View Full Version : The gasmask thread
05-14-2012, 06:04 PM
Being an active person in the belgian militaria world, i help with a mate his store. Going to fairs gasmasks have always been a very intresting thingy for me. Metro 2033...i bought it because the box showed a man with a gasmask! i was instanly sold
These masks can vary from price to size in many ways, i was wondering if anyone collected these things like i do.
the ones i have=
Russian GP-5 gasmask
East german gasmask
Finnish WW2 light gas mask
US army gasmask
Other finnish army gasmask!
Polish army gas mask
and last but not least=
From my own country=Belgian army gas mask!
Anyone else collecting these things?
Komodo Saurian
05-14-2012, 06:12 PM
I'm not exactly collecting, but I'm looking for an mcu-2p one. Got any leads?
05-14-2012, 06:45 PM
I have a finnish army one,like the one you posted here.It comes in military-green bag with a couple of spare filters.
05-15-2012, 09:30 AM
i own 2 gasmask atm:
GP-5 and GP-7v
Skaara Dreadlocks
05-15-2012, 10:03 AM
Man, you have a US army gas mask?! Awesome! Wasn't that insanely expensive??
I have a British Army S10 gas mask with two attachable red night-lenses in plexi-glass. This a pic of me:
05-15-2012, 03:47 PM
Man, you have a US army gas mask?! Awesome! Wasn't that insanely expensive??
I have a British Army S10 gas mask with two attachable red night-lenses in plexi-glass. This a pic of me:
awesome british mask!
And yeah, the US gasmasks wherent cheap. it was sealed inside its origenal container. i bought 2 containers for 30 euros each
As i said prices vary, my GP5 costed 10 euros, my polish army gasmask(BRAND NEW UNISSUED!) 3 euros
05-15-2012, 04:48 PM
I'm not exactly collecting, but I'm looking for an mcu-2p one. Got any leads?
ooooh MCU2p. In the US they are easy to find but in europe....
Komodo Saurian
05-15-2012, 05:00 PM
ooooh MCU2p. In the US they are easy to find but in europe....
They are covered under ITAR (international traffic in Arms Regulations). In order to purchase it from a US of A supplier I'll need an import permit from my country, then I'll have to submit it to the US State Dept. along with an export permit request and a fee. In other words: Fat chance.
05-15-2012, 05:13 PM
They are covered under ITAR (international traffic in Arms Regulations). In order to purchase it from a US of A supplier I'll need an import permit from my country, then I'll have to submit it to the US State Dept. along with an export permit request and a fee. In other words: Fat chance.
yeah probaly. Since it is the Current gasmask, its quite understandable
The old US gas masks are nice tough.
Komodo Saurian
05-15-2012, 05:18 PM
yeah probaly. Since it is the Current gasmask, its quite understandable
The old US gas masks are nice tough.
True, but I need an mcu2p.
05-15-2012, 05:44 PM
True, but I need an mcu2p.
What country you from?[/julespulpfiction]
Komodo Saurian
05-15-2012, 05:58 PM
What country you from?[/julespulpfiction]
Russian Federation.
05-15-2012, 06:26 PM
Russian Federation.
yes that can be tricky :p
05-15-2012, 06:29 PM
I like the US gas mask the most out of the ones you've shown because it reminds me of the one Adrian Shepherd wore in Half Life: Opposing Force. The second Finnish one, (the gray one,) looks the most eerie to me though. Very cool!
05-15-2012, 06:30 PM
I like the US gas mask the most out of the ones you've shown because it reminds me of the one Adrian Shepherd wore in Half Life: Opposing Force. The second Finnish one, (the gray one,) looks the most eerie to me though. Very cool!
the finnish gasmasks are pretty good to wear. I often wear gasmasks on airsoft tournaments because
well because they are awesome :)
05-16-2012, 11:08 AM
I often wear gasmasks on airsoft tournaments
How? don't they break cause of BBs?
anybody knows if the SCHMS gas mask filters are dangerous for health? cause i wanted to buy one...
05-16-2012, 11:27 AM
How? don't they break cause of BBs?
anybody knows if the SCHMS gas mask filters are dangerous for health? cause i wanted to buy one...
If you are talking about the tall coffee can filters then I'm pretty sure they contain asbestos but you can purchase other filters that look virtually identical that are safe.
05-16-2012, 12:34 PM
If you are talking about the tall coffee can filters then I'm pretty sure they contain asbestos but you can purchase other filters that look virtually identical that are safe.
oh,you know where?
05-16-2012, 01:34 PM
Normally the SCHMS does NOT have astbestos, just like the GP5.
What you can always do if you want to wear it, is to simply "empty" the filter from its contents.
And i tested my gasmasks for impacts, and at point blank range a sniper 0.30 BB at 500 FPS couldnt penetrate it
05-16-2012, 02:00 PM
Oh my mistake
05-16-2012, 02:25 PM
Oh my mistake
wait you are half correct :D
If i read this correctly, any Russian gasmask manufactured BEFORE 1956 >CAN< contain blue asbestos
but Gasmasks after 1956 >CAN< still contain this stuff
If you want a gasmask for actuall usage, get a modern civilian or army one. If you want to use an old gasmask for reenactment or airsoft, it is best to clear the filter of its contents
It is tricky and require alot of russian style hammering, but it CAN be done
05-16-2012, 03:02 PM
What you can always do if you want to wear it, is to simply "empty" the filter from its contents.
And i tested my gasmasks for impacts, and at point blank range a sniper 0.30 BB at 500 FPS couldnt penetrate it
what gas mask,if i may know?
05-16-2012, 07:00 PM
I tried my GP5(i wear it alot) and the east german one. The glasses are very thick and survived an impact with no problem
To empty one, i opend the cap(where you screw it in) and i slammed a sharp rod trough the charcoal, in wich i used a Pliers to bend the metal and such so that they can fit trough it hole
it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
05-17-2012, 03:41 PM
it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
Komodo Saurian
05-17-2012, 04:08 PM
theta123: What you can always do if you want to wear it, is to simply "empty" the filter from its contents.
rolfwar: how?
theta123:To empty one, i opend the cap(where you screw it in) and i slammed a sharp rod trough the charcoal, in wich i used a Pliers to bend the metal and such so that they can fit trough it hole. it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
That better?
