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Skaara Dreadlocks Skaara Dreadlocks is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 157
  1. NuclearWastE3
    01-21-2015 05:44 PM
    Lol, yes, but you put "bby" after your word of gratitude, and I was like "what's bby stand for?" I looked it up and some people say it stand for "baby." I was thinking as in "baby" as what some people call a loved one, and as a loved one, I was thinking it was refrence to how Svetlana character likes my character and... and...AND!!!

    Well, you're welcome
  2. NuclearWastE3
    01-19-2015 09:54 PM
    Oi :0
    Is this about the RP?! I'm trying to keep my distance, as much as possible, away from that woman.
  3. NuclearWastE3
    01-18-2015 06:59 PM
    A happy birthday, to you, Skaara!
  4. Bamul
    01-17-2015 08:07 PM
    Happy Birthday!
  5. Svetlana Pretrenko
    12-12-2014 06:34 AM
    Svetlana Pretrenko
    *Runs up pulls on a dreadlock and runs away.*:P
  6. TotalAaron
    12-02-2014 07:06 AM
    gosh gone for a few days and the spamocalypse begins,
  7. TotalAaron
    11-09-2014 11:48 PM
    Get on board the marksman DLC hype train
  8. NuclearWastE3
    10-10-2014 07:22 PM
    Yeah, I'm sure the devs won't let us down . I hoping that it will come out around the same time half-life 3 comes out. Just like Mafia II, HL2 episode 2 ended with another big cliff hanger.
  9. NuclearWastE3
    10-08-2014 02:31 PM
    Second part: I have this uncle (he's my mom's<father<sister's<husband) and he's totally a mobster boss, even though I told otherwise. He's from Italy and has always has a stern look on his face. He's old now and kinda balding -so to cover up, he wears a fedora. He has a big mobster nose and he's also kinda stocky. He also never approaches you and waits instead until you acknowledge him. I've asked my mom what he did/does as a profession and she just told me she remembered that he repaired televisions back in the day. That "there were always T.V.s in his living room." T.V.s yes....Stolen T.V.s I presume . I've never gone up to tell him what I think of him, but I'm sure if I ever did, he'd probably get offended after knowing that I think of him as a Italian mobster.
  10. NuclearWastE3
    10-08-2014 02:24 PM
    I've played the game. It's actually almost been a year since I finished it, and I've been wanting to go back for a second playthough because I got a little confused with who was part of what group and how they tied in with the story. Vito as a character was pretty dull, but I thought it suited him. By his face, I just don't see him being the kind of guy who would be very lively -like Joe. And the story was just awesome. There wasn't a moment in the game where I wasn't interested in what would happen next. I gotta say, the one part the stuck out to me the most, and I also think it might be the most traumatic scene in the game, was when that guy (I forgot his name) you were suppose to meet at the park and he gets stabbed to death by the Chinks. I totally was not expecting that. My jaw just dropped. And the ending.... Who the hell knows what happens to Joe. I can't wait until Mafia III comes out because the ending of the second was a major cliffhanger.

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  • About Skaara Dreadlocks
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    Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
    LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.


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  • Last Activity: 02-11-2015 12:29 PM
  • Join Date: 09-23-2011
  • Referrals: 4
  • Bullets: 8945.7


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