Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 08-04-2014, 03:59 AM
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How about one of those puzzles everytime you make a thread
Stalker Roleplay character: Lewis Jones
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'So this is how you make a signature' Me
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Old 08-04-2014, 05:49 AM
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People would probably complain more, though it would at least be better than some captcha.
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Old 08-07-2014, 02:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Komodo Saurian View Post
Well, as long as it's not a Polish traveling agency, we should be fine. It's like a Bermuda triangle for your people.
Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
I don't get it...
I'm assuming that it's like the saying that goes "beware of Greeks bearing gifts;" though, this time around, it would be more like "beware of booking a trip with a Polish travel agency." The reason being, according to the possible connection between Polish travel agencies and the Bermuda Triangle –the Bermuda Triangle being a region in the Atlantic Ocean, off of the coast of the United States, where it has been said that numerous aircraft and ships that traveled over it have disappeared- is that –now don't get mad as I'm only explaining what I think the joke is suppose to be- Polish people, specifically anyone associated with a travel agency, are not to be trusted because they are bad at directions and or finding their way to their appointed destination.

That's how I understood it to be. :/

Aside from that, spambots. When I was looking to see how popular this forum was through a number of websites that provided the service, I saw that the majority of our visitors (spambots) come from India.

Unfortunately, the website does not show where the rest of the visitors to this forum come from, but I'm guessing that is because the remaining 61% percent is so diverse, that it would take up a large portion of the page because the percentages are so low. They could have at least put in the top five.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 07-04-2015, 12:48 AM
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There's a new breed of spambots out there *cue the evil music*

As I was going through my usual stroll, down in the current member's list, I came across a broad fella that I later came to know as BodyBuilding. I said to the man, "Why, good sir. Who are you to be out this late on an evening like this?" The man did not respond; so I continued. "Shant you be with your many friends, at a pub, perhaps?" Still, there was no answer. "Tis I, the only one who strolls these unwelcoming passages ways at this ungodly hour, good sir." I said, once more -this time waving my old, rickety, cane in the man's face. Promptly, a response arose in a unfamiliar language I have yet to master. The language of the machines. A wicked one it was. Oh yes...A wicked one indeed. The silhouette changed into many shapes and equivalent sizes as it crept out from beneath the shadows. It struck me across the temple and knocked me to the ground. "0001 0001 1100 0110!!" It said. I began to panic. My old heart began to race like a derby horse -I surly shaved away a few years, of my life, in that brief moment. "0001 0001 1100 0110!!!!" It said once more. Then, it vanished.

People of the metro, I present to you with the new breed of spambots: BodyBuilding

As you can see, this spambot has managed to join one of the many "social groups," here on the forum. When I first saw it, I thought nothing of it and actually thought it was a true member with a very spambotty name. I was tricked into believing it was a real member -especially since it showed no abnormal description about itself or provide a link to any website out of the main forum. Anyway, The name stuck to me since it first appeared; so I checked back in on it and clicked on the social group that it signed up on. Searching the social group quickly showed that the spambot managed to post a new topic in the group itself. Amazing.

Here's just some proof for everyone to see in case it gets taken down before you all get to see it (since I already reported it. And thanks for reading my nonsense story ):
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
Roleplay Characters:
Robby Turnbike (Zombie RP)
Pete The Hobo (Bittsevskiy RP)

Last edited by NuclearWastE3; 07-04-2015 at 12:52 AM.
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Old 07-14-2015, 07:17 PM
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Don't worry about it. I noticed this thing (I believe) shortly before going abroad at the end of last month. I knew that it was created for spam, but I could not ban it since - like you said - there was no strange description, no links and no posts made. I realised he/she/it posted something when checking the forum from abroad, however I could not ban them then or delete the spam for reasons I will speak of in another thread. In other words: we are noticing it, though you are quick to spot such things and your vigilance is appreciated. We also do use the reported posts section and it is especially useful for finding strange activity in places such as social groups, which are unusual for spambots to attack.

Also, that was a pretty funny story.
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Old 07-19-2015, 11:57 AM
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Damn, Nuclear, you should be a writer or something. That was brilliant!

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Old 07-20-2015, 12:19 AM
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Haha, thanks, you guys.
I was board, when I was typing up my post, and the idea, for the story, randomly popped in my head. Glad you enjoyed it.

Edit: (and the blue, smiley, happy-face is just fricken creepy).
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 08-25-2015, 09:39 AM
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There are no robots, you are all paranoid go back to your daily-businesses, do not retaliate.
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Old 08-25-2015, 10:11 PM
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My god-
Rip off my clothes and mate with me for life.

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