05-17-2012, 06:39 PM
Sorry guys my english grammar is failing recently. Maybe it is because i am in a plaster and a 20KG metal plate fell on it
05-18-2012, 04:27 PM
I have the "East German" gas mask. Does it contain asbestos?!
05-18-2012, 04:38 PM
theta123: What you can always do if you want to wear it, is to simply "empty" the filter from its contents.
rolfwar: how?
theta123:To empty one, i opend the cap(where you screw it in) and i slammed a sharp rod trough the charcoal, in wich i used a Pliers to bend the metal and such so that they can fit trough it hole. it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
That better?
I just didn't know what he meant by:
it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
05-18-2012, 06:58 PM
I have the "East German" gas mask. Does it contain asbestos?!
the rule would be=when was it manufactured?
The soviets and warsaw pact stopped using asbestos in the 60's. In theory.
I just didn't know what he meant by:
it took me a VERY VERY VERY long time tough so get some coffee and beer so that you dont become insane
What i ment=its gonna take a long long time to clean the filter of its contents.
So have some coffee and beer with you so you dont go insane
05-18-2012, 06:59 PM
I have toons of Russian GP-5 gasmasks and a lot of spare filters (i should last with all my filters about a day after atomic war well if you change your filters in 15 min intervals and i have one that easter german mask, but i kinda dont like it because the filter is big and it is kinda anoying and if you get your tube, that connects gasmask to the filter demaged you are a deadman. Btw all those GP-5 gasmasks are from ssrs ( the filters are new) so thanks you Russians for making so good gasmaks. Greetings from Lithuania :)
05-19-2012, 09:43 AM
the rule would be=when was it manufactured?
The soviets and warsaw pact stopped using asbestos in the 60's. In theory.
What i ment=its gonna take a long long time to clean the filter of its contents.
So have some coffee and beer with you so you dont go insane
I see
05-24-2012, 03:09 PM
Any russians that could help me with this? I'm looking for a working gas mask, but all I found had expired filters. But I thought that Russia would have some shops for this. But I don't speak russian, and Google translate doesn't help me very much... Ok let's get down to it:
Can any of you help in finding out how to buy from these sites? Provitogaz seems to be B2B only...
Thanks in advance! :) Anyone who helps me will receive 50 bullets... Or 48 after taxing, I think. ;)
Komodo Saurian
05-24-2012, 05:17 PM
You should try the eBay. Otherwise you'd have to hire a middleman to purchase a gasmask and ship it to you.
05-24-2012, 06:12 PM
Well there issent really an 'danger' with expired filters. You just have to be carefull(as with ALL gasmasks and even non expired ones) that the activated charcoal is not coming loose from the filter itself.
However if you plan to use filters in toxic enviroments, then an expired filter is not reccomended
05-25-2012, 01:42 AM
You should try the eBay. Otherwise you'd have to hire a middleman to purchase a gasmask and ship it to you.
I've tried that. All filters are expired. So it looks like I'll have to go with an expired one.
Well there issent really an 'danger' with expired filters. You just have to be carefull(as with ALL gasmasks and even non expired ones) that the activated charcoal is not coming loose from the filter itself.
However if you plan to use filters in toxic enviroments, then an expired filter is not reccomended
Well, I am actually going to use it in slightly toxic environments, but nothin I wouldn't be able to handle without a filter (It's a basement that has been closed for a couple of years in a former warehous, it's very humid and such - would you recommend a gasmask for that?)
Komodo Saurian
05-25-2012, 03:47 AM
I've tried that. All filters are expired. So it looks like I'll have to go with an expired one.
Yeah, I don't know any gasmask manufacturer that ships abroad, so the middleman or the eBay is the best bet. You might also look up Stalker/Postapoc recreator forums in your country/city and see if they have any.
05-25-2012, 04:04 AM
I've tried that. All filters are expired. So it looks like I'll have to go with an expired one.
Well, I am actually going to use it in slightly toxic environments, but nothin I wouldn't be able to handle without a filter (It's a basement that has been closed for a couple of years in a former warehous, it's very humid and such - would you recommend a gasmask for that?)
well maybe it is advisable to get a civilian gasmask in your local working/do it your own store
and always have a second person standing by to interfere when something happens! (thanks for bullets :))
06-12-2012, 12:24 PM
Im a student if I bought that...people would be like "wtf?" hahah
06-12-2012, 03:35 PM
Well i have like 10 new filters for GP-5 gasmask's. And i had a good thought: we da f@ck i need that meny if we even dont have a metro in Vilnius. I would probably die in the blast, because i live on the hill and on 11 floor so i jould be lucky if i could reach basement in time :tsk:
but all in all, im thinking on buying a new gasmask, but i dont know wich one to pick, both cost 25 lt, thats about 7 Eur and bouth are kinda new and look awesome, so here:
Oh and im thinking of buying one Nazi helmet for 350 lt/100 Eur ( yeah kinda expensive)
06-12-2012, 03:44 PM
A GP-7 gasmask for 7€? That sounds too good to be true :p
06-12-2012, 04:06 PM
A GP-7 gasmask for 7€? That sounds too good to be true :p
This is Lithuania and im buying from local internet store where people sell there stuff nad no PVM ( in my country it is f 21% from total price!) site, so yeah new GP-7 for 7 EUR is kinda possible. Btw im selling a gasmask that was used in Chernobyl AP. Used only once ( didnt helped that much) any buyers?
P.S. Now im looking trought watches and trying to find anythnig close to Artyom LL one. Not much luck so far ( so meny damm polish watches...)
lol found 18k gold (not that much) watch for only 39lt/11EUR
06-12-2012, 04:48 PM
Guys i just found an awesome E3 Metro gasmask (GP-5) on ebay. Only US shipping (meh). So any of the lucky ones and the richer ones can take a look. i will drop the link and a picture bellow ( starting price 40$ ( i can buy like 10 GP-7 gasmasks for that price) )
06-16-2012, 03:02 AM
I had a brony (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) meetup a few weeks ago and someone brought their gas mask.
