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Skaara Dreadlocks Skaara Dreadlocks is offline

Space.. Space! Spaaaaaace!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 161
  1. DaDeadlyCheese
    04-18-2015 02:42 PM
    Dude, you gonna post
  2. DaDeadlyCheese
    04-12-2015 05:15 PM
    Posted in rp
  3. DaDeadlyCheese
    03-12-2015 02:16 PM
  4. Svetlana Pretrenko
    03-11-2015 06:22 PM
    Svetlana Pretrenko
    Post in kremlin man!Lol
  5. NuclearWastE3
    01-21-2015 05:44 PM
    Lol, yes, but you put "bby" after your word of gratitude, and I was like "what's bby stand for?" I looked it up and some people say it stand for "baby." I was thinking as in "baby" as what some people call a loved one, and as a loved one, I was thinking it was refrence to how Svetlana character likes my character and... and...AND!!!

    Well, you're welcome
  6. NuclearWastE3
    01-19-2015 09:54 PM
    Oi :0
    Is this about the RP?! I'm trying to keep my distance, as much as possible, away from that woman.
  7. NuclearWastE3
    01-18-2015 06:59 PM
    A happy birthday, to you, Skaara!
  8. Bamul
    01-17-2015 08:07 PM
    Happy Birthday!
  9. Svetlana Pretrenko
    12-12-2014 06:34 AM
    Svetlana Pretrenko
    *Runs up pulls on a dreadlock and runs away.*:P
  10. TotalAaron
    12-02-2014 07:06 AM
    gosh gone for a few days and the spamocalypse begins,

About Me

  • About Skaara Dreadlocks
    Steam Community ID
  • Signature

    Zombie RP character name: Kimii Scott
    LL RP character name: Benjamin Soprano.


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:31 PM
  • Join Date: 09-23-2011
  • Referrals: 5
  • Bullets: 8945.7


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