View Full Version : My Noclip Adventures In "Metro Last Light" - Videos & Pics

05-27-2013, 06:56 AM
Hi all, I'm back continuing my noclip explorations with Metro Last Light!
Here's a video of Artyom as an on stage Steadicam operator / cameraman. :)


I next plan to go through the wall where the naked women are taking a shower! :)

Sorry that I've been gone for some time now. I've been doing some crazy sh*t trying to mod the "Aliens Colonial Marines" game.

You can check out all my videos on my YouTube page here:

There's more noclip videos and pics to come!

05-27-2013, 07:55 AM

but you should do some from the surface... like Red Square or something :p

05-27-2013, 08:15 AM

but you should do some from the surface... like Red Square or something :p

Sure, I'll add that to the list of things I want to check out. :)

The naked women shower scene I plan to post next... The surface area of Red Square I'll look into, along with any other requests you guys have.

Also, I forgot to disable Vsync in the theater show scene. It seems a little laggy in parts, so I might redo that video as well.

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-27-2013, 12:22 PM
Wait, aren't you the one that posted pictures and videos of Metro2033 a while back on this forum?
Welcome back! :D And great videos, still loving them! ;)

05-28-2013, 04:27 AM
This area was hidden from view in the Bolshoi level, and was accessed only through noclip... I was high when I made this, but I tried my best to avoid overt nudity. Please forgive me! :D


(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)





Wait, aren't you the one that posted pictures and videos of Metro2033 a while back on this forum?
Welcome back! :D And great videos, still loving them! ;)

Hi Skaara, glad to be back! Next videos I plan to post will be back on track with the familiar Metro theme, and will have less smut! :p


05-28-2013, 07:21 AM
EDIT: The images are hidden in spoiler tags above... At least there was some warning before clicking on that video, though. LOL! :D

05-28-2013, 02:41 PM
I swear the guitarist with glasses reminds me of GORDON FREEMAN from the half life series.

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-28-2013, 04:15 PM
I don't forgive you, DownRegulation..... There wasn't enough nudity in that! :p
Really though, I'm interested in knowing wether 4A made the private areas on those women detailedly or if they just put a blank layer over like on those display-dolls that you see in cloth-shops.

05-28-2013, 08:14 PM
Artyom shadowboxing with the buff boyz... (This area is "out of bounds" in the Sparta level).
Is it me or do the guys in this level look a little too friendly towards each other. :)

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

I don't forgive you, DownRegulation..... There wasn't enough nudity in that! :p
Really though, I'm interested in knowing wether 4A made the private areas on those women detailedly or if they just put a blank layer over like on those display-dolls that you see in cloth-shops.

Their private areas are very detailed! :)
I think that video was kind of pushing the envelope of YouTube's standards, so I unlisted it from my directory out of paranoia, haha. :D
It will only be viewable from this thread.

05-29-2013, 09:54 AM
I didn't hold back showing full nudity on this one (since it's hidden from the YouTube directory). The only way the video can be viewed is through the link below... You've been warned! :laugh:

This is a restricted room that you can't enter at the brothel in Venice Station.
(LOL - at the masturbating dude, and the guy peering through the window).

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality).

The next video I'll post will be different angles of docking ports at Venice Station.

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-29-2013, 11:39 AM
I never noticed that he was masturbating when I peek-
Anyway, can't wait for the next upload! Keep it up! :D

05-30-2013, 01:09 AM
Hahahaha I lold so hard at the masturbating guy :D (while at work ._.)

05-30-2013, 04:19 AM
Anyway, can't wait for the next upload! Keep it up! :D

Thanks! Here's some new angles around Venice Station. All these shots are completely inaccessible during regular gameplay... There's even conversations you can hear between characters that are too far away for you to really listen to when playing. :p

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

I hope you enjoy this video. :)

Hahahaha I lold so hard at the masturbating guy :D (while at work ._.)

