View Full Version : Metro Redux Thoughts/Discussion

08-26-2014, 04:28 PM
I guess we could just use the "Redux announced" thread, but I felt like making this one for some reason.

Managed to play a good six hours at least of 2033 Redux, right up to the start of, "Alley".

Some awesome stuff:
-Tons of new assets designed for the games; I love all of the new outfits they designed for the characters, from Miller's Combat Gear to the oversized-coat and boots for the "Oill guidju there fur one bullit" kid.
-Almost every level has something new added to it. Most random scenery has been touched up, lots of levels have different side passages, and some even are entirely reworked; Defense has been transformed from you just trying to survive an unstoppable tidal wave of mutants that largely run past you, to actually holding the line alongside a group of gunmen. Even if you've played 2033 to death, there's tons of new gameplay.
-LL-levels of optimization, along being just as gorgeous. I had some issues at first with the game running about as well as 2033, but surprisingly enough Shadowplay was eating up a lot of my framerate for some reason. And hitting 60, with motion blur (I think 4A is one of the few developers that does motion blur really well) and lights flashing everywhere and bullets ricocheting all around, firefights are pretty damn intense. The game looks crazy good in motion.
-Stealth borrows heavily from LL, but it's more challenging. Enemies will still eventually calm down if they hear some cans rustle (instead of telepathically turning their collective consciences into a super computer of parallel processing so that they can extrapolate your exact location), but they still seem much more alert and have larger numbers in some areas. There are also numerous heavily armored enemies scattered along patrols, so you can't just walk into a room and bodyshot everyone with MGR's. I think it's a nice balance, gameplay-wise.
-Check your inventory! Pulling out and viewing your journal also brings up a list of all of your ammo at the top of the screen. I think it's a perfect balance that still rewards players who keep track of their ammo mentally (since you're not wasting precious filter/combat time to check), but still makes it easy to keep tabs on what gear you have.
-Extra ranger caches, as well as safe-locked keys (a la the Pavel DLC mission) are spread out throughout all the levels, and make for more interesting and fun looting.
-Small touch, but for a game that focuses so much on immersion, it's about time they introduced "one in the chamber" mechanics (i.e. reloading with one round in the chamber still gives you 31 rounds on tap, and you don't cock the weapon unless you need to).
-New journal entries are a nice touch; found a grammatical error in one of the earlier ones, but they offer some fun extra insight into the game world.
-The seamless transitions through a decent number of levels is really nice. Love it.

Some stuff I wasn't a fan of:
-No game-breaking bugs so far, but I did have a few issues with some terrain textures overlapping in weird ways, and the music system is a little buggy Most issues involved some kind of action piece not getting cut off properly; I had the battle theme play through the entirety of Frontline after escaping from the Red guards into the path below, and Depot had some kind of action theme playing the entire time too, even when I reloaded checkpoints.
-Since it's basically turning 2033 into LL, we lose cool features like different armors and gun-butting. Not the biggest thing, but I was disappointed when I went up to the stealth-suit guy in Market and couldn't talk to him.
-Also since it borrows heavily from last light, I'm basically swimming in ammo again. I've thrown away hundreds of bullets on needless upgrades and new weapons, and still have over 300 MGR left to throw at whatever I want. And even on Survival mode, I'm still constantly overloaded with just about every bullet, to the point where I don't even have to bother looting a good portion of the time, since I know that there's no point other than to look for some more filters and MGR's. The introduction of more Ranger Caches and the safes, I think actually make it even worse at some points than LL was.
-Which leads me to my next point: Weapon balance. It's a shame that they didn't take the time to really rebalance LL's weapons, since having anything other than an AR/Shotgun combo is basically worthless; I believe they might have cut the total shotgun ammo count (I remember it being 80 on Ranger Normal, is 60 now), but otherwise any weapon that isn't one of those two is completely not worth using. Not sure why they believe that you should only be able to carry 36 rounds for a pistol but 80 shotgun shells, but there's nothing to be done unless we finally get an SDK.
-And also in the same vein, selling all of your junk ammo and just loading up on what you needed was one of my favorite parts of 2033. Since it plays like LL, also gone now.
-Two weapon limit on Ranger Mode. More LL stuff; why do we always carry ammo for six different classes of guns if we can only use two at a time?

I'm sure I'm probably missing something, but that's what I've gotten out of my time in the game. Still definitely worth the money, what with the amount of entirely new stuff that they've added, it's just sad to see a good number of issues from Last Light carry over.

The Last Ranger
08-26-2014, 06:37 PM
Check your inventory! Pulling out and viewing your journal also brings up a list of all of your ammo at the top of the screen. I think it's a perfect balance that still rewards players who keep track of their ammo mentally (since you're not wasting precious filter/combat time to check), but still makes it easy to keep tabs on what gear you have.

Thank you! I've been looking for how Redux handles this on Ranger/HC and no one was explaining the exact method. Thanks for doing so!

08-26-2014, 08:30 PM
Metro 2033 looks outstanding on ps4. I did notice some flickering when looking at the pig pens tho.

08-27-2014, 12:00 AM
-Small touch, but for a game that focuses so much on immersion, it's about time they introduced "one in the chamber" mechanics (i.e. reloading with one round in the chamber still gives you 31 rounds on tap, and you don't cock the weapon unless you need to).

So, say, you are using a revolver and you decide to reload after you have spent five of the six bullets. Will the animation of Artyom reloading show him dump out the five spend cartridges along with the one live bullet, or will he only dump out the spent cartridges and leave the one bullet in its chamber and reload from there? If it is like that, then that's pretty cool. :D

And thanks for adding the list of pros and cons. :thumb:

08-27-2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks for this, a nice and concise summary of what we should expect from Metro Redux. :) I've pre-ordered only Metro 2033 Redux, but since I live in the continent of the developers and the publishers, I have to wait until the 29th to actually play it. :ohwell:

08-27-2014, 11:39 AM
So, say, you are using a revolver and you decide to reload after you have spent five of the six bullets. Will the animation of Artyom reloading show him dump out the five spend cartridges along with the one live bullet, or will he only dump out the spent cartridges and leave the one bullet in its chamber and reload from there? If it is like that, then that's pretty cool. :D

And thanks for adding the list of pros and cons. :thumb:
No, not like that. Does nothing with revolvers, or anything with breach-loaded individual chambers. When you load a magazine-fed fun and cock it, it loads a round into the chamber. When you reload another magazine, you have all the new rounds of the magazine plus the one still in the chamber (i.e. with an AK, this would give you 30+1 rounds, so 31 rounds on tap). Emptying the gun and then reloading will again give you only 30. Most games don't accurately portray this due to laziness/lack of actual gun knowledge, only a few do (Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield 3 and 4, Arma of course to name a few off the top of my head).

