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Warhawk Warhawk is offline

Level 27 Ranger

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:53 PM
    If you want I could also rename "Metropolitical Strategy - A Metro Forum Game" to "Metrowar - Discussion", which would make it fit in with the rules, signup and game threads whilst being shorter than the RP topics for each embassy. What do you think?
  2. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:50 PM
    Right... this is the strangest design choice ever. As a moderator, I can change the name of any thread I made simply by editing the first post. But for that of others I have to go into "Thread Tools".
  3. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:46 PM
    You could be right about not being able to change thread names as a regular member, but the last time I changed a different topic's name was just by editing the title of the first post and it worked. I don't remember any delay back then though.
  4. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:42 PM
    I think you've already renamed it since when I was editing it already had RP added onto it despite of not showing up in the title. I saved it regardless and no change, but you can see the changed name in the actual thread - everywhere else it still shows up like it was originally. Probably just a delay.
  5. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:36 PM
    Yes or no? I just wanna make sure that I'm not renaming the wrong one as it seems as though you wanted to use the one I'm asking about just for your faction's diplomacy rather than a general RP.
  6. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:20 PM
    Well, I think your game is already much more complex and still going so that's enough to grant it its own subsection, as opposed to the old Zombie RP which is (ironically) dead. But I can just rename Metrowar - "The Church" Embassy to Metrowar RP if you'd prefer that. I could also make it sticky in the "Other" subsection if you want, I'm sure the other moderators would understand seeing as it is currently the only active RP in this part of the forum.
  7. Bamul
    08-04-2015 08:06 PM
    Sorry, I thought you just made a mistake. In any case, it seems really counter-intuitive to have one thread for it separate from all the others, plus it stands out from all the other roleplays we've done in the past... In all honesty, if I had admin privileges, I'd move both threads from the "Zombie Roleplay" section into "Other" and change the former into a Metrowar section. That way the RP post could be stickied to make it stand out from the rest. I can ask Skaara about it if you want?
  8. Bamul
    08-04-2015 07:30 PM
    Moved your new thread into the section where the others were.
  9. rolfwar
    07-15-2015 12:46 PM
    my inbox has been cleaned
  10. TheStalker
    07-04-2015 01:48 AM
    I'll probably post once every day or 2. Rather busy with work lately. On the weekends I should be able post a lot more.


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  • Last Activity: 12-08-2015 06:59 PM
  • Join Date: 06-18-2015
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  • Bullets: 66

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