06-19-2012, 04:48 PM
I can see the belgian mask being used in a horror film, no offence :D
Red Aegis
06-23-2012, 01:25 PM
:painkiller: Sweet, I hope the ones from the contest come with a fresh filter (just in case)!
Red Aegis
06-26-2012, 04:45 PM
My mask from the contest arrived today! Now if only there was an apocalypse . . .
Skaara Dreadlocks
06-27-2012, 08:33 AM
Have you guys ever wondered what's inside a filter? Well, I've heard rumours that when the filters are deplenished and unusable, they eventually become unhealthy or even dangerous to use. My filter was used when I bought it, and it's from 1989. It's difficult to breathe through it, and I always end up coughing and my chest hurts when I use it, so yesterday I decided to finally open it and pull out its guts.
(This is in my British S10 SWAT gas mask:) From the opening that you insert into the gasmask: There's firstly a black aluminium plate at the top with small holes in it, and the holes are covered in aluminium netting. I took some pliers and destroyed the plate as much as I could so I made an opening further down into the filter. Under that plate there was a bunch of coal. Yes, you heard me. Coal-powder to be exact. It wasn't really powder, more like gravel. Small gravels. Something inbetween powder and gravel. And it was a lot of it. After that, there was another aluminium plate exactly like the first one, and under that was paper folded several times and then laid out in a circle. It's difficult to describe. This picture pretty much shows it:
You see the whole empty section in the filter? That whole section was filled with charcoal :p
06-27-2012, 12:59 PM
yes charcoal, because of its capacity to absorb, you will find that modern NBC suits are also lined with the stuff. but thats in the new filters.. no one quite knows whats in older filters. Don't go takin them apart!
Anyone else seen the site ?
i particulary recommend scrolling through the section titled
"the new home of my masks"
:jaw: pretty incredible!
06-27-2012, 04:25 PM
I want the metro gas mask!!!!! I am artyom xd :d:d:d
06-27-2012, 04:58 PM
I want the metro gas mask!!!!! I am artyom xd :d:d:d
If you are Artyom, then I'm Garrus Vakarian XD
06-30-2012, 04:57 AM
I can see the belgian mask being used in a horror film, no offence :D
you are right, when i go to an airsoft event and i wear the belgian gasmask, alot of germans who dont know the belgian gas mask freak OUT like hell :D
talking about gasmasks
10-20-2012, 12:08 PM
If any has a gasmask with red lens I will be willing to buy it
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-20-2012, 04:24 PM
Heya! When I bought a Black Rubber British SWAT S10 gas mask from Ebay, I mistakely managed to buy only red lenses, and not the gas mask itself. After that, I bought the gasmask itself without failing this time. So I have that gas mask now with two attachable Red Night Lenses in Plexi-Glass (Which is almost unbreakable) of very high quality, and they should have no scratches or anything at all. (And they still smell like cinnamon after the shipping! :3)
The lenses cost me about 54 American dollars, and the gas mask costed the same, which is together about 108 dollars. What've you got to offer me for this? :p
10-20-2012, 09:40 PM
109 bullets :) more than 108 dollars
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-20-2012, 09:58 PM
I'm so sorry, but I'm not willing to give it away for bullets, unfortunately.. :p
10-20-2012, 10:01 PM
Hey would it be easy to tint my own m 40 red?
10-20-2012, 10:13 PM
Not sure if this should go here. I want to do a metro cosplay and I wanna ask if a m40 gas mask would look good on it
10-20-2012, 11:11 PM
I.m thinking about getting a m40 anyone got one for reference and is it comfortable?
10-21-2012, 07:23 AM
I love the look of the GP-5 gas masks + they're super cheap :D
I read somewhere that they can only be used for 24 hour in a nuclear environment or something like that although it didn't specify whether or not that was the mask or the filter.
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 11:55 AM
You have an M40?! o: If you are willing, we could trade the gas masks. You'll get the red lenses as well. The whole S10 gas mask with red attachable lenses and a filter that is hollowed so it's easy to breathe through when cosplaying or playing basketball with it, like I do :D
You can also take out the regular lenses from the mask, and take the red lenses out of the attach-things, and put the red lenses properly into the mask. This will make the red lenses be more inside the gas mask and not on the outside, which will make it look more badass and look less like the face of a flie. I think it is a little difficult, but possible. I don't do it because I somehow find it more practical to not use the red lenses, so I can just take them off easily.
So, are you willing to trade the gasmasks?
10-21-2012, 12:07 PM
No but im getting a m40 not dure if it is comferatable or not.
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 12:09 PM
I think it looks alright, but it is from the US, which is the other side of the world from Russia. It's still possible for a ranger to have an M40 in Metro2033, but that'd be very rare. My British gas mask would also be quite rare, especially with the red lenses. But without the red lenses, it'd be a little more realistic than the M40, since S10 is British, and the UK is in Europe, not that far from Russia.
But, still, there are no rules that says that you can't wear this and that when cosplaying as this and that. And I think personally that the M40's appearance is perfect for Metro, so I'd give you a green light on that ;)
10-21-2012, 12:10 PM
also is it comferatable?
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 12:16 PM
Comfortable, you mean? Gas masks can never be 100% comfortable :p
My S10 sucks stuck against my face (Which is very good for a gas mask, so no radiation flows in through the sides). The rubber is soft and alright, and the straps are adjustable so it's not that tight around the face, so I guess it could work to cosplay in it.
Although I have hollowed it out, the air is still not perfect inside the gas mask. All of the C02 that you breathe out, doesn't go completely out through the exit. Some of it stays in the mask, and when you breathe in new air, you also manage to breathe in a little bit of your old breath. But it's endurable :)
10-21-2012, 12:16 PM
Ooh yours dos.nt work. I wanted a working one for when the nukes drop
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 12:18 PM
I see. I posted in the other thread about the S10's comfortiveness.