TL : DR reloading mid-magazine loads one extra total round before a reload (i.e. 31 instead of 30). Reloading from empty changes nothing. This is good because it is realistic.

Also just finished 2033. Really fun, too bad they never bothered redoing the old 720p/30 FPS compressed-to-hell cutscenes with old assets.

Komodo Saurian
08-27-2014, 02:32 PM
Bourbon now actively moves around the first human enemy area. I didn't expect it and threw a knife at him, thinking he was one of the bandits. Now my knife is stuck in his head and he isn't giving it back. I really needed this knife.

Such is life in the metro.

10/10, would cheeki breeki again.


Komodo Saurian
08-27-2014, 05:53 PM
Dead City is so much better and bigger now:

http://images.gameru.net/thumb/ad23008c3a.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/ad23008c3a.jpg.html)

http://images.gameru.net/thumb/e6b4839563.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/e6b4839563.jpg.html)

This watcher mum won't attack unless you hurt its cubs:

http://images.gameru.net/thumb/1ff15724af.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/1ff15724af.jpg.html)

08-27-2014, 06:19 PM
No, not like that. Does nothing with revolvers, or anything with breach-loaded individual chambers. When you load a magazine-fed fun and cock it, it loads a round into the chamber. When you reload another magazine, you have all the new rounds of the magazine plus the one still in the chamber (i.e. with an AK, this would give you 30+1 rounds, so 31 rounds on tap). Emptying the gun and then reloading will again give you only 30. Most games don't accurately portray this due to laziness/lack of actual gun knowledge, only a few do (Rainbow Six Vegas, Battlefield 3 and 4, Arma of course to name a few off the top of my head).

TL : DR reloading mid-magazine loads one extra total round before a reload (i.e. 31 instead of 30). Reloading from empty changes nothing. This is good because it is realistic.

Also just finished 2033. Really fun, too bad they never bothered redoing the old 720p/30 FPS compressed-to-hell cutscenes with old assets.

Ahhh, okay. It would have been interesting if it carried over to the revolver. Still, it's a nice little touch that I probably would have not noticed if you didn't mention it.

Dead City is so much better and bigger now:
http://images.gameru.net/thumb/ad23008c3a.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/ad23008c3a.jpg.html)

Nooooo! I thought it was Artyom's original watch! It still looks neat though. Instead of an all-around radium dial, it looks like they added in tritium vials on the first-quarter of the face.

Quick question for those who have played Redux and made it to Dry Station: Is the homeless man in a pit, who appears to be devouring a human skull near the beginning of the level, still there or doing anything different? Are you able to free him from the pit? :D

Komodo Saurian
08-27-2014, 06:46 PM
Quick question for those who have played Redux and made it to Dry Station: Is the homeless man in a pit, who appears to be devouring a human skull near the beginning of the level, still there or doing anything different? Are you able to free him from the pit? :D

He is the headmaster of the caravan wiped out in the abandoned tunnels near Riga station. No, you can't do anything about him.

08-27-2014, 07:31 PM
I've pre-ordered only Metro 2033 Redux, but since I live in the continent of the developers and the publishers, I have to wait until the 29th to actually play it. :ohwell:Ok, so that's weird, because apparently I can play it now and it's no longer locked. Looks like those who pre-ordered can play it a bit ahead of the European release as well. I don't know who makes these decisions... this seems almost accidental.

08-27-2014, 10:00 PM
Am I the only one here that finds Metro 2033 to be much easier than last light was? Really, you could carry as much ammo as you want and even on ranger hardcore it's ridiculously easy because you kill everything before they can even get in melee range and the mutants didn't just bounce up and down to disrupt your aim like they do in LL so guns like Heavy auto shotty and Volt Driver were pretty much OP. The mutants also didn't just keep swinging like they do in LL and didn't do as much damage even on ranger hardcore, and most of them died in like one or two shots from an AK in 2033.

The Defense part was a good challenge, but I get really bad texture flickering on the floor there and at another part that I don't remember right now. That really bothered me. :/

I also haven't managed to find the heavy auto shotty in the redux. Has anyone found it yet? I am at the Polis level and haven't ran across it yet. You got it for free in 2033 and pretty early and you can even buy the Hellbreath at this point so IDK why you can't get the heavy auto shotty.

You were pretty OP in 2033 it's not even funny. You can even laugh at librarians by simply shooting them 2 times with a fully pumped helsing or pumping shells into them with Heavy Shotty. I never will understand why people think LL is easier...

08-27-2014, 10:06 PM
Thanks, Komodo. :)

08-27-2014, 10:24 PM
Dead City is so much better and bigger now:

This watcher mum won't attack unless you hurt its cubs:

Oh and Komodo. Where was the watcher mum? I have never ever seen that, despite playing through 2033 so many times. XD
Oh and have you seen the heavy auto shotty in 2033 redux yet? I haven't found it yet and I am at Polis.

Komodo Saurian
08-27-2014, 11:22 PM
Oh and Komodo. Where was the watcher mum? I have never ever seen that, despite playing through 2033 so many times. XD
Oh and have you seen the heavy auto shotty in 2033 redux yet? I haven't found it yet and I am at Polis.
It's in the shop under Hunter's hideout.

08-28-2014, 08:00 AM
-Am I the only one here that finds Metro 2033 to be much easier than last light was?

-The Defense part was a good challenge, but I get really bad texture flickering on the floor there and at another part that I don't remember right now. That really bothered me. :/

-I also haven't managed to find the heavy auto shotty in the redux. Has anyone found it yet?

