View Full Version : Stripclub in the metro?

11-16-2012, 09:51 AM
So I was checking a resent gaming magazine when I come across an article about LL. And in one of the pictures there is ,what looks like a backroom lounge with mirrors and red drapes/tablecloth, with lightly clothed ladies (even less than Nikki). I then proceded in to read the article, which was like a description of areas and gameplay from a playthrough, that described a bar/stipclub in an metro version of venice.

So, what do you guys think of that?
Me myself thinks it's a neat Idea since you can't have a post-apocalyptic world without atleast one stripclub/brothel. The only problem I have with it is that it looked too clean. The mirrors, the drapes, the tables, even the womens clothing looked a bit too nice for it to have survived a nuclear war.

11-16-2012, 10:43 AM
Just reminded me i hope they continue the 3D support :D The prostitute girl in 2033 was enough to make me stop for awhile...

Komodo Saurian
11-16-2012, 11:21 AM
It's in the Theater station. It's cabaret performance, not a whore house. There is also a trained mutant jumping around with Der Flohwalzer in background, apparently.

11-16-2012, 12:02 PM
Thanks, Komodo. It didn't mention any station names in the article, underground venice was the closest. Also I didn't say it was a whore house just that a post-apocalyptic world needs one, not that this in the metro was one, just to clear things up :) ( I might add that I don't consider a stripclub a whore house if that what you meant.).

And I look forward to se that jumping mutant :D

Skaara Dreadlocks
11-17-2012, 07:51 AM
Jumping mutants! What? Hahhah. Anyway, I do find a stripclub in the metro realistic. As the world is hardened, so are the men. A lot of the morality has been lost with the nuclear explosion, and so more men goes to stripclubs to easen up the mood. There was a stripclub in a hotel owned by bandits in I Am Alive. Apocalyptic Strip Clubs is existant! ;)

11-17-2012, 05:02 PM
Stripclubs are everywhere. Fallout has plenty of them too (especially in New Vegas). :lol:

Von Streff
11-17-2012, 07:16 PM
I think it's unnecessary, and actually turns me off some games. If you want to see strippers in any situation (real life or virtual), I'd say you have absolutely no respect for women. Bringing this into a game does nothing for the actual story, though it might make a few more sales because 'sex sells'. I'd be pretty disappointing if this happened to Metro..

Ah, sorry, read KomodoSaurian's post.. Well, let's hope that's the case..

11-17-2012, 08:27 PM
Not at all. Who says that stripclubs have to be full of women? Actually, I think that automatically associating females with striclubs shows lack of respect for women. Heck, even some game designers don't make that mistake - since in New Vegas there's about the same amount of scantily clad, poledancing men as there is women. To be honest, I couldn't care less if a game had a stripclub. The point I was trying to make with my comment was that stripclubs are a part of this world and there's no point in trying to escape it (and Fallout: New Vegas handled it in a humorous way). I think whether a game is sexist or not depends on how the game designer uses a stripclub in their game rather than if they use a stripclub or not... assuming they do use one in the first place. :lol: In this case, it depends on whether 4A Games will use a stripclub as a cheap marketing tool or something that adds to the harsh, gritty and realistic setting to make a point.

Besides, as Komodo has said - it is a cabaret. ;) What's surprising is that you say "let's hope that's the case" after hearing that it's not a stripclub, even though it is very similar - women wearing little to no clothes, doing something (be it dancing, acting or both) to get paid. But you see no problem with it as long as it isn't a stripclub? That's a bit hypocritical. Furthermore, why shouldn't women get paid for doing something like this? If they agree to it and they are content with it, then why shouldn't they get money for it? Some people don't have the qualifications to earn good money, and I bet prostitution and erotic dancing pays a lot more than cleaning. Of course, it is a completely different matter when the workers are treated like slaves and/or mistreated by customers. Then there's also the same problem with the question of "should the human body ever be sold?", but then why is that argument never applied to factory workers? They are often treated like property of the bourgeois, working under one company or another. But that's a completely different topic so I'm not gonna go there.

Anyway, Von, try harder next time you want to make us seem like sexists. :p

11-17-2012, 09:01 PM
Actually Streff, I know a stripper in real life. She's a very nice lady, we went to school together. She's surprisingly smart and chose her profession willingly because the pay is good. But there's more to it: she once told me that she'd rather have ill-mannered horndogs drool at her in a controlled environment when she's on stage as long as it keeps them off the streets where things could get very ugly. Many of her colleagues share her point of view. So if there's any way to look at it; it's that these women deserve respect for what they do because if there were no stripclubs (or prostitution for that matter), the number of rapes would greatly increase along with sexual misconduct in general. As long as you unjustly keep categorizing all those things as 'evil' then I will keep holding your head under the putrescent waters of wisdom & enlightenment: these institutions, however depraved they may appear to the blind, have proven to serve a purpose for the greater good.

That being said: I fully agree that gratuitous nudity does not belong in a Metro game because in the fast food world that is today's video game industry, it serves one purpose and one purpose only: to make the product appeal to the lowest common denominator. And they – there is no other way to say it – can fuck off home.

11-18-2012, 12:06 AM
Spoken like a true hero Cerberus

11-18-2012, 07:56 AM
I don't care about whether or not there's strip clubs/brothels in games. It just worries me when people get excited about it if there is, are their lives that boring?

12-01-2012, 12:10 PM
me i hope it will let me shoot the jumping mutant because its more than likely a tame lurker and like most people i hate lurkers

12-13-2012, 08:34 AM
lol there is a strip club in venice

01-04-2013, 09:02 AM
Strip clubs? Russia? Vodka? All these things I like. LL is going to amazing! xD