Back on the topic here: I have no idea how to tint lenses. My guesses are that you would have to send the lenses to some tinting-place where professionals could do it. And that's usually a little expensive, I think :p
10-21-2012, 12:20 PM
I'd say a PMK Gas Mask would be perfect, as it's the one Artyom wears in the Enter the Metro shortfilm. I bought mine very cheaply from this guy:
You should easily be able to find the PMK there, new sealed filter from 1990 is included.
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 12:24 PM
I merged Stalker's two other GasMask threads with this one, which is the original one.
Yes, the PMK is one of the cheapest gas masks you can get, in fact. And I also personally mean that the PMK is also one of the most awesome ones. Especially with military lenses and not civilian lenses. I've bought two of those from Ebay, actually. One for my friend, and one for my other friend. (They paid me back for it of course). I never really bought one for myself, though. Perhaps I will one day when I start making some more money soon :D
10-21-2012, 12:26 PM
I forgit to say this will probally take a year or so pf saving money due my o my fathers job. Check th general discusiion thread father
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 05:26 PM
The M40 gas masks are quite few of on Ebay, and they're extremely expensive. For one, it's twice as much as it was for my S10, and my S10 was unusually expensive to be a gas mask. And the shipping costs 40 freaking dollars just for a gasmask for some reason, so that adds up almost a whole extra half. It'd be like 130 dollars just for that mask. *Rage*
10-21-2012, 05:33 PM
Wanted to start a gasmask collection when I was a kid but only managed to collect five or six up until now... Inherited my grandfather's Belgian WWII gasmask, got an S10 not too long ago and I believe I've also got a German one, a Russian one (black rubber that covers the whole head) and two more. I'm not quite sure what country they are from or what type they are. If anyone could give me some useful guidelines about how to identify them, I'd be grateful. Or maybe I'll post a pic tomorrow if I haven't got too much work on my hands.
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-21-2012, 05:39 PM
Well, the Belgian is... Belgian :p The S10 is British, the German one is from Germany. The Russian one is from Russia. Probably a black edition of the standard Sovjet issue. And I just realized that when you said that you don't know what country they are from, you were probably talking about the two last ones. :SherlockEngage:
10-21-2012, 05:49 PM
The M40 gas masks are quite few of on Ebay, and they're extremely expensive. For one, it's twice as much as it was for my S10, and my S10 was unusually expensive to be a gas mask. And the shipping costs 40 freaking dollars just for a gasmask for some reason, so that adds up almost a whole extra half. It'd be like 130 dollars just for that mask. *Rage*
Lol lucky a m40 with shipping is 300 us bucks on ebay and a g-7 cost after shippin' 90
10-21-2012, 05:50 PM
And I just realized that when you said that you don't know what country they are from, you were probably talking about the two last ones. :SherlockEngage:Indeed! *cuts off one of your dreadlocks and feeds it to the wolves*
10-21-2012, 06:55 PM
It would be best to post a pic - like you said - and we'd do our best to identify them for you, if we can. :)
10-27-2012, 01:46 PM
Okay, I finally got my first two gas masks:
The (Soviet) Czech M10
And the (Soviet) Polish MC-1$(KGrHqZ,!l4E87ryWCSdBPlrZ3YGf!~~60_35.JPG
These pictures aren't mine, in case anyone is wondering - but the versions of the gas masks I got look exactly the same, with the exception of the MC-1, which I think is slightly darker than the one in the picture. As for my impressions of the gas masks themselves:
The M10 is very bulky; even bulkier than it looks on most pictures and makes you look like a gorilla, or something. It's still very good and unique - far from the classic gas mask style appearance of the GP-5, but it's distinctiveness makes it even more awesome. And yes, I know it's based on the original American design, but I like this one better. :p The MC-1 is really cool as well. It has that classic look and is the exact opposite of the M10; lighter, slimmer, more old-school and harder to breath in. I think I was actually dumb enough to inhale some of the talc that was smeared on the inside of the mask, however that shouldn't be much of a problem as talc is considered generally safe... I'm still coughing. :lol:
I haven't attached the filters to either of the masks because I know they have expired. I highly doubt that there was any asbestos used in them, but they ARE expired and the activated carbon would likely kill me or damage my lungs in one way or another. I hope I'll be able to find someone who can open up these filters, remove the contents inside of them and put them back together for me. I can't do it myself because I don't have the right tools, knowledge or environment for the job. :(
10-27-2012, 05:40 PM
I hope I'll be able to find someone who can open up these filters, remove the contents inside of them and put them back together for me. I can't do it myself because I don't have the right tools, knowledge or environment for the job. :(
Use a posh hammer. :laugh:
11-15-2012, 04:17 PM
Just got my gp 5 from thq. It is suprisingly comfy
11-15-2012, 04:25 PM
Soon i'm going to buy a Jugoslavian copy of the US M9A1.
And sometimes later a PBF gas mas,also.
Skaara Dreadlocks
11-15-2012, 04:27 PM
Awesome, Bamul! I really like the Czech one. I think that the Metro-rangers' gas masks are based on that gas mask to be honest.
The other one... I think it's ugly :p
Well, I did breathe a lot through the used filter that followed with the used gas mask I bought. And the gasmask is from 1989. I dunno if that makes the filter dangerous, or perhaps the filter I got with the mask is a newer filter. Either way, I'm still alive :p
I managed to dig out all the contents of my filter eventually though, so now it's just for the looks. (Which it always was anyway). I just shoved a screwdriver and some pliers down the opening which is to be attached to the gasmask. I cutted and bent and dug, and eventually got it all out. The S10 filters are of plastic, though, which is why it probably was so easy. (Believe me, it was difficult). So I'm guessing that it's close to impossible to empty those filters of yours without the right skills?
11-16-2012, 05:45 PM
Looks like it. :( The MC-1 came with a surprisingly modern filter from the 90s. The M10 had some older ones and they are internal, so I have no idea how to empty them without making them fall apart.
11-16-2012, 05:52 PM
Still need to take a pic of my modest gasmask collection. Anybody recommend a good and free picdump website where I can upload it?
11-17-2012, 07:52 AM
Still need to take a pic of my modest gasmask collection. Anybody recommend a good and free picdump website where I can upload it?