-You were pretty OP in 2033 it's not even funny. You can even laugh at librarians by simply shooting them 2 times with a fully pumped helsing or pumping shells into them with Heavy Shotty. I never will understand why people think LL is easier...
-If you knew what to do, yes. Stealth was really finnicky, but once you realized you could just bodyshot everybody with a silenced MGR or revolver, it got much easier. The ammo cap also makes some firefights really challenging since you can empty all your ammo for one gun very quickly (Auto Pistol is basically nothing more than a novelty for this exact reason), but it's easier once you realize that a silenced AR with MGR's will basically carry you through the entire game with no ammo issues, once you start selling every other piece of ammo.
-Same. Loved the level, but some meshing geometry or something wasn't done right.
-I mightmight] have seen it earlier, but only place I really remember is the spot in the church.
-There were a lot of OP things in 2033, if you knew how to abuse them. In LL they countered that by instead making more things underpowered. The DLC weapons were pretty game-breaking at least, especially with Librarians. I ended up just killing them anyways in Redux (since the staring mechanic is a bit finicky sometimes), but it was at least more of a challenge, having to stick them with a sticky bomb before unloading an auto shotgun onto them and diving for cover.

08-28-2014, 08:01 AM
Quick question for those who have played Redux and made it to Dry Station: Is the homeless man in a pit, who appears to be devouring a human skull near the beginning of the level, still there or doing anything different? Are you able to free him from the pit? :D

Redux was the first time I noticed him. Still can't do anything to free him.

Also that's pretty awesome Komo, wasn't too excited to play through LL since I didn't think they'd actually added anything.

Komodo Saurian
08-28-2014, 11:29 AM
Also that's pretty awesome Komo, wasn't too excited to play through LL since I didn't think they'd actually added anything.

That's Metro 2033 Redux, not Last Light.

08-28-2014, 03:56 PM
What do you guys think of the Bigun? I'm gonna test it out right now. Trading the shambler for it.
I think it's supposed to have a bit more damage than the shambler but less than the double barrel.

Komodo Saurian
08-28-2014, 04:10 PM
What do you guys think of the Bigun? I'm gonna test it out right now. Trading the shambler for it.
I think it's supposed to have a bit more damage than the shambler but less than the double barrel.
It uses the same ammunition, so it does the same damage. This applies to all firearms in Metro series.

08-28-2014, 04:21 PM
It uses the same ammunition, so it does the same damage. This applies to all firearms in Metro series.

Really? I thought the AK did more damage than the Bastard, and the Revolver did more damage than a Lolife. I guess I was mistaken.

Oh and I just found a game-breaking bug. I am at the entrance to the library and everything on my hud and hands just disappear and stay that way whenever I try to use a med kit or change a filter.

I am using a Kalash 2012 and a Bigun if that has anything to do with the bug. But I doubt it.

08-28-2014, 05:02 PM
played few hours of both games, this redux versions are epic, really masterpieces
m2033 r looks entirely different, new places, graphics, effects, animation, everything is perfect,

i like every detail, but i see, the games lack of colour, its like a grey filter, smoothes everything, i need the sweetfx mod to put some colour,
i mean, the atmosphere is sometimes, dark, and dull, and sad, but everything looks grey, like coverd in dust or something

what do you think about it?

btw, where do i find niki in m2033 r?

why is Anna in the main menu in m 2033 r? we get to know her in last light for the first time, the events in 2033 take place before we meet her

Komodo Saurian
08-28-2014, 05:39 PM
what do you think about it?
I like colour filters like this in games. I've tried sweetfx and ENB mods and they all looked horrible to me.

btw, where do i find niki in m2033 r?
Find Bourbon, tell him you are not ready to go just yet. After this Nikky will be standing between the shacks nearby.

why is Anna in the main menu in m 2033 r? we get to know her in last light for the first time, the events in 2033 take place before we meet her
If you watch Metro 2033 intro, you will see older Artyom sitting in his step-father's office in Exhibition station, writing his memoires/diary which you read in his voice in your head.

08-28-2014, 05:55 PM
If you watch Metro 2033 intro, you will see older Artyom sitting in his step-father's office in Exhibition station, writing his memoires/diary which you read in his voice in your head.

so, Artyom is writing the momories after the events of last light?

08-28-2014, 06:34 PM
Just getting into Last Light on PS4, pretty impressive thus far.

What button(s) performs the mask wipe maneuver? Or is that not in the PS4 edition? Also, is it possible to check how much a weapons mag can carry? I'm playing on Ranger mode, and recently found a pistol that uses a clip. I've no idea how to check its capacity though.

08-28-2014, 07:11 PM
Oh and I just found a game-breaking bug. I am at the entrance to the library and everything on my hud and hands just disappear and stay that way whenever I try to use a med kit or change a filter.


there is an update that fixes the crash intro, maybe it solves that bug too,

08-28-2014, 07:45 PM
there is an update that fixes the crash intro, maybe it solves that bug too,

Found the solution. Apparently when you load checkpoint at a point where you are in the process of putting on your mask it makes it glitch. You take off the mask and put it back on until the weird glitchy animation stops and you should be fine.
Also, I see an icon for fire at the very left of the ammo counters whenever I look at my journal. I guess I'll have to keep going on and see if they give us some kind of flamethrower.

08-28-2014, 07:59 PM
Is there any Real difference of the AI in Spartan and Survival mode?

Komodo Saurian
08-28-2014, 10:10 PM
Whoever whined it's too bright on the surface, go look at this:


08-28-2014, 11:23 PM
Whoever whined it's too bright on the surface, go look at this:


Does it look like that on PS4? I don't get my copy until tomorrow.

Komodo Saurian
08-28-2014, 11:44 PM
Does it look like that on PS4? I don't get my copy until tomorrow.
It's a safe assumption that PS4 version looks the same as a PC version on medium settings or better.

This video was recorded on PC.

08-29-2014, 01:35 AM
the first time going to dead city with bourbon is bright , becasuse its noon (not too bright for me, its ok,) tha reich outpost its dusk, i think, thats why its darker
i play on pc and the day-night cycle looks always perfect

08-29-2014, 01:55 AM
I'm at the outpost mission and I have a broken gas mask, one hit and it's gone, are there any more masks in that mission?

Komodo Saurian
08-29-2014, 01:58 AM
I'm at the outpost mission and I have a broken gas mask, one hit and it's gone, are there any more masks in that mission?
Yes, there is one in the building on the first floor.

08-29-2014, 02:45 AM

08-29-2014, 10:42 AM
It's a safe assumption that PS4 version looks the same as a PC version on medium settings or better.

This video was recorded on PC.

I wonder why i have watch "Metro LL style" in Metro 2033 Redux while you have watch as it was in original 2033 game.

Do you know something?

Komodo Saurian
08-29-2014, 11:29 AM
I wonder why i have watch "Metro LL style" in Metro 2033 Redux while you have watch as it was in original 2033 game.