Did your boss catch you watching it? :lol:

Skaara Dreadlocks
05-30-2013, 04:27 AM
Nice upload, thanks! :D
For future videos like this, I suggest that you do some smoother movements, not all that shaky and swingy stuff :p

05-30-2013, 05:16 AM
Nice upload, thanks! :D
For future videos like this, I suggest that you do some smoother movements, not all that shaky and swingy stuff :p

Haha, you're talking about the last crazy scene with Pavel, right? I wanted to get a different shot of Pavel at the doorway with the girls, without triggering the script when you walk around the corner. The unfortunate mistake I made was I clipped too fast through the level, while the script for the raft was still en route to the dock... While hovering at those points, I was bobbing like a cork in water, and fighting the currents that were messing with my controls. :)

I next plan to post some pics of different angles of the Metro surface... Maybe, some super high up panoramic shots! :D

05-30-2013, 05:46 PM
I edited out the choppy part towards the end of the Venice video above. That scene was kind of out of place anyway - compared to the rest of the content that was shown. :p

06-01-2013, 10:30 AM
Artyom brings more than just a pistol in his pocket to the strip bar. :D


06-02-2013, 03:41 AM
Riding along a boat with a drunken dude and a hooker... Just one of the fine details that give this station a quaint, and classy touch. :)

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

Okay, I've got to drag my ass out Venice and start posting new material from other level. :laugh:

06-04-2013, 03:58 AM
Flying around a bridge that is riddled with giant "lurkers".
I will expand on this video on future on uploads.

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

Skaara Dreadlocks
06-04-2013, 05:10 AM
Haha, nice uploads! It'd be cool if you took a closer look at that special building, in the game when you're on the surface with the Dark One and he says "They're not hostile, it's their home". The building with mutants crawling all over it. If you don't know which I mean, I could post a screenshot?

06-04-2013, 07:40 AM
Haha, nice uploads! It'd be cool if you took a closer look at that special building, in the game when you're on the surface with the Dark One and he says "They're not hostile, it's their home". The building with mutants crawling all over it. If you don't know which I mean, I could post a screenshot?

I'm pretty sure you are talking about St Peter's Basilica, at least I'm pretty sure that's what it is.

06-05-2013, 03:54 AM
Haha, nice uploads! It'd be cool if you took a closer look at that special building, in the game when you're on the surface with the Dark One and he says "They're not hostile, it's their home". The building with mutants crawling all over it. If you don't know which I mean, I could post a screenshot?
Speaking of, I'm surprised no one's mentioned it on the forum yet (or maybe they have), but there's an easter egg of Lenin's mausoleum and I assume it's in there or somewhere in the "Red Square" chapter.

I'm gonna search for it tomorrow.

06-05-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm pretty sure you are talking about St Peter's Basilica, at least I'm pretty sure that's what it is.I think you meant Saint Basil's Cathedral. :pSpeaking of, I'm surprised no one's mentioned it on the forum yet (or maybe they have), but there's an easter egg of Lenin's mausoleum and I assume it's in there or somewhere in the "Red Square" chapter.Do you mean the journal entry that mentions the Kremlin?

06-05-2013, 04:16 PM
Do you mean the journal entry that mentions the Kremlin?
No, it's an actual location somewhere in the level.

Edit: Found it.


06-06-2013, 06:02 AM
Artyom flying with a Demon.
(I'll add more to this later on).

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

I'd also like to do some high-res screenshots flying with the Demon... Similar to the shot I took last year in "Metro 2033":

Haha, nice uploads! It'd be cool if you took a closer look at that special building, in the game when you're on the surface with the Dark One and he says "They're not hostile, it's their home". The building with mutants crawling all over it. If you don't know which I mean, I could post a screenshot?

Thanks! Is it the palace that I flew by at the end of my video? I'll check out the "Red Square" level when I get a chance. :)

No, it's an actual location somewhere in the level.

Edit: Found it.

Nice find, Rilence! :)

06-06-2013, 12:22 PM
No, it's an actual location somewhere in the level.

Edit: Found it.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v282/delta110/MetroLL2013-06-0602-16-37-15_zpsbf71e747.pngYeah, that's exactly what I meant. You find a journal entry there. :p There is another room similar to this one, and if I remember correctly, it's right next to that one.