I managed to dig out all the contents of my filter eventually though, so now it's just for the looks. (Which it always was anyway). I just shoved a screwdriver and some pliers down the opening which is to be attached to the gasmask. I cutted and bent and dug, and eventually got it all out. The S10 filters are of plastic, though, which is why it probably was so easy. (Believe me, it was difficult). So I'm guessing that it's close to impossible to empty those filters of yours without the right skills?
Skaara, i think you might actually have done more harm than good D:
Since the charcoals are only dangerous when they are directly breathen, there are various layers of cloth into the filters to keep them in place.
If you dug into the filters,you may have breathen some, though they do NOT cause cancer or things like that,only some kind of lung disease that goes away on its own.
If you dug into the filters to remove asbestos,just know this:
1)As with the charcoals, screwing around with them is not a good idea,if you had had an expired filter you should have just bought a newer one.
2)Western filters after-WW2 and henceforth do NOT contain asbestos.
Neither do Warsaw Pact's ones, if older than 1970.
Since i think i remember that you own a S10 english gas mask( which is western and post 1980), you have never been in danger of being harmed.
Skaara Dreadlocks
11-17-2012, 08:47 AM
I used Tinypic as well before, but you lose the pictures afterwards. They're still on the internet, but you don't have them saved anywhere for easy access. Photobucket is free, and you get your own album/library where you have all your uploaded pictures saved. You can make them viewable for everyone, only friends, or nobody at all.
I did dig out the charcoals and put them on a little glass plate. I messed around with the charcoal, and I even think I got some of it in my face. Later on, I put the glass plate with the charcoals on my PC desk, just half a meter away from me, which is where I spend most of my days. My cat have several times believed that it's cat-sand, and actually walked into it and begun digging in it, spreading the charcoal and its dust everywhere in my room. I managed to stop the cat in time before it used the glass plate as a potty, luckily enough. I think it went two weeks before I threw the charcoal in the trash. I'm very intelligent, yes?
11-17-2012, 08:55 AM
I did dig out the charcoals and put them on a little glass plate. I messed around with the charcoal, and I even think I got some of it in my face. Later on, I put the glass plate with the charcoals on my PC desk, just half a meter away from me, which is where I spend most of my days. My cat have several times believed that it's cat-sand, and actually walked into it and begun digging in it, spreading the charcoal and its dust everywhere in my room. I managed to stop the cat in time before it used the glass plate as a potty, luckily enough. I think it went two weeks before I threw the charcoal in the trash. I'm very intelligent, yes?
Lol.....don't worry.Most likely, nothing will happen to you nor to your dear cat.
11-17-2012, 07:02 PM
Not a very smart thing to do, but I have to say it's hilarious. :lol: Anyway, you're still fine and so is your cat (I assume) so probably nothing bad happened. I don't even want to open them up out of paranoia, tbh, after all the things I've read on the internet about gas mask filters. :p
Skaara Dreadlocks
11-18-2012, 01:11 PM
Not a very smart thing to do, but I have to say it's hilarious. :lol: Anyway, you're still fine and so is your cat (I assume) so probably nothing bad happened. I don't even want to open them up out of paranoia, tbh, after all the things I've read on the internet about gas mask filters. :p
I just had the greatest idea! You can finally make some good use of your gasmask! Buy some new filters, and use them when gutting the old filters! :D
11-18-2012, 04:19 PM
I was thinking of this as well, but I'm not sure about it. After all, it's best to not rely on cheap filters and I'd rather not pay a fortune for reliable ones. I guess I'll look into it more, thanks for bringing it up. :)
Skaara Dreadlocks
01-08-2013, 12:47 PM
Guess what we got at school today! Gas masks! :D We're, for three weeks, choosing one of the many subjects that we will choose one of when the second schoolyear begins in well over half a year. I chose the "Vehicle"-subject, but too many wanted it, and I wasn't amongst the best ones who got accepted into that subject, so I had to accept my second choice, whish is the "Damage&Paint"-subject. Pretty much fixing broken cars and painting them. It's pretty cool, so I'm satisfied with it. Especially since we all got each our gas mask :D Well, they're technically called respirators, and they don't look too cool, but they still have the same function as Gas Masks. Here's a pic of me wearing it:
I asked my teacher if I could bring my own black British S.W.A.T S10 gas mask and use that instead, but he hesitated a little before he said that he wanted me to use the ones we got at the school. I can understand him, but it'd be freaking damn awesome to actually seriously wear my gasmask at school during class for a good purpose :D
01-08-2013, 02:15 PM
The only problems I could see with that is the face that the paint would clog up your own filters, and your filters arnt made for paint
But I Wuve your hair! :3
Skaara Dreadlocks
01-09-2013, 07:53 AM
I think S10 filters would work perfectly against gasses from paint, wouldn't they? And thanks for the hair-compliment btw :) It gets in the way of my eyes all the time, and I have to fix it every morning. It's more relaxed and easy to just have a buzz-cut, but I'll quote Derrick from American History X and say "The chicks digg it" ;)
01-23-2013, 12:14 AM
Got home from work to find my PMK Gas Mask had arrived :D
I plan to get the civilian GP-7v and a PBF gas mask soon too...
01-23-2013, 12:35 AM
Nice! :D
01-23-2013, 02:04 PM
It's.. *sniffles, it's so beautiful....
01-23-2013, 02:06 PM
Hehe I have one of those too. They're just classic :p
01-23-2013, 02:07 PM
Guess what we got at school today! Gas masks! :D We're, for three weeks, choosing one of the many subjects that we will choose one of when the second schoolyear begins in well over half a year. I chose the "Vehicle"-subject, but too many wanted it, and I wasn't amongst the best ones who got accepted into that subject, so I had to accept my second choice, whish is the "Damage&Paint"-subject. Pretty much fixing broken cars and painting them. It's pretty cool, so I'm satisfied with it. Especially since we all got each our gas mask :D Well, they're technically called respirators, and they don't look too cool, but they still have the same function as Gas Masks. Here's a pic of me wearing it:
I asked my teacher if I could bring my own black British S.W.A.T S10 gas mask and use that instead, but he hesitated a little before he said that he wanted me to use the ones we got at the school. I can understand him, but it'd be freaking damn awesome to actually seriously wear my gasmask at school during class for a good purpose :D
I Thought this whole time you had dreadlocks.......................:rant:
Skaara Dreadlocks
01-23-2013, 02:50 PM
I Thought this whole time you had dreadlocks.......................:rant:
Well, you did post in the "You" thread, but didn't check the other pictures in it? :p
12-10-2013, 04:50 AM
Yippee. My two new gas masks arrived today. GP-7v and PBF.
