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Old 12-17-2014, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Skaara Dreadlocks View Post
I'm not sure where you mean, Nuclear, but there's a deep waterpit in the middle of those stairs if that's what you're talking about. And I've probably been there, as Gmod has Noclip.
I've wanted the Lost Coast map for Garry's Mod for a very long time, I've just been waiting for it. Until recently, I just randomly stumbled over it. Mainly, I wanted it for Roleplay purposes, but it's kind of late for that considering I don't roleplay anymore, and all. But never the less, I enjoyed finally being able to explore it better.
I couldn't remember how it really looked since it has been so long since I've played the map, but it looks like you're there!This video is in Spanish, but it was the only I could find.

I remember the discovery of the secret passageway was a big thing when the map was first released. I'm not sure if the developers had intended to allow the player to get off course by that much, but if not, then it's an interesting glitch. Of the very (I mean very very) few HL2 mods that I've played, Lost Coast is the most memorable, simply because of the whaler's harpoon you get to use, as a weapon, when wielding Gordon's gravity gun. I just thought it was cool being able to stake 2+ combine to a wall in a single shot.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 12-17-2014, 04:20 PM
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Originally Posted by NuclearWastE3 View Post
I couldn't remember how it really looked since it has been so long since I've played the map, but it looks like you're there!This video is in Spanish, but it was the only I could find.

I remember the discovery of the secret passageway was a big thing when the map was first released. I'm not sure if the developers had intended to allow the player to get off course by that much, but if not, then it's an interesting glitch. Of the very (I mean very very) few HL2 mods that I've played, Lost Coast is the most memorable, simply because of the whaler's harpoon you get to use, as a weapon, when wielding Gordon's gravity gun. I just thought it was cool being able to stake 2+ combine to a wall in a single shot.
Wow, I actually never discovered that. I highly doubt they intended for the player to be able to get that far. If it was intentional, they'd set up everything more like real houses instead of just images. But yeah, I already noclipped around the whole map and explored it. The little town is pretty neat, you can actually walk through it without noclip, but the textures are bad at close-range of course.

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Old 12-17-2014, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Skaara Dreadlocks View Post
Wow, I actually never discovered that. I highly doubt they intended for the player to be able to get that far. If it was intentional, they'd set up everything more like real houses instead of just images. But yeah, I already noclipped around the whole map and explored it. The little town is pretty neat, you can actually walk through it without noclip, but the textures are bad at close-range of course.
Neither did I, I just read it on a website and decided to try it out in-game
And I was disapointed I couldn't travel any further on the "cardboard cutout" map and into the town. I too died attempting to walk on the bridge like the guy on the video did.

Hey, how did your HLRP work anyway? Was it live action gameplay, or was it like the comic that you posted?
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 12-17-2014, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by NuclearWastE3 View Post
Neither did I, I just read it on a website and decided to try it out in-game
And I was disapointed I couldn't travel any further on the "cardboard cutout" map and into the town. I too died attempting to walk on the bridge like the guy on the video did.

Hey, how did your HLRP work anyway? Was it live action gameplay, or was it like the comic that you posted?
It was live-action roleplay.
/me walks over to him and slaps him in the face, before he opens a can of beer and takes a sip.

So instead of waiting for hours or days like we do on for example this forum, we just had to wait a few seconds for a reply. It's kind of weird at the start when one's not too used to it, because mostly it's just standing around (or walking) and typing to each other. Either actions, or dialogue. When there's action, most people stand around and type actions before they jump to the side casually or run to a specific location nearby. There's also the type of combat-RP that speeds it up a little, by shooting at each other and missing intentionally. Depending on the server's rules, in some scenarios you're allowed to make a non-lethal shot to injure the opponent if he's not taking cover well enough, but it usually ends in unintentional killing and then everyone rages and it's just a whole fustercluck of chaos.

On most servers, they use TnB models, and on a lot of them you can have those for free, while others demand donation. Everyone having TnB models usually leads to a lot of characteristics and socializing. Outland servers have a lot of exploration, action and socializing as you play as a refugee/resistance or Combine Soldier, compared with the stereotypical boring CityRP where you're a citizen or a Civil Protection Unit (CP).

