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TheDarknessEnvelops TheDarknessEnvelops is offline

Lion Triumphant

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  1. NuclearWastE3
    07-08-2015 09:30 PM
    Hey, Darkness! How's it going? It's been a little over a months said we last talked

    Any progress in your game? I've decided to move onto the Doom II engine. I've read that's it's more user friendly than the one for Duke Nukem 3D; plus, there are a lot more tutorial for it. Someone also told be that, if I want to do a total conversion game, then to go with the Doom II rather than Duke Nukem.
  2. NuclearWastE3
    06-02-2015 09:41 AM
    Nice. Have you progressed in learning Unreal 4?
  3. NuclearWastE3
    05-24-2015 06:12 PM

    Id say the easiest type of game to make would be a horror game -at least to learn the mechanics of making a game. The reason? Horror games don't need very much shading to begin with -most everything is set to be dingy and dark. After that, you just need somewhat of a story as well as scary things that pop out of nowhere and chase you.
  4. NuclearWastE3
    05-18-2015 11:29 PM
    When tackling on an entire game, it sure is. A mod, maybe not so much. But what we're dreaming of require more than one person to complete the job.
  5. TheDarknessEnvelops
    05-18-2015 05:23 PM
    teamwork is key
  6. NuclearWastE3
    05-18-2015 05:22 PM
    there must be a tool bar that's not popping up within your interface.You'll find it . And I just tried installing UE4, but the set up .exe says that my processor is too old (yeah right, my processor is too old )
  7. NuclearWastE3
    05-18-2015 05:12 PM
    Haha, very well. We'll compare stuff once we get somewhere.

    Anything can be done if you dedicate yourself to it. I want to make three games, and you've probably already heard of them: Assuult on Kremlin (a Duke nukem 3d like game set in russia), Templar's Doom (a horror game with either crappy graphics or unreal graphics), and Post-0 (a post-apocalyptic game with a modern game engine).
  8. NuclearWastE3
    05-18-2015 03:04 PM
    Making a simple room is how everybody starts (even the devs from metro)
    Unreal Engine 4 looks incredibly good. I've haven't downloaded it, but I've been wanting to. That goes with Unreal 3 too (I've downloaded that one, but I never got around to installing it). The Duke Nukem 3D engine is quite advanced though; since people have gotten a hold of the source code and improved the thing like crazy. There's this high resolution mod that makes a game, from 1996, look like it came out during the mid 2000 (even better than some).
    Well, perhaps I can get myself the UE4 and we can try to make something up of our own. Last time I checked though, I couldn't find very much tutorials on the UE4 (but there are a crap-ton of them for UE3). Also, I'm not sure if you've heard, but UE4 lets you sell any game you made without charging you for what you make. It isn't until you make $3000 USD or perhaps even $10,000 that they'll start taking away a small percentage.
  9. NuclearWastE3
    05-17-2015 09:06 PM
    You heard correctly, sir.
    I've tried several game engines: Unreal engine 1 & 2 (not 3 or 4), this other one I forgot the name of, and the Build Engine (which was used to make games such as Duke Nukem 3D (very similar to the one used for Doom I and Doom II)). So far, though, I've stuck around with the Build Engine the longest because the old graphics really grab my attention as well as the simplicity to be able to create something with ease -but newer game engines also have a place in my heart as well. Why do you ask? Are you interested in making a game?! If so, I have a few game ideas/would not mind teaming up with someone (talking about you) and work with their ideas as well?!!
  10. NuclearWastE3
    03-13-2015 05:56 PM
    Are you going to zombie RP anymore?

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  • About TheDarknessEnvelops
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    Pendragon Bro
  • Signature
    Stalker Roleplay character: Lewis Jones
    Fallout Roleplay character: Lewis Jones
    'So this is how you make a signature' Me
    'Why so serious' The Joker


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  • Last Activity: 12-07-2015 05:08 PM
  • Join Date: 10-07-2012
  • Referrals: 0
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