Skaara Dreadlocks
12-10-2013, 06:48 AM
Nice! I want those..
12-10-2013, 07:54 AM
Id buy one but id be flagged as a terrorist sooooooooooooooo
05-05-2014, 02:00 PM
I just ordered a Soviet GP-7 gas mask online from Lithuania. This will be my third gas mask and I'll be using it for my next cosplay. Originally I was convinced that I had to get a PMK, but it was always a bit too expensive for me (I don't want to waste too much money on these things) and after a while I realized that I actually prefer the GP-7's appearance anyway. They look extremely similar - they just have differently shaped eyepieces.
Skaara Dreadlocks
05-05-2014, 02:10 PM
When you wrote GP-7, I mixed that with the GP-5. Anyway, if the GP-7 is the one with the round eyepieces, I'm pretty certain that the GP-7 is a civilian version of the PMK. The military GP-7 (PMK) has shield-shaped eyepieces for better visibility.
If I were you, I'd spend those few extra euros on a military version, they're so much cooler. But still, cool anyway :D
I'm pretty sure I remember buying a military PMK for only 18 euro or so, plus 4-6 for shipping.
05-05-2014, 02:36 PM
I just recently saw a post with the historical and modern gas masks on reddit and I just fell in love with the modern British GSR gas mask. It reminds me of the GP-21 gas mask but looks more ergonomically designed. Contrary to the immediate assumption, the GSR actually allows for pretty decent aiming, as shown here:
Here is a pic of the mask itself:
05-05-2014, 07:34 PM
When you wrote GP-7, I mixed that with the GP-5. Anyway, if the GP-7 is the one with the round eyepieces, I'm pretty certain that the GP-7 is a civilian version of the PMK. The military GP-7 (PMK) has shield-shaped eyepieces for better visibility.
If I were you, I'd spend those few extra euros on a military version, they're so much cooler. But still, cool anyway :D
I'm pretty sure I remember buying a military PMK for only 18 euro or so, plus 4-6 for shipping.
Yes, that's exactly the one. :) I think I actually prefer the round eyepieces. 24 euro is almost 20 quid, so that's a lot to spend on something like this (at least in my opinion). The cheapest PMK I could find was almost 28 quid with delivery - that's 34 euro. :ohwell: Whilst the GP-7 cost me not much over 10 quid, which is about 14 euro, and considering how similar they are it just seemed like a much better deal as well.
I just recently saw a post with the historical and modern gas masks on reddit and I just fell in love with the modern British GSR gas mask. It reminds me of the GP-21 gas mask but looks more ergonomically designed. Contrary to the immediate assumption, the GSR actually allows for pretty decent aiming, as shown here:
Here is a pic of the mask itself:
Looks pretty nice indeed. I like the look of the contemporary Polish gas masks as well. There's the MP-5 ( (designs for it started in the '80s until it eventually was finished and replaced the PRL gas mask MP-4 ( and the MP-6 ( (which is currently replacing the MP-5). However, I usually prefer the appearance of older gas masks. Although they are designed in a much inferior way with low visibility, the way they look is more ominous because they conceal more of the user's face. Contemporary gas masks are designed in a much better way to offer more visibility, but through this they expose what the wearer looks like and some of that awesomness is gone. :p
05-05-2014, 07:45 PM
Well, I added another mask to my collection. It's an MSA MCU-2/P. Hopefully, I'll have enough money to get a PMK for my cosplay soon.
Skaara Dreadlocks
05-06-2014, 02:27 AM
Wow, that gas mask is awesome, Darkbringer! :O
I agree with Bamul about the face showing which ruins the whole scariness of the gasmask, but you could always wear a balaclava under the mask ;)
05-06-2014, 10:54 AM
Wow, that gas mask is awesome, Darkbringer! :O
I agree with Bamul about the face showing which ruins the whole scariness of the gasmask, but you could always wear a balaclava under the mask ;)
It would compromise the gas mask's protective capabilities, though.
Skaara Dreadlocks
05-06-2014, 03:38 PM
It would compromise the gas mask's protective capabilities, though.
Because the gasmask wouldn't be tightly against the skin, or what?
05-07-2014, 09:21 AM
Because the gasmask wouldn't be tightly against the skin, or what?
Yes, because it would allow air to make its way into the mask.
Autumnal Wanderer
09-27-2014, 07:58 AM
This is my gasmask with my VSS Vintorez airsoft. tes.hu_.jpg
10-23-2014, 06:44 AM
Well, I added another mask to my collection. It's an MSA MCU-2/P. Hopefully, I'll have enough money to get a PMK for my cosplay soon.
That is... So. Damn. Cool. I'd kill for that thing! I've been looking for a modern mask but it's proving to be a real biatch finding one that's 1) REAL (not an airsoft mask or a painter's respirator) and 2) at a reasonable price. My PMK, GP-7v and PBF masks ( - were so cheap on ebay that I'm thinking about buying a few more of each, but I'm dying to get my hands on a modern mask(s) for my small collection. Yours is freakin'... beautiful... :thumb:
10-23-2014, 08:45 AM
I might need a gas mask because this thread is making me sick to my stomach - just not the ones you have. Where did you get your gas masks, the flu market? Before buying a gas mask, check the respirator actually works and isn't some chinese factory bullshit, looks like a fucking toy from a happy meal. Not even gonna recommend any good ones since I think we'd all be better off on this planet if you all choked to death in your own trash.