Do you know something?
I'm playing in Survival mode. If you play in Spartan mode you will have the Last Light wristwatch and some Last Light mechanics such as faster gun reloads.

08-29-2014, 12:55 PM
I'm playing in Survival mode. If you play in Spartan mode you will have the Last Light wristwatch and some Last Light mechanics such as faster gun reloads.

Thank you for info, i don't know that.

08-29-2014, 12:56 PM
can't find the safe key in Frontline, reight before meeting Ulman, help?

08-29-2014, 02:16 PM
Whoever whined it's too bright on the surface, go look at thisI was one of those people. However, although I haven't yet gotten far enough into M33 Redux to speak based on my own experiences, I've actually changed my mind about this a long time ago after seeing more footage prior to release. It seems ok to me now. Especially so after finally grabbing The Roots of Heaven (the first book in the series to even mention nuclear winter), as daytime there is presented as fairly bright and sunlight can be extremely deadly when you're exposed to it for too long. I'm not going to question how likely such a scenario is and whether it makes any sense because it's all fiction anyway, gas masks become useless after 15 years, Moscow metro wouldn't survive if a bomb was dropped directly on the city, blah blah blah. It's still awesome.

08-29-2014, 05:12 PM
It uses the same ammunition, so it does the same damage. This applies to all firearms in Metro series.
I could have sworn the Ashot did more damage per shot than the Saiga, Saiga always felt like it took more shots to kill enemies.

Also, don't the rifles at least have different levels of damage dropoff?

08-29-2014, 05:21 PM
anybody noticed this cool wepon in the armory station <- (i think :) )

sorry for shitty quality printscreen didnt want to print =)

08-29-2014, 05:24 PM
I saw it too. Was curious to see if we'd actually get to use it ourselves, since they made the asset for LL but never implemented it. Looks like not, unfortunately.

Chimera Knight
08-29-2014, 06:35 PM
Is anyone else experiencing Artyom equipping the night-vision goggles during every cutscene after obtaining them in 2033 Redux?

I picked them up during the Frontline mission and now at the start of every cutscene, even during canned death sequences, the animation where he pulls them down will trigger and I will have to watch them in night vision. The only solution I have found is to not use the portable charger and let the battery die.

08-29-2014, 06:43 PM
I have not had this issue at all. What platform?

Chimera Knight
08-29-2014, 06:53 PM
This is on PS4. I had hoped reloading the game would fix the issue as the other bugs I have encountered, like not being able to use equipment/fire weapons, could all be fixed that way. This problem, unfortunately, has persisted throughout the rest of my playthrough.

08-30-2014, 07:24 AM
Finished 2033 right now.
Sad how 4A Games managed to fuck up the atmosphere with Last Light.

08-30-2014, 10:06 AM
Finished 2033 right now.
Sad how 4A Games managed to fuck up the atmosphere with Last Light.

what's wrong with the atmosphere?

08-30-2014, 10:36 AM
what's wrong with the atmosphere?

Metro 2033 feels like you are inside a wasteland where everyone is alone and you can't really count on others given how much hostility there is, when I first played Dead City I felt scared because of its atmosphere, a sad looking and depressing Moscow, inside the metro instead you could feel how bad life used to be, how hard it is to live.
In Metro 2033 you have stations like the cursed station, the black station and the station you have to defend against nosalises.
In Last Light instead you have venice and the theater where life seems so good and easy, I'd actually live there.
In 2033 I always felt scared and blown by the atmosphere, in Last Light I felt nothing, when you go to the surface you either go with Anna, Pavel or the Dark One, the mission before you go to the church and meet Anna when you are alone and it's dark is great, feels like Metro 2033 but that's it, it lasts 5 minutes so I don't even count it.
Sure, nice game and all can't really say anything about that but Last Light was nothing compared to Metro 2033, in 2033 everything was depressed, destroyed and as I said above the quality of life was so bad you almost wondered you would do if there would be a nuclear war in RL, Metro 2033 made you think, Last Light is so linear and boring compared to its predecessor, compare Dead City/Outpost or the library to one of Last Light missions on the surface, they're garbage.

TL;DR: For me Metro Last Light is not what made 2033 great, it's not depressing, in LL you see stations such as Venice or the theater, in Metro 2033 you see the black station, cursed station and so on...

08-30-2014, 10:38 AM
Found something weird. When I finished 2033, I reload chapter to Dead City and then it asks me for the mode and difficulty, and then when I am done choosing, it crashes.

Stun Damage
08-30-2014, 11:00 AM
Anyone else having problems with saving on PS4? For some reason neither of the games would save properly. When I get up the ladder at the beginning of 2033 a message pops up saying that I do not have a save file. I confirm that I do want one and it says "Save successful" without displaying the os saves overlay. If I quit to the main menu my progress is still there, but when I exit the game and enter again it all disappears, including the changes in options I have made. It's a similar situation with Last Light. Curiously, in the application saves data menu on the console there's a Metro Redux save file, it's 11MB, but apparently it does nothing.

The Last Ranger
08-30-2014, 11:02 AM
A few questions:

Is that one tricky amoeba fight (escorting Miller) near the end of 2033 easier on Redux?
Is the Tower level in Last Light Redux the same difficulty as it was in the original version?
Is there still only one save slot?

08-30-2014, 11:09 AM

I understand what you're saying, but LL is a different storyline, the situation is no longer so unknown and "dark and sad" as it was on 2033, besides, in 2033 was winter I think, and LL is spring, and going with the other characters makes it more interesting, you get to know them and their story and talk about the current situation,
Venice and Theater are nice and intersting stations, I like them, then you get to the swamps, an thats very scaring, or undercity, really dark and hostile,
thats something I really like about LL, the diversity of environments, and companions

08-30-2014, 12:56 PM
A few questions:

Is that one tricky amoeba fight (escorting Miller) near the end of 2033 easier on Redux?
Is the Tower level in Last Light Redux the same difficulty as it was in the original version?
Is there still only one save slot?

1. Yes. You can one shot those things that pop out the amoeba so they never come out.
2. Yes
3. Yes

08-30-2014, 03:30 PM
Started playing 2033 Redux yesterday didn't think it was possible but somehow they managed to make the children voice-overs even more terrible. Not disappointed by that it's just funny.

