notified and she will try to solve the problem. This will take a bit of time though, so please refrain from accessing the website on your phone until the issue is resolved. We will keep you updated in this thread.
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Old 09-01-2015, 03:10 AM
Level 11 Metro Citizen
Join Date: May 2015
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I haven't noticed issues with the mobile version, but I'm pretty secure with my mobile. Thanks for responding to the situation so fast, though. I've seen forums in the past that have perfectly fine websites, but then the mobile version features a lot of popups and even viruses. It happens!
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