10-23-2014, 04:45 PM
I would give you some credit for this trolling if the gas masks we talked about in this thread weren't for practically collecting/cosplay/outfit purposes only... but since they are just for that, it just makes you look even more like an idiot.
10-24-2014, 07:07 AM
I would give you some credit for this trolling if the gas masks we talked about in this thread weren't for practically collecting/cosplay/outfit purposes only... but since they are just for that, it just makes you look even more like an idiot.
Look everyone someone has a different opinion than me - they MUST be trolling!
They make you look like a retard to even own one of these pieces of trash. Anyone that knows anything about gas masks will recognize you as a wanna-be little faggot, and even owning one for collecting purposes makes you look equally as stupid for the same reason.
10-24-2014, 08:36 AM
Ja pierdolę...
10-24-2014, 06:56 PM like the black one, with the round eye pieces, the most. It looks really cool; and I imagine it looking even better if someone with a flamethrower was wearing it.
Skaara Dreadlocks
10-25-2014, 04:42 PM
Here the other day we got a customer into the workshop at Toyota who needed the rear light-bulb changed on his old Toyota Avensis. Changing any rear light-bulb on those cars is one hell'ov'a pain. I got to work and after a long time of fiddling managed to get the bulb-holder loose. I took out the old one and put a new one in. Then, trying to put the holder back in place, a bulb of course fell out of it and deep into the chassis of the car. Of course this was a yellow bulb that we didn't have at storage, so we had to remove the floor mat in the back and a lot of other stuff to get to the bulb.
It was first when lifting out this big luggage-floormat that I noticed the gas mask lying on it. My colleague went like "Ah, preparing for war are we?", and the customer went really nervous and stammering "uh eh uh eh ah eh uh I- I- I use it f-for work..", implying that he's working with some chemical stuff or whatever. The first thing I thought was that he was working as a car-lacquer of some sort, but looking closer at the gas mask, it wasn't just a respirator or anything; it was a legit shiny military gas mask in top condition. It looked brand new with the black rubber and straps and the unopened filter still with some label or manual on. I couldn't recognize the gas mask as I didn't get a good look at it from the front, so I don't know what type it was specifically. Pheh, was pretty weird :lol:
10-26-2014, 12:07 AM
Here the other day we got a customer into the workshop at Toyota who needed the rear light-bulb changed on his old Toyota Avensis. Changing any rear light-bulb on those cars is one hell'ov'a pain. I got to work and after a long time of fiddling managed to get the bulb-holder loose. Too bad it wasn't old enough where all you need is a screwdriver to remove the cover in a matter a seconds and switch out and replace the cover in another several seconds. Besides the point though. If it was that way, you might have never gotten to see the mask It was first when lifting out this big luggage-floormat that I noticed the gas mask lying on it. My colleague went like "Ah, preparing for war are we?", and the customer went really nervous and stammering "uh eh uh eh ah eh uh I- I- I use it f-for work..", implying that he's working with some chemical stuff or whatever. The first thing I thought was that he was working as a car-lacquer of some sort, but looking closer at the gas mask, it wasn't just a respirator or anything; it was a legit shiny military gas mask in top condition. It looked brand new with the black rubber and straps and the unopened filter still with some label or manual on. I couldn't recognize the gas mask as I didn't get a good look at it from the front, so I don't know what type it was specifically. Pheh, was pretty weird :lol:haha, nice :D! You should have told him you had a gas mask too. Maybe he would have giving it to you from embarrassment and the awkwardness of finding a gas mask in the back of his car XD!
I need to take a picture of my mask, now that I'm able to upload personal photos.
Autumnal Wanderer
11-03-2014, 03:16 PM
I plan to buy a gasmask, but I have no idea what size would be okay for me. Could somebody help me with this?$_57.JPG
Skaara Dreadlocks
11-03-2014, 03:35 PM
As far as I know, gas mask sizes are ranked from 1 to 6. Six is smallest, and One is largest. The sizes aren't really that different. The only time it is important is if you're actually going to use the gas mask for something dangerous, to make sure it fits perfectly on your face to not allow any air to flow in through any possible cracks. In the correct size, it might also be less uncomfortable to wear for a longer period of time. Other than that, if you're just buying it for small-cosplaying and just to have it, I don't think it really matters that much what size it is. All in all, I recommend buying a size 3 which pretty much is "Medium" :)
11-03-2014, 07:50 PM
I always thought that there were only sizes for children and adults :/
Well, like Skaara said, it shouldn't make much of a difference in size and how it fits around your face; just make sure that it's an adult's mask and not one for an infant -unless, of course, you want one like that. Also, most gas mask should come with adjustable rubber straps which allows you to adjust how tightly it fits against your head/face. With the adjustable straps, most of the time, it will compensate for the looseness of the mask if you happen to get a larger one -like a 6.
The only time that I think you should be concerned with the size of the mask is if you want a gas mask which you need to pull over your head, like a GP-5.
11-04-2014, 09:07 AM
Sorry for being so blunt guys, but you're both wrong. :p It is of course of utmost importance to have an appropriately-sized gas mask if you intend to use it to save your life or whatever. However, even if you're just cosplaying or using it for some other costume, you will need an appropriate size... now, it doesn't have to be perfect and not let any air through, but it's still very much possible to have a mask that is too small and you simply won't be able to put it on. I actually bought a PMK gas mask (Wanderer posted an image of it earlier) from an eBay seller based in Lithuania months ago. He said they came in 3 sizes, but he only had the smallest size left. It didn't fit me or anyone else in the house either (and our height varies from under 1.60 to over 1.80). I returned it, but that asshole still hasn't refunded me, claiming that the gas mask never reached him.
Anyway, to summarize things, you shouldn't worry about having a gas mask that is slightly too large for you if you're just cosplaying. If you intend to use it for anything serious, then you have to worry about getting a size that's as good enough for you as possible - so it can be too large even. In both cases it's possible to have a mask that is too small (especially if you are above average height or even taller). The same goes for helmets and other things. There's a reason they have sizes, and chances are that your head will be just too big or, if you're very short, even too small. As for the amount of sizes that a gas mask comes in, they vary. I'm quite sure it used to be only 2 (adults and children) dating back to WWII, but I've also seen 3 different sizes for adults alone in masks from '70s and '80s. I think the pattern generally is that the newer the mask is, the more sizes it will come in.