Chimera Knight
08-30-2014, 03:37 PM
1. Yes. You can one shot those things that pop out the amoeba so they never come out.
2. Yes
3. Yes

Overall, I found 2033 to be significantly easier. I think it's a combination of the more predictable AI and more resources. I never had to worry about running out of ammo, filters, or health kits even on Survival Ranger Hardcore.

It's kind of funny that even with it being easier in general, the way they updated a couple of areas actually makes them more difficult. The one that comes to mind right away is when you go to the surface and the Nazi patrol is coming down from the walkways above. In the original 2033 you could run along the left side, then wait for the patrol to pass and they wouldn't notice. Now there is a spotlight that sweeps across that area that makes it much more dificult to sneak past the soldiers.

I'm impressed with how much 4A updated it though, in some ways it feels like a new game. I haven't started Last Light Redux yet and I don't expect it to be changed nearly as much, but it'll be interesting to see what they altered.

08-30-2014, 10:39 PM
Overall, I found 2033 to be significantly easier. I think it's a combination of the more predictable AI and more resources. I never had to worry about running out of ammo, filters, or health kits even on Survival Ranger Hardcore.

It's kind of funny that even with it being easier in general, the way they updated a couple of areas actually makes them more difficult. The one that comes to mind right away is when you go to the surface and the Nazi patrol is coming down from the walkways above. In the original 2033 you could run along the left side, then wait for the patrol to pass and they wouldn't notice. Now there is a spotlight that sweeps across that area that makes it much more dificult to sneak past the soldiers.

I'm impressed with how much 4A updated it though, in some ways it feels like a new game. I haven't started Last Light Redux yet and I don't expect it to be changed nearly as much, but it'll be interesting to see what they altered.

You know you can simply go to the right and there's a ladder you can climb up right? XD

Look at around pages 2-3. I was actually talking about how 2033(pre-redux) was way easier and gave my reasons.

I'm gonna see if the Helsing still 2 shots librarians and I'm gonna test out the VSV in the mutant fights. Next playthrough I'm gonna shoot my money and have a shotgun with me instead.

The real big problem for me in terms of difficulty in LL/redux gameplay is that the mutants kind of bounce up and down as they're running so it's harder for me to land a HS. Overall, they toned down the damage you could dish out on Ranger Hardcore. You could one-two body shot any mutants with simple dirty rounds or shotgun shells from a considerable distance and you could spray a librarian with shotgun shells and kill them in 2 seconds, or 2 helsing bolts etc while on LL/redux gameplay it takes about 5-7 non HS's to take the regular mutants down. Not to mention you can carry as much ammo as you wanted with the exception of the arrows. The simple fact that you die faster is mitigated by the fact that you can stealth your way through human encounters and kill mutants before they get close to even do any damage.

Oh and have you noticed that weird bug that makes you lose your reserve arrow ammo whenever you reload a checkpoint? Whenever I reload a checkpoint I lose my arrow reserves for some reason. I don't really need it anyway cause you can just pick them back up but still it's a bug that should be fixed.

On LL I got died quite a bit on some parts(though I admit to trying weapon combos and weapons that I weren't so familiar with and tried to be as accurate as possible) and on 2033 pre-redux I lol'd through everything.

Adding in the Volt-Driver and Heavy Auto Shotty was complete overkill in an already ridiculously easy game, especially when you get them really early and for free. Though I'm not for taking them out because those guns are awesome. In fact, I wish you could get a flamethrower earlier.

In fact, you could do everything with a knife if you want to. XD

Chimera Knight
08-31-2014, 12:32 PM
You know you can simply go to the right and there's a ladder you can climb up right? XD

Yes, but the spotlight still makes it an annoying area to go through. I found taking it out often times alerts the enemies and not disabling it means you have to worry about it giving away your position, even on the walkway. I'll have to play around with that section to find a better way through.

Look at around pages 2-3. I was actually talking about how 2033(pre-redux) was way easier and gave my reasons.

I'm gonna see if the Helsing still 2 shots librarians and I'm gonna test out the VSV in the mutant fights. Next playthrough I'm gonna shoot my money and have a shotgun with me instead.

The real big problem for me in terms of difficulty in LL/redux gameplay is that the mutants kind of bounce up and down as they're running so it's harder for me to land a HS. Overall, they toned down the damage you could dish out on Ranger Hardcore. You could one-two body shot any mutants with simple dirty rounds or shotgun shells from a considerable distance and you could spray a librarian with shotgun shells and kill them in 2 seconds, or 2 helsing bolts etc while on LL/redux gameplay it takes about 5-7 non HS's to take the regular mutants down. Not to mention you can carry as much ammo as you wanted with the exception of the arrows. The simple fact that you die faster is mitigated by the fact that you can stealth your way through human encounters and kill mutants before they get close to even do any damage.

I'll have to disagree with the older versions being easier, especially 2033. The new stealth makes almost all the human encounters incredibly easy. Now there are many more options with takedowns, silenced headshots alerting nearby enemies less often, throwing knives, the Hellsing still being amazing, and enemies being more predictable. Plus, ammo is more readily available, I never had to worry about running out of ammo.

As for the mutants a single headshot with any weapon or bodyshot with the shotguns will kill just like they did before. I've found getting headshots much easier in Redux with the improved aiming, even playing with the aim assist/auto-aim completely turned off. As for bodyshots outside of shotguns, I've found it to take only 2-3, which is probably similar to what it was before.

I don't know if the Hellsing can 2-shot Librarians, but 2 grenades certainly do. :)

Oh and have you noticed that weird bug that makes you lose your reserve arrow ammo whenever you reload a checkpoint? Whenever I reload a checkpoint I lose my arrow reserves for some reason. I don't really need it anyway cause you can just pick them back up but still it's a bug that should be fixed.

I haven't encountered that bug, but I have ran into several others. Controls locking-up, enemies freezing in place causing them to not be killable, audio glitches, animation glitches, and one that caused the night-vision goggles to activate during every cut-scene for the rest of the game after obtaining them. I've also had the game crash once, but that seems to be a common occurance for a few games on PS4.

08-31-2014, 01:33 PM
Yes, but the spotlight still makes it an annoying area to go through. I found taking it out often times alerts the enemies and not disabling it means you have to worry about it giving away your position, even on the walkway. I'll have to play around with that section to find a better way through.

I'll have to disagree with the older versions being easier, especially 2033. The new stealth makes almost all the human encounters incredibly easy. Now there are many more options with takedowns, silenced headshots alerting nearby enemies less often, throwing knives, the Hellsing still being amazing, and enemies being more predictable. Plus, ammo is more readily available, I never had to worry about running out of ammo.