06-09-2013, 04:07 AM
Artyom's PCP Trip...
It starts to get trippy around the 0:27 mark. :)


Skaara Dreadlocks
06-10-2013, 12:30 PM
Hahha, what the heck was that from 1:30 - 1:40?! :lol:
Great video clip, we're still expecting and waiting for more, so keep it up, thanks! :D

06-11-2013, 12:47 AM
Hahha, what the heck was that from 1:30 - 1:40?! :lol:

The woman wanted some bullets, but Artyom wanted a favor first... That favor being to..... do his laundry and wash his feet. :D

Here's a new video of different angles around the quarantine center. There's so many different shots that could be set up here, it's hard to know where to start.
For now, I'll call this (part 1) until I come back to this later.


06-12-2013, 08:20 AM
Crazy Battle With Nosalis - (Noclip + Other Hacks)
Strapped into his radioactive jet pack, Artyom brings hell from above. (Matrix Style)... Well, he does get some love taps from the nosalis here and there... :D

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)


Skaara Dreadlocks
06-12-2013, 10:30 AM
...That was horrible to watch xD
What's up with all the switching between slow-mo and regular speed, and what's all those annoying noises like the beeping noise? And what's up with the wild spraying?

06-12-2013, 11:47 AM
...That was horrible to watch xD
What's up with all the switching between slow-mo and regular speed, and what's all those annoying noises like the beeping noise? And what's up with the wild spraying?

:lol: Excluding the ending part - all of the video was in slowmo with a slow motion hack. The beeping noise heard with the blue DOF filter, was actually the inventory menu with the icons removed. (That's currently the only way I can get low pitched audio synced with slow motion video). The ending part was a mixture of sped up AI behavior caused by a strange glitch at that saved checkpoint. The game must have recorded my increased travel speed and also saved it for the AI. (I thought it produced a cool effect). :p

The random firing was to show what the particle effects look like on a maxed out PC... It was a little excessive at times, but I also wanted to capture the interaction of the muzzle flashes with the volumetric fog. :)

06-13-2013, 03:27 AM
"Part 2" of different angles around the quarantine center.
This video has more content than "Part 1", so I hope you guys enjoy! :)

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)


06-16-2013, 10:06 AM
(Nightfall Level):
Different angles around the creepy swamps.
Don't watch this in the dark!

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

Artyom's shadow model also makes an appearance as a guard in the quarantine station. The 4A engine seems to only load Artyom's shadow when the viewing angle is panned down far enough to save on resources... (Artyom's model also made appearances in Metro 2033 - such as the head manager at "The Market"). I've only noticed this effect with this model in noclip mode - so I'm fairly certain that this is Artyom's head and body that is casting the shadow behind the viewing angle.




It seems that during POV cutscenes that only part of Artyom's body is rendered. (I guess since the close proximity of the viewing angle would have you clipping inside his head). The image below is the best angle I could get when flying out of the end of the stripper dance cutscene:


Here's a reference of Artyom's cutscene model I took in Metro 2033:


The same model was used for the manager in "The Market" level:


View the thread here:


06-19-2013, 06:23 AM
I found Artyom's cutscene model in Polis! He looks much different than Artyom in Metro 2033... I still think the guard in quarantine may be the model used to cast his shadow. Here's a video and some pics below... (This video is in 3 parts):

0:00 - 2:27 = Noclip in Polis subway used for cutscene.
2:28 - 3:34 = Noclip of Artyom's cutscene model in Polis.
3:35 - 5:19 = Crazy subway skybox with Pavel's doppelgänger. :D

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

(Click "Show Spoiler" to view in 1600x900 resolution):

(Click "Show Spoiler" to view in 1600x900 resolution):

Edit (6/21):

Pavel goes retro style in a side-scrolling segment I did in the "Torchlight" level.
I may do a series of these type of vidoes in the game. :)


06-25-2013, 02:38 AM
Here's an action sequence with Pavel that I tried to emulate different track view (cutscene) type shots.

