Metro: Last Light Forums
Old 06-18-2015, 08:45 PM
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Default Hello Everyone

Let's skip boring details and cut to brass tacks:

- I'm a new guy around here. What's up?

- I just finished Last Light the other day. No lie.

- Is anybody in this forum interested in a forum roleplay/turn-based strategy game based on the Metro universe?

Yes, as goofy as it sounds I've burnt through Metro lore in a very short span of time and had the itch to do something with it. This forum seems to be the most active English-speaking fan forum around, so I figured what the heck, and I might as well check if there's interest before pouring effort into a game.

What say ye?
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Old 06-18-2015, 09:40 PM
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Hello Warhawk, it is wonderful to see a new face around these parts!

We actually have a pretty long history of Metro 2033 roleplaying on our forums with events continuing for years, as you can see by our Last Light Roleplay subsection of the forum. You might wanna browse that part of our website before choosing to start something new, as some of our members have put a lot of effort into maintaining those roleplays and you may find that something similar to what you're planning is already happening. Although I personally haven't taken part in ages, I can tell you from my past experiences that we have had and still have really talented writers taking part who will most likely welcome you as a peer. The roleplay (and our forum in general) is not what it used to be in terms of activity, but we make do and mend.

Just to clarify, I definitely do not want to discourage you from starting something yourself, I just wanted to show you some of our already existing roleplays that you could find intriguing. If you have any ideas in particular, feel free to share them with us and don't hesitate to start a game of your own in the appropriate part of the forum - especially if you gather any interested folks. We appreciate efforts to shake things up around here. If you want to see other things we had going on (not Metro-related), then feel free to check out the general Roleplay section.

I hope you have a great time on this forum and welcome to the apocalypse!
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Old 06-18-2015, 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
Just to clarify, I definitely do not want to discourage you from starting something yourself, I just wanted to show you some of our already existing roleplays that you could find intriguing.
Oh come now, what kind of pig farmer do you take me for? I'll have you know I brought back ten gallons of 92 octane from the surface yesterday with a monster on my heels. Some call them Demons. I call them B!%&#es.

Actually the game I had in mind is much more of a grand-strategy kind of thing, creating and leading metro factions on a blank-slate map that is randomly populated with resources and dangers, with the only direct roleplay involving the interactions between leaders and possibly narrative exposition about events. But the game would have concrete rules, so the roleplay never loses focus or devolves into powergaming and the like. Folks could simply look at the map from day to day and see things happening.

Of course, I've rarely if ever found people willing to play crack-brained schemes like this, particularly of the strategy genre. And in this case it would require a lot of legwork from players. Bookkeeping to make up for a lack of a videogame.
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Old 06-18-2015, 10:01 PM
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Aye, that sounds pretty cool. Personally I'm not that much into forum games anymore, but others did stage a game of mafia with strict rules and even new accounts for the sake of the game, so maybe someone will want to try this as well. I know it's not the same thing and this could potentially require much more effort with more statistics involved, but it'd be fantastic to see something like that take off (if it would).
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Old 06-18-2015, 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Bamul View Post
... but it'd be fantastic to see something like that take off (if it would).
Well that's the kicker, ain't it?

I've had several ideas like this before, but they never get play-tested due to lack of interest or commitment. Now that I have a full-time job, a one-post-per-day forum game seems like such a small deal and worth the investment, and yet for college students and younger with all the time in the world it's such a big hassle. Slays me.

I'd try to streamline it as best as possible, and in order to play it and GM it I'd have to do everything above-board. Who knows. Since it could start in any number of ways, maybe I can leverage creative juices by making it a totally blank slate rather than starting from a canonical point, i.e. Central Metro Command or 2033.
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Old 06-19-2015, 08:53 AM
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It's completely up to you how you wanna do it, though if I were you I'd post the suggestion in Last Light Roleplay too. If you haven't got the details cemented yet then just edit the post later on, but it would be best to see whether your idea turns any heads in that part of the forum first. We have a number of users who don't really check the rest of the forum and only post in the roleplays every now and then. Though I expect some of our older members will likely greet you here soon.
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Old 06-19-2015, 12:59 PM
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Will do. I have quite a few details cemented.. at least as well as they can be without playtesters.. but I haven't made any of the graphics or set up any templates for use. I posted in the general section since the Last Light one seems to be for a very specific kind of roleplaying, and ones that are active, not just "ideas" like the general section says. If that's not likely to draw attention, can it be moved?

Last edited by Warhawk; 06-19-2015 at 02:11 PM.
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Old 06-20-2015, 04:47 PM
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Hey there and welcome to the forum,Warkawk!
I occasionally still post in one of the metro 2033 roleplays,but it's been about ten days since I've last done so. I'm gonna get back into it and see where it goes. And I'm eager to see what type of RP you've proposed!

Glad to have another member here and hope to see you around.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
Roleplay Characters:
Robby Turnbike (Zombie RP)
Pete The Hobo (Bittsevskiy RP)
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