As for the mutants a single headshot with any weapon or bodyshot with the shotguns will kill just like they did before. I've found getting headshots much easier in Redux with the improved aiming, even playing with the aim assist/auto-aim completely turned off. As for bodyshots outside of shotguns, I've found it to take only 2-3, which is probably similar to what it was before.

I don't know if the Hellsing can 2-shot Librarians, but 2 grenades certainly do. :)

I haven't encountered that bug, but I have ran into several others. Controls locking-up, enemies freezing in place causing them to not be killable, audio glitches, animation glitches, and one that caused the night-vision goggles to activate during every cut-scene for the rest of the game after obtaining them. I've also had the game crash once, but that seems to be a common occurance for a few games on PS4.

It only took me two or three tries. When you climb up the ladder you kill the guard standing there or KO him. Turn off the light next to him. Go to pole to the left. Jump on the pole leading to the part of the walkway with the stairs right next to it. I repeat, do not follow that first pole to the end, as you can't get on the stairs and can only get behind them. You must jump to the one that should be on your right as you keep going on the first pole. It was really easy for me. I don't see the problem you're having.

While I do agree that you can still one-shot enemies, I still found it easier in 2033 because you could have as much ammo as you wanted on you, and you didn't even need to try and HS in 2033. 2-3 AK shots to the body and they go down as opposed to 5-6 body shots for redux gameplay. It's just overall, your weapons did way more damage in pre-redux 2033 and you got access to the heavy auto shotty and volt driver way earlier and for free. Combined with the fact that the enemies aren't as agile, and you pretty much got gamebreaking weapons as you can lolz your way through the game. Remember, you can just knife your way through most of the game if you wanted to? XD

In the redux, I usually found myself full with ammo and couldn't pick up anymore. Now just imagine if you could just pick up all that ammo like you could in the older version. You wouldn't even have to worry about ammo.

Oh and I was testing out various stuff on librarians. Here's what I pretty much found: Two grenades of any kind(yes even fire) will kill librarians. Also, about 18 MGR shots from a VSV to the upperbody/head will kill them quite easily. Helsing can't two shot or even 4 shot. Just tested it. It takes several arrows to take down a librarian(I think they can tank a full clip).

Overall the difficulty in taking them down has increased from pre-redux gameplay. You could 2 shot librarians with helsing or volt driver, or spray with heavy shotty etc in the old versions.

Yeah I think the graphis and audio could use some more work. If you have subtitles on the kid doesn't even finish the sentence in the subtitles and the voice acting is even worse than before. I get texture flickering at defense and at some other parts of the game that I don't remember, and that part where the guy takes out his silenced revolver and is about to shoot has his gun clipping through his pouch.

The animations it seems don't take into account the character models because there seems to be a lot of clipping.

08-31-2014, 02:25 PM
just wait until the enemies turn their back to the spotlight and shoot it with a silenced weapon it won't alert them

i need 3 grenades and 4 vsv clips to kill a librarian on spartan normal :s
on survival will be impossible

08-31-2014, 02:44 PM
Librarians were a pain for me, in the old 2033 I managed to go through by just looking at them but I later found out I have to go back to avoid them attacking me, even by looking at their eyes they still attacked me. Had to rush through both library levels to finish the mission.

08-31-2014, 02:54 PM
I was under the impression that 2033 Redux would receive all Last Light weapons, but so far I've only seen the Bigun and Flamethrower, both on Survival Hardcore. I believe AKS-74U is still Ranger-mode exclusive, but what about the rest of the guns? Only on Spartan, or completely absent from 2033?

08-31-2014, 03:32 PM
I was under the impression that 2033 Redux would receive all Last Light weapons, but so far I've only seen the Bigun and Flamethrower, both on Survival Hardcore. I believe AKS-74U is still Ranger-mode exclusive, but what about the rest of the guns? Only on Spartan, or completely absent from 2033?

i completed 2033 redux on spartan normal, the aks 74u, (modified assault rifle) is ranger mode only, the hellbreath is on sale by the merchants, the rpk on sale too, the flamethrower you find it later on the campaign
the abzats doesn't appear at all

08-31-2014, 03:34 PM
i completed 2033 redux on spartan normal, the aks 74u, (modified assault rifle) is ranger mode only, the hellbreath is on sale by the merchants, the rpk on sale too, the flamethrower you find it later on the campaign
the abzats doesn't appear at all

The Abzats appear in Sparta. The guy that gives you guns there has it. I actually haven't seen the RPK. Maybe I missed it. :P

Chimera Knight
08-31-2014, 04:10 PM
just wait until the enemies turn their back to the spotlight and shoot it with a silenced weapon it won't alert them

I'll have to try that. I didn't have a silenced weapon with me when I went through the area and the Hellsing arrows wouldn't knock it out, I was walking up behind it and then using the knife to destroy it, they didn't like that.

08-31-2014, 04:17 PM
The Abzats appear in Sparta. The guy that gives you guns there has it. I actually haven't seen the RPK. Maybe I missed it. :P

you're right, the Abzats appears in Sparta, for free :)

08-31-2014, 09:23 PM
Have any of you noticed that the laser sight for the VSV and the crosshairs for the scope are misaligned? Is that intentional or is it a bug?

Can someone else help confirm this?

08-31-2014, 09:27 PM
Have any of you noticed that the laser sight for the VSV and the crosshairs for the scope are misaligned? Is that intentional or is it a bug?

Can someone else help confirm this?

in both games?

Komodo Saurian
08-31-2014, 10:49 PM
Have any of you noticed that the laser sight for the VSV and the crosshairs for the scope are misaligned? Is that intentional or is it a bug?

Can someone else help confirm this?
It's not supposed to be aligned since the laser isn't emitted from the middle of the scope. It's also a sniper rifle, unlike most other firearms that are probably zeroed for close range targets.


08-31-2014, 11:32 PM
Is anyone having issues with Last Light crashing on PS4?

I played part way through the mission Revolution yesterday, hit a save checkpoint, then exited. I booted it back up today, selected Continue from the menu, seen it load to 88%, then watched it crash to desktop. I tried at least a half dozen times, only to see it crash every time.

I can't play the game now until a patch is released, or I could just try to start the chapter over I suppose.