Don't get me wrong though, there's been some really paced moments, or even idle combat-moments, in HL2RP that has actually made my heart pound and adrenaline rise and made me sweat IRL. (Gross, I know, but it does prove a point). I don't think I've ever burned so passionately for something virtual, as I have for HL2RP.

Just putting the physical first-hand experience of HL2RP in a nutshell, though:

There are a couple more of these out there, they're pretty good

Just found this:

Kind of cheesy, especially to be made with Garry's Mod. But you can imagine, a sad story like this, or any other epic TV-series with many seasons. It doesn't match the likes of HL2RP at all, because I didn't play HL2RP for ten seasons with ten episodes in each season. I played it for two years (roughly estimated) with the same players and the same characters. All the while, I used my own characters and not only watched the whole commotion going on, but participating in it as my own character that I'd come to know and love, just like I had with the other players' characters. A long evolving story from city to city, from wasteland to wasteland. A few got corrupt along the way, some died, new ones arrived. But the main core of the names listed at the end of that comic strip, stayed together for those two IRL years, which were many years in-game. A lot of drama, you can imagine

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.

Last edited by Skaara Dreadlocks; 12-17-2014 at 05:19 PM.
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Old 12-18-2014, 04:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Skaara Dreadlocks View Post
That first video *wipes tears away*
Though, it did get sad in the second one. I watched some of the recommended videos at the end of the two videos, and they were pretty ridiculous I saw one where Vin Diesel was in pursuit of Winnie-the-Poop and that pig thing. Then, Jason, from Friday the 13th, comes in and kills everyone.

And the RP appears to have taken a lot of determination . I'd imagine if I would have joined, I would have ruined it for everyone by going postal and eliminating everything in my sights; probably good I never did . But yeah, like Bamul had said earlier, your occasional mention of HL2RP, here on the forum, raised curiosity.
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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Old 12-20-2014, 06:41 AM
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Originally Posted by NuclearWastE3 View Post
That first video *wipes tears away*
Though, it did get sad in the second one. I watched some of the recommended videos at the end of the two videos, and they were pretty ridiculous I saw one where Vin Diesel was in pursuit of Winnie-the-Poop and that pig thing. Then, Jason, from Friday the 13th, comes in and kills everyone.
Garry's Mod in a nutshell

My brother has mentioned a LAN party at his new house a while back, and I've been waiting for that for quite some time now. Him, myself, and bunch of our friends don't celebrate christmas, so on the 24th we're all gonna have a long LAN party from that Wednesday until the first-coming Saturday. We're gonna play a lot of games, but primarily Garry's Mod; Trouble In Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Death Run, Hide'n Seek etc. And after an agonizingly long month of not being able to play video games because of my bandage, that day is randomly the same day I'll be able to take off the bandage! Just four days left now!

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Old 12-20-2014, 04:40 PM
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I do not understand it.
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Old 12-20-2014, 04:59 PM
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Originally Posted by rolfwar View Post
I do not understand it.
If it's Garry's Mod you're talking about... I'm not even gonna bother trying to explain

Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
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Old 12-20-2014, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Skaara Dreadlocks View Post
Garry's Mod in a nutshell

My brother has mentioned a LAN party at his new house a while back, and I've been waiting for that for quite some time now. Him, myself, and bunch of our friends don't celebrate christmas, so on the 24th we're all gonna have a long LAN party from that Wednesday until the first-coming Saturday. We're gonna play a lot of games, but primarily Garry's Mod; Trouble In Terrorist Town, Prop Hunt, Death Run, Hide'n Seek etc. And after an agonizingly long month of not being able to play video games because of my bandage, that day is randomly the same day I'll be able to take off the bandage! Just four days left now!
That sound like an exciting weekend. Have funz
"Metro Last Light is so awesome, it defies definition." ―NuclearWastE3

"The choice is yours: either I brainwash you like I usually do with all the rookies, or I treat you like a real Stalker and start you with a mission straight away." ― Sidorovich
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