Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 07-05-2015, 01:32 AM
Derrame's Avatar
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brilliant, very well made, and funny, the russiand accent sounds good, a good detail
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Old 07-15-2015, 06:40 AM
Bamul's Avatar
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Not bad. Some of the parts were really funny, others less so, but overall quite entertaining. Nuclear and Warhawk gave you some good criticisms; I agree that playing in offline mode is pretty much a must when recording stuff like this because those notifications are really distracting for the viewer - as for the swearing, I don't mind it usually and I treat it as a part of everyday speech (kurwa and all that), but it does feel as though some of the cursing here is overused and out-of-place. So I don't think you should get rid of it entirely if it's funny but definitely tone down on it a bit.

What bothered me personally the most is how you somehow managed to put the "з" phoneme into "спасибо". I don't think we ever pronounce S like Z in any Slavic language, unless it's some bizarre loanword or another exception. It's a very English thing to do and for me it completely ruined that part of your Russian impression. Other parts of it were decent though, pretty much on the same level as Russian accents in the English voice acting of both Metro games (stereotypical as fuck, but fitting and appropriate at the same time). Your voice was also quite well edited into the gameplay footage so that it did not stand out too much from the other sounds already in the game.
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Old 08-15-2015, 08:00 AM
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I take it back, he does swear, he tells Zhenya to fuck off in the tunnel to Rizhskaya, if that's how it's spelt
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