Edit: the error code I continued to receive was indeed the dreaded CE-34878-0, which is the save corruption error. Luckily, I was able to just restart the mission as it seems it was only the auto-save that was corrupted. Unfortunate, as I've lost a few hours, but far better than starting from scratch. Anyway, hopefully no one else receives that awful error.

09-01-2014, 12:54 PM
Did anyone else notice that you can now use Advanced Physx without a Nvidia card and still get smooth frames? I can enable Advanced Physx while having everything set to very high and get smooth 60 fps on my AMD 7990 GPU. The bouncing particles and accumulating dust from bullet impacts immediately caught my eye.

With the non redux versions of both games I got an extreme drop in performance and consistency of the frames (drops to 15 fps) after a few seconds with Advanced Physx enabled. Am I just imagining things? Did 4A drop the Proprietary Nvidia stuff and optimized Advanced Physx for the CPU?

09-01-2014, 01:26 PM
I've finished a survival mode ranger hardcore playthrough of Metro 2033 Redux and my impressions are overall quite positive. I'm not going to write up a whole review, just some basic stuff. It is still very much the same game, but it's of course much prettier and a few levels are expanded with some small new areas (especially Dead City). A number of gameplay features from Last Light appear, however you already know about these. Only negatives that I can think of are: texture flickering issues, various other glitches (twice I saw NPCs standing on or inside a chair instead of sitting), occasional bugs - though fortunately not game breaking ones - and some noticeable low resolution textures in a few areas.

Am I just imagining things? Did 4A drop the Proprietary Nvidia stuff and optimized Advanced Physx for the CPU?Interesting... I didn't even bother trying advanced PhysX on Redux with my AMD GPU, since I remember how much it affected my fps in non-redux M33 and LL. I'll give it a go with the benchmarking application and let you know how it fares.

09-01-2014, 01:29 PM
yes, this redux versions are good optimized,
but what processor do you have? and how much RAM? that's important for the performance

im having very bad performance with nvidia gtx580

09-01-2014, 02:31 PM
Librarians were a pain for me, in the old 2033 I managed to go through by just looking at them but I later found out I have to go back to avoid them attacking me, even by looking at their eyes they still attacked me. Had to rush through both library levels to finish the mission.

Huh, really? I noticed the opposite, in Redux it seems like staring them down works a lot better. They're a lot tougher in Redux, too, it takes close to a full mag from an overpressured Tikhar to drop one (and I missed grabbing a Helsing, for which I'm still kicking myself). I managed to get through the Library without killing any, in fact the demons and watchmen on the approach gave me more trouble. The plant gave me a few good slaps, though.

Anyways, the other thing (that I registered to post, actually): has anyone else picked up on the fact that it's essentially confirmed that Lurkers are juvenile Watchmen as so many people speculated? Or to be more specific, the Lurker model used in the original version of 2033 with the pinkish skin and jowls are found with a "mother" Watchman during Dead City. It stood out to me since they changed the rest of the Lurkers to the weirder-looking Last Light model that I can't pick any sense out of.

If you're looking to find them for yourself (it's a lot easier to see them live than in screenshots), go through Dead City until you pass the playground with the vision and come out in a ruined store. The spot you want is across the street from there, but since the street is broken open and has a small river flowing under it, you have to take a detour down the road and through a collapsed underpass. You're on the right path when you come back to the surface behind a demon eating a dead stalker. Deal with the demon however you want, and turn around, towards a van parked on the corner, then head down that side of the street (around the corner from where the demon was). Look across the road crevasse, you're opposite the storefront where you came in now. Then just duck through the broken window and go around to the alcove in the back room. There's a stash there that counts for the achievement, but getting it loses you a moral point for killing the mother (otherwise she won't be hostile).

Komodo Saurian
09-01-2014, 02:46 PM
http://images.gameru.net/thumb/c8cf72c2df.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/c8cf72c2df.jpg.html)

09-01-2014, 02:50 PM
Where is the "mother" watchman in Dead City? is it in 2033 or LL?

09-01-2014, 03:50 PM
Where is the "mother" watchman in Dead City? is it in 2033 or LL?

2033, during the Dead City level while you're separated from Burbon. I described how to get there in detail a few posts up.

09-01-2014, 05:46 PM
I'll give it a go with the benchmarking application and let you know how it fares.Yep, according to the benchmark, I am getting similar results to Garwinski (only half a frame-per-second drop with advanced PhysX on). It's a shame 4A/THQ were bribed by Nvidia during the original release of M33. Still, better late than never, but once again things like these could have been included in a patch.

http://images.gameru.net/thumb/c8cf72c2df.jpg (http://images.gameru.net/image/c8cf72c2df.jpg.html)When I was playing M33R, my brother entered my room at the exact same moment and we both laughed at the face this guy pulled. :lol:

09-01-2014, 06:34 PM
After my previous post about performance improvements in some departments, I reached Dead City in Metro 2033 Redux. In this section, my drops to around 20-30 fps, while both my GPU's have a load of around 40%, all 8 cores of my CPU get a load between 20-50%, and my RAM is not full at all (a total of 16GB while around 8 GB is being used). Putting the settings from very high to high does not help, and I actually was not planning on putting any more settings down, as there is no clear bottleneck anyway (at least that I can see). Anyone encountered this as well?

09-01-2014, 07:02 PM
Random thought: do any of you guys complaining about performance issues have SSAA turned on/up? I'm on a GTX770 with 8GB RAM and a Core i5-3570, and the only thing that starts giving me problems with stuttering and framerate drop is if I turn SSAA up past 0.5x. And while you really can't be objective when talking about graphical quality, I think the game looks far better with SSAA minimized or off, having it on makes everything look smeary and ugly. Which I suspect is why someone was criticizing the textures for being bad after watching the PC Gamer comparison video, they were running everything maxed out (as you would when you're playing around with their Large Pixel Collider rig, which has 64GB RAM and quad-SLI GTX Titans).

09-01-2014, 10:15 PM
Random thought: do any of you guys complaining about performance issues have SSAA turned on/up? I'm on a GTX770 with 8GB RAM and a Core i5-3570, and the only thing that starts giving me problems with stuttering and framerate drop is if I turn SSAA up past 0.5x.Since I'm on a mid-range gaming rig and a 900p monitor, I personally have always played both Metro games maxed except for SSAA, tessellation and advanced PhysX (all of which I kept turned off).

