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TheDarknessEnvelops TheDarknessEnvelops is offline

Lion Triumphant

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 272
  1. NuclearWastE3
    01-21-2015 06:31 PM
    Well, I guess we'll hold off for one more day.
  2. NuclearWastE3
    01-21-2015 06:10 PM
    mehhh, then I guess I'll go into the kitchen and serve myself.
  3. NuclearWastE3
    01-21-2015 05:51 PM
    I guess I'm not here girlfriend yet is all. Nah, I regret saying that.
    Don't know. I guess time to eat or something. If not, we'll just say a landmine outside your shack went of, and we all ran to the window to a see a hoard of zombies coming toward us.
  4. Svetlana Pretrenko
    01-06-2015 04:55 PM
    Svetlana Pretrenko
    I am not turns girlfriend!Yet!xDDDDD
  5. NuclearWastE3
    01-05-2015 06:18 PM
    no. I messing around with your character.
  6. NuclearWastE3
    01-05-2015 06:05 PM
    Yeah, I'm actually considering we all hold a conference about your character's attitude before we continue any further.... JK, no I like it. It is the Zombie apocalypse. What would people expect. To be greeted into a home, like nothing, while wielding guns?

    Don't worry. I'm sure everyone in the RP will start getting more aggressive as we progress.
  7. NuclearWastE3
    01-05-2015 03:48 PM
    -_- we'll see...
  8. NuclearWastE3
    12-31-2014 08:50 PM
    No, that's actually how I imagined it
  9. NuclearWastE3
    12-31-2014 04:06 PM
    Happy new year to you, too!
  10. NuclearWastE3
    12-29-2014 04:03 PM
    It's fine. I don't mind waiting up for you.
    I guess you can catch up to us if you want.

About Me

  • About TheDarknessEnvelops
    Writing and stuff
    XBL Gamertag
    Steam Community ID
    Pendragon Bro
  • Signature
    Stalker Roleplay character: Lewis Jones
    Fallout Roleplay character: Lewis Jones
    'So this is how you make a signature' Me
    'Why so serious' The Joker


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General Information
  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:25 PM
  • Join Date: 10-07-2012
  • Referrals: 0
  • Bullets: 2204.7


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