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Von Streff Von Streff is offline

Level 86 Overseer

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 124
  1. TheStalker
    11-01-2014 07:52 PM
    I actually edited this slightly in my own version, but here's the thread.
  2. TheStalker
    11-01-2014 07:47 PM
    Hey, have you seen the preview of my book?
  3. NuclearWastE3
    10-19-2014 11:03 PM
    Yeah, no problem.
  4. NuclearWastE3
    04-06-2014 08:15 PM
    Nice to meet you, too, and you're welcome!
    Don't worry about not having commented when I posted on your profile, as I know that you're hardly active here and it would take a while before I ever got a response. It was a shot that I had to take.
  5. NuclearWastE3
    03-12-2014 08:46 PM
    Whoa, I just saw this old thread of yours,, and man, that's a nice model. I'm not familiar with Maya, but I am with AutoDesk Inventor -not to the extent to where I know how to add wonderful textures to make it look as realistic as you were with your desert eagle, but I'm able to eventually make the plain model. The one thing I could never get is assembling the parts together and making it function as a whole....I always just eye-balled it until it looked as if it were placed correctly. The most complex object that I've been able to make was a nuttcraker.
  6. NuclearWastE3
    02-19-2014 01:13 AM
    I myself do not find much interest in DC comic books or their characters, mostly The Watchmen though (I'm a Marvel fan), but if I were to see this as the front cover of a Batman comic book, I would definitely jump for it and buy out the store from that issue merely for the cover itself (not even joking!) even if the story sucks. Such awesomeness! You should show it to DC comics and see if they will push for a Batman min-series in Russia, and maybe they'll hire you to be the artist for the entire series!

    Aside from that, music . I too like Iron Maiden and Ozzy Even though I was born a few years into the 90s. My favorite from Iron Maiden, at least from the songs I've heard from them (not that many) will be between Sea of Madness and Wasted Years. Ozzy, I can't seem to decide
  7. NuclearWastE3
    02-04-2014 11:40 PM
    Von, I just gotta say that I love the Russian Batman poster/image/drawing that you made
  8. NuclearWastE3
    08-30-2013 01:38 AM
    Wow man, I was looking at some of your art on your deviant art page, and I gotta say, you've got talent. Which genre of games would you like to specialize in?
  9. TheStalker
    05-13-2013 08:43 PM
    long time no see
  10. TheStalker
    02-12-2013 06:02 PM
    it's spitfire right?

About Me

  • About Von Streff
    I'm studying to be a video-game concept artist. I like epic orchestral music.
    New Zealand
    Drawing (digital), reading, and listening to music
    Drawing and studying
    XBL Gamertag
  • Signature
    Enjoy reading fantasy novels? Please support mine as I finish it up for publishing!


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  • Last Activity: 06-10-2015 02:11 AM
  • Join Date: 08-21-2011
  • Referrals: 2
  • Bullets: 493.95


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