Making a simple room is how everybody starts (even the devs from metro)

Unreal Engine 4 looks incredibly good. I've haven't downloaded it, but I've been wanting to. That goes with Unreal 3 too (I've downloaded that one, but I never got around to installing it). The Duke Nukem 3D engine is quite advanced though; since people have gotten a hold of the source code and improved the thing like crazy. There's this high resolution mod that makes a game, from 1996, look like it came out during the mid 2000 (even better than some).
Well, perhaps I can get myself the UE4 and we can try to make something up of our own. Last time I checked though, I couldn't find very much tutorials on the UE4 (but there are a crap-ton of them for UE3). Also, I'm not sure if you've heard, but UE4 lets you sell any game you made without charging you for what you make. It isn't until you make $3000 USD or perhaps even $10,000 that they'll start taking away a small percentage.