09-01-2014, 10:25 PM
I never got an answer to my question about weapon damage; Komo, you said all weapons firing the same caliber did the same damage. I could have sworn that an Ashot did more than a Saiga. Is there no difference whatsoever in the damage profile?

Komodo Saurian
09-01-2014, 10:55 PM
I never got an answer to my question about weapon damage; Komo, you said all weapons firing the same caliber did the same damage. I could have sworn that an Ashot did more than a Saiga. Is there no difference whatsoever in the damage profile?
They might have different spread.

On easy difficulty the same human enemy went down with 3 shots of dirty 5.45 from AK, Bastard and VSK. So I'm pretty sure it all does the same damage with the same ammunition.

Either way it's impossible to gauge (Har har) the difference with 12x70 because it's always an OHK if all pellets connect.

I'm throwing a video on damage in for good measure, although it's not particularily relevant:


09-02-2014, 05:06 AM
Random thought: do any of you guys complaining about performance issues have SSAA turned on/up? I'm on a GTX770 with 8GB RAM and a Core i5-3570, and the only thing that starts giving me problems with stuttering and framerate drop is if I turn SSAA up past 0.5x.

I have SSAA completely disabled, because when enabled the FPS drops significantly, and 0.5 SSAA actually makes your game more blurry than turning it completely off (Duh, this took me way to long to figure out :o).

09-02-2014, 08:38 AM
Either way it's impossible to gauge (Har har) the difference with 12x70 because it's always an OHK if all pellets connect.

The Saiga felt like it did more damage, but I guess I'll have to go back and try some point-blank shots with it to be sure.

09-02-2014, 11:23 AM
Huh, really? I noticed the opposite, in Redux it seems like staring them down works a lot better. They're a lot tougher in Redux, too, it takes close to a full mag from an overpressured Tikhar to drop one (and I missed grabbing a Helsing, for which I'm still kicking myself). I managed to get through the Library without killing any, in fact the demons and watchmen on the approach gave me more trouble. The plant gave me a few good slaps, though.

I already tested out the Helsing on it, and on Ranger Hardcore.
It takes over 8 I think. You're not missing out on anything really. Since there's an ammo cap, there's plenty of ammo to go around and find. Helsing imo seems a bit nerfed, and since you can only carry two weapons on RH, you might as well carry the AR and SG cause you find the most ammo for them and unless you are really good at aiming, the Helsing won't help you much in a mutant fight, and you might find yourself surrounded and killed when using it in a mutant fight.
18 MGR to the face should do it, as I said earlier.

I guess the nerf was necessary. Pre-Redux you can two shot librarians with a Helsing. Really breaks the game. :P

09-02-2014, 02:26 PM
Is there any new artwork from the Redux versions?

09-05-2014, 10:17 PM
Hello everyone. just played metro 2033 redux, never played the first one but played last light. I finished it in ranger hardcore and i loved it. Specially how the focus is on keep going instead of collecting cool things. There were times when i had a great upgraded ak that i had to switch for a crappy shotgun i found due to lack of ammo and being able to keep my air gun for stealth. Great game with a great story and great gameplay. I found it a bit on the short side and maybe too much cutscenes that interrupt gameplay but its been a while since i felt motivated to finish a game because i enjoy it so much.

09-14-2014, 01:34 AM
Got around to playing both games just have a couple of DLC missions left in Last Light.

Metro 2033 was the game that changed the most out of the two in this remaster. I like some of the changes mainly with the new areas and extended cut scenes. Riding in the car to Sparta was nice just one example. I didn't think there would be a better go to weapon than the auto shotgun but that bicycle shotgun felt really nice. One of the biggest improvements to 2033 was the Biomass level was toned down in difficulty making it a lot less frustrating to deal with if low on ammo. I also liked the addition of the spiders in the Cave level.

What I didn't like was that going up to the surface in 2033 was no longer as tense as before with more filters and the brightness (Dead City). Maybe it's more accurate but it isn't as atmospheric as before. I miss my equipped knife I just can't kill any nosalis with the COD type knife and that's disheartening. My main gripe is the voice over change to Artyom I don't really understand it since Khan's voice over was the same. I know Artyom only talked in between chapters but every line I felt was delivered perfectly by the original voice actor.

Overall I'm really glad we got Metro Redux on these newer consoles and to get more people interested in this great franchise.

Autumnal Wanderer
09-17-2014, 01:46 PM
Okay, I played almost 7 hours with the 2033 Redoux, it would be awesome, but I find some strange bugs. First of all, the music is glitching for me, which could kill the atmosphere of the game, because you hear a song which supposed be heard when you stealthing. The NVG is bugged as well, I was so happy when I found it in the Frontline beginning, it was so usefull, but I didn't remembered the bug. Otherwise I love this game, and when it patched it would be my favourite FPS but I still feel a little bit shame because I didn't played the original version.

09-21-2014, 12:33 PM
Played Metro 2033 redux.
Instantly fell in love with it.
SO much better than the original. Better lighting. Better graphics. Better music. SO MUCH BETTER GAMEPLAY!

09-29-2014, 11:19 PM
Pre-ordered the Redux versions of 2033 and LL when first announced on Steam. As I test software, I've only been playing Metro Redux on occasions when I need to do something else other than drive virtual race cars.

I recently finished Metro 2033 Redux and really liked the additions made by 4A as already mentioned in this thread. Survivor Ranger hardcore was slightly easier than I remember...the enemy AI was a lot better than the original version. Spartan hardcore mode was enjoyable too although I prefer the lack of resources in the survivor mode.

Last Light doesn't appear to have changed in a significant way. I'm just about to enter the final chapter I don't mind at all as LL was excellent the first time through. Survivial ranger hardcore playthrough so I'll do the spartan mode next time plus the DLC.

There has been some questions over the loss of effects such as smoke on certain levels at the benefit of better framerates. I've been following the comments on Guru3D and NeoGAF and it does appear some cutback were made. That said, the PC version has extras the consoles don't such as SSAA, Physx and tessellation and to be fair, advanced DOF in the original version of 2033 killed the frame rate. Using the LL engine helped smooth out the odd frame rate drops of the original 2033 release.

What I didn't like was the crashing to desktop and hanging that I've encountered with both 2033 and LL. I'm using an Nvidia GPU (EVGA GTX 680) and haven't experienced Nvidia driver crashes at all until I started playing the Redux versions. The latest driver does help however I still get the occasional crash to desktop. 4A and their reps appear to have disappeared from the Steam forums as well which is very sad too.