View Full Version : SweetFX Presets

05-18-2013, 07:01 AM
SweetFX Presets with Interactive Slider Comparison and SweetFX pics


05-19-2013, 07:30 AM
How to install if you don't know

Go here (http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/sweetfx_shader_suite_download.html) and download SweetFX v1.4.

SweetFX Shader Suite Download Version 1.4

Then unzip it to the Metro LL installation folder in your Steam folder. Path is something like Program Files (x86), Steam, steamapps, common, Metro LL (Or the directory where ever you installed the installation files)

Once you've unzipped it inside the folder containing the Metro LL exe file download the settings from the link you posted above.

Go into that file using Windows Notepad and ctrl+A to copy all the settings.

Open the SweetFX settings notepad document in your Metro LL install folder and paste over the default settings with the ones you copied from the Metro settings you downloaded from your link.

Quite straightforward. You can actually change the settings while the game is running by alt tabbing out and editing values in the settings document.

See how you get on but you might want to change the Lumasharpen value from 1.20 to something like 1.00 or less.

05-19-2013, 07:31 AM

05-19-2013, 07:33 AM

It looks great.

One thing that was wrong is "Lift Gamma Gain settings". To much dark. Returning to default solves problem.