(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)


Skaara Dreadlocks
06-25-2013, 05:02 AM
Wow, that video was really really neat! :D Loved it!
By the way, are you sure that Artyom's model in 2033 is the same one as the manager-guy behind the desk in the room in The Market? I've seen that guy's face in all my playthroughs and even taken a screenshot of him because he looked like Gordon Freeman from HL2, but I never associated him with the Artyom model that you posted on the froums here o:

07-03-2013, 07:06 AM
Here's a crazy video of some of my old hacks and tweaks in Metro 2033. (Note: Artyom's cutscene model is shown in full detail towards the end of the video). :p

(Watch On Youtube For HD Quality).

Wow, that video was really really neat! :D Loved it!
By the way, are you sure that Artyom's model in 2033 is the same one as the manager-guy behind the desk in the room in The Market? I've seen that guy's face in all my playthroughs and even taken a screenshot of him because he looked like Gordon Freeman from HL2, but I never associated him with the Artyom model that you posted on the froums here o:

I believe you're talking about the man near the Hanza entrance... The screenshot I took was in a small room with the guy that is blocked by a guard.
(I think the guard says, "The boss is busy right now, come back later..")

07-04-2013, 04:18 PM
Once again, this game like metro 2033, seems to make really detailed inaccessible places or they meant for you to go there at some point, it's really weird because with COD, you go behind a wall and it just is a 2D image but with this, they render massive parts of moscow

07-05-2013, 09:23 AM
I'm not waiting for the SDK to come out! :laugh:
This was one of the harder hacks I've done... It took me 6 hours to find the coordinates of the Nosalis, and then teleport him down to the proper position in the shower scene. :D

Video: (Warning Adult Content)!!

(Watch On Youtube For HD Quality)
(Note: Unlisted video only viewable by direct link).



Pics in higher resolution. (Click "Show Spoiler"):




07-05-2013, 08:23 PM
Here's a new hack video I did of a mutant eating dinner with some friends, but he has too much to drink and goes crazy at the 0:47 mark.






Higher resolution pics. (Click "Show Spoiler"):





07-06-2013, 07:43 PM
I just had a mental image of that mutant flipping the table and screaming about how his meal is nothing like the borscht back home.

07-06-2013, 10:26 PM
Here's another coordinates hack I did that removed the female stripper, and replaced her for a sexy Red soldier... This is what really keeps the close bond between the Reds. :lol:

(Watch On Youtube For HD Quality)

I just had a mental image of that mutant flipping the table and screaming about how his meal is nothing like the borscht back home.



Edit Addition (7/9):

This is a short video of Artyom's model during Anna's and Artyom's sex scene. I changed the coordinates of the cutscene camera to move higher and to the left.. I was not in control of the actual panning and tilting of the cutscene camera, so these are currently the best shots I could get. (Notice the detached arms used in this scene, while Artyom's main model has his pinned behind his back). :)


(Watch On YouTube For HD Quality)

Pics: (Click "Show Spoiler")




It's interesting to see that they didn't use the headless model for this scene, and just tipped the model's head back... Maybe this is also the model that is used to cast Artyom's shadow after all!
(I always thought Artyom's shadow somewhat resembled a ninja!) Hahaha! :lol:


07-12-2013, 06:14 AM
Bubba makes an appearance again as "Mini Me", and the "Jolly Green Giant" at 3:02 .
These are various asset size and coordinates hacks I did for this character... Also, this video shows some of my new noclip and player position hacks that I've currently done.

(Watch On Youtube For HD Quality)


Skaara Dreadlocks
07-13-2013, 05:29 AM
This is getting rediculous :lol:

Metro Stalker
07-22-2013, 10:32 PM

07-24-2013, 01:39 AM
Urban life in the Metro world - (Part 1)

This is a video I made showing different angles of restricted areas in "Metro 2033" and "Metro Last Light".

(Watch On Youtube For HD Quality)


09-02-2014, 08:01 PM
What I'm wondering is, where do I get the noclip file for 64bit to be able to get around there like that? Is it on here in the forum somewhere?

Stalker Bar
09-08-2014, 08:03 PM