Autumnal Wanderer
11-04-2014, 10:09 AM
Thank you guys! :) To be honest I just want to have one, and later on do some cosplay. I am not tall at all, about 1.70-1.73. If I remember correctly my motorbiker helmet is M sized as well, so might be this is the good size for me, I will check it out later on.
11-05-2014, 10:57 PM
You're right, bamul; but I do think, just as long as the mask fits around your face and provides a sealing suction action around your face when you place your hand over the filter hole, that it is a good enough test to see if your mask is good...But really, I wouldn't know if the "test" is adequate enough to determine if the mask could save your life. That's just something I though up on my own when I first got my mask (not like anyone has thought up of it before), and I've actually read on several websites where it recommends doing this to test the mask -all this can be misleading information though.
Here is a picture of my gas mask:
It's an Israeli civilian issue gas mask that I bought at an out-of-town military surplus store almost five years ago for $40. It came in a sealed plastic bag with some instructions and what you see in the picture -mask, filter, and carry strap. Back then, I had no prior experience with gas masks and it was the first mask I had ever seen in person; so I jumped straight in and bought it. I later researched it and found out that I could have gotten it, at least, $20 cheaper online. Fortunately, though, this mask model is still currently in use in Israel, so that's a good sign. There has only been one other issue of this mask put out into the public, which only adds a drinking hole and straw to the mask. Since I bought it, I don't think my head/face has grown, but I've always noticed that the mask looks kinda odd and small on my face. It provides enough suction to where I can breathe, though, when I place my hand over the filter hole, but I'm not too sure if that means it is safe to use.
Anyway, I never really understood why they don't recommend buying old gas masks. I know there are some masks that were recalled and removed from their service -later to be sold in surplus stores- but there were some masks that were actually good quality and worked how they were supposed to; so I don't see why buying the good, old ones would be a problem just as long they were taken care of. The filters are another thing, but the gas mask should remain working if they were stored correctly.
Bah! And that sucks about your experience with the Ebay seller. Put a claim up and tell Paypal that the sucker didn't give you your money back after you sent in the mask. Paypal will look into it and, if they see that guy didn't return you money, Paypal will automatically refund you the money.;)
And good luck in your search for a mask, Wanderer. :)
11-06-2014, 04:42 AM
Lithuania.... sounds like a dealer I've bought from in the past and had planned to buy from again.
Just to throw my two cents into the hat, the GP-7v and PMK masks I bought (from ebay seller: epic_militaria :based in the UK) came in three sizes (1/small, 2/medium, and 3/large). I only wanted them to hang on my wall for my Metro display shelf, so sizing meant jack shit to me. So, for the first mask I bought, I chose size 2. In the event that I wanted to wear it, I should be in a 'safe' middle-ground thinking there's no way that I'm any bigger/smaller than that! But the inner seal/flaps actually press in over my eyes just a bit (if that makes any sense). It looked weird as hell and wasn't very comfortable as I wore it around the house like a weirdo. Tightening the straps just made it worse, pulling the mask tighter to my face and distorting it in a way. I could not wear that thing for very long... So the next PMK mask I bought was a 3, just to be sure it would fit comfortably in the event of a reason to wear it as a costume if Satan started skating to work and the occasion ever arose for me to wear a gas mask. But I don't go to enough S/m parties for my mask size to matter much, lol! :lol: :p
(^ I, too, did the putting your hand over the filter hole (actually not over the filter hole but over the voice emitter or whatever the hell that is called on the Russian masks) and it helps 'seat' the mask on your face too.)
11-06-2014, 04:49 PM
Yes, I've also heard about that test with putting your hand over it. As for aging gas masks, I'm sure I have read somewhere long time ago that most if not all gas masks and/or their filters become useless after 15 years. However, I'm not certain of how trustworthy this is as I can't remember where I read it now, but it's not something that is of any importance to me or most of us here since we don't plan on actually using it for survival. I personally have only two masks: a Polish MC-1 and a Czechoslovak M10. The MC-1 fits quite nicely on me, yet I can't really wear it because it was covered in talc or something when they held it in storage before I bought it - so I get a coughing fit after breathing through it. The M10 on the other hand is easier to breathe through as it wasn't covered in that stuff, however it feels a bit too large for me. I haven't tried either of these with filters attached, since they are long expired and I'm paranoid about the possibility of inhaling activated charcoal, asbestos or other shit that could give me cancer/kill me/whatever. :lol:
11-06-2014, 09:00 PM
I have used my mask before with the filter attached to it, and the quality of air breathed in is noticeably better! Then, several months ago when we had a related conversation about the risk of asbestos in old filters, I stopped using it. For the little times that I did use the filter, I doubt that it caused any noticeable harm if it did contain asbestos. Too me, the filter looks like compact cotton stuffed in a tin can :p Of course, there's charcoal and all, but I've wondered if making a filter out of pure cotton and making it really compact will provide protection just as good as a filter (not really, but what the hell :D)
I've also read somewhere claiming that, once the plug has been pulled off of the filter and the top removed, the filter must not have the plug put back in and the top screwed back on because the filter's contents have become contaminated with the air. It's precaution is reasonable, to an extent; but say you just use the filter for a short period of time in decent-quality air. I suppose the filter will still be of use if you seal it back up -it not like a one time use type of deal, like a glow stick.
Too bad there isn't much reliable information out there concerning the do's-and-don'ts of buying and using a gas masks for consumers, like us.
Autumnal Wanderer
11-07-2014, 10:58 AM
I also used my gasmask once, and the air was noticeably clearer as well, which is strange, because I live in a little city. But my filter was a bit dusty when I breathed even it was new stuff.
Mine is like this.
I don't know when I will able to buy a PMK, I hope it is going to be this year, but I not sure about that. I also plan to buy a Czechoslovak M10 later on, because I like that as well.
11-07-2014, 11:02 PM
That's a nice one. It has a classic look to it ;)
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