Second part: I have this uncle (he's my mom's<father<sister's<husband) and he's totally a mobster boss, even though I told otherwise. He's from Italy and has always has a stern look on his face. He's old now and kinda balding -so to cover up, he wears a fedora. He has a big mobster nose and he's also kinda stocky. He also never approaches you and waits instead until you acknowledge him. I've asked my mom what he did/does as a profession and she just told me she remembered that he repaired televisions back in the day. That "there were always T.V.s in his living room." T.V.s yes....Stolen T.V.s I presume

. I've never gone up to tell him what I think of him, but I'm sure if I ever did, he'd probably get offended after knowing that I think of